[net.graphics] Using C.G. to colour b&w films

elf (03/31/83)

The other day, I caught the tail end of an interesting feature on TV.
It had to do with colouring old black and white films using "computer
graphics techniques".  Since I didn't catch the whole thing, I suspect that
what they meant was that an intelligent paint program was used.  Apparently,
two Canadian companies are colouring old Laurel and Hardy films etc., from
the Hal Roach (sp?) studios.  I saw a short clip of this and was surprised
by the quality.  Does anyone know more about this process, which I believe they
called "Vidcolour", and who does it?  I would like to talk to people involved
with this sort of thing.  Any info would be appreciated.  Please respond
by mail.

		Eugene Fiume
		U. of Toronto