[net.graphics] art and comp. graphics Re: Reply by Wm Leler

pauline (02/07/83)


   If nobody has the foggiest idea of what I am trying to say in
   a work of art, then I have triumphed.  I am trying to communicate

                        Wm Leler - UNC Chapel Hill

You've triumphed only if it was your *original intention* to confuse.


P.S.  Personally, this strange loop that you have brought up may
      interest me as a computer scientist, but as an artist I've
      chosen to ignore it completely since my motivations involve
      deriving order from chaos.  Of course, there are those that
      choose to go the other way.

wm (02/08/83)

I seem to have suceeded.

Actually, as many have guessed, the question of what is art
is as old as people wanting to be paid for fooling around
with what they call art.  For an excellent discussion of this
topic, see "History of Art" by Jantzen (I'm sure I spelled
that wrong, book is at home).  You can't miss this book,
all 20 pounds of it.  Full of pretty pictures for the visual
junkies out there.

			Wm Leler - UNC Chapel Hill