ksbooth@watcgl.UUCP (02/15/84)
Anyone interested in being a student volunteer at SIGGRAPH '84 in Minneapolis should contact the Student Volunteer Coordinator for further information: Lee Anderson University of Minnesota School of Architecture 89 Church Street Southeast Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Student volunteers receive complimentary registration and other conference- related goodies in exchange for working on various jobs on-site to assist the conference committee. Include your name, address and phone number. No, there is no known electronic address.
ksbooth@watcgl.UUCP (02/23/84)
ACM / SIGGRAPH '84 Advance Program Information Eleventh Annual Conference on Computer Graphics & Interactive Techniques Minneapolis, Minnesota July 23-27 The SIGGRAPH '84 Advance Program will be mailed within the next two months. It will contain all information necessary for Advance Registration for this year's conference to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota on July 23-27. Advance Registration is by mail only, and can only be processed using the registration forms included in the SIGGRAPH '84 Advance Program. If you are a member of ACM/SIGGRAPH or IEEE/TC on Computer Graphics you should receive a copy of the Advance Program in the mail. If you are not already on the mailing list you may request a copy of the Advance Program by contacting the following address. SIGGRAPH '84 Conference Office 111 East Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60601, USA (312) 644-6610 Electronic requests for the advanced programs can be sent to the following net address. Requests that do not include all of the information requested cannot be filled. Those that can be filled will receive a copy of the SIGGRAPH '84 Advance Program via the U.S. Postal Service. (Tear Along Dotted Line) ........................................................................... To: decvax!watmath!watbun!sba (University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) Name _____________________________________________________________________ Company ___________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ City ______________________ State/Country ___________ Postal Code _________ Telephone ( ___ ) _______________________________________________________