[net.graphics] Window Manager standard started

andrea@hp-sdd.UUCP (andrea) (01/14/85)

Announcement:  Work beginning on ANSI standard for 

Interest has been expressed by many individuals and companies
for a standard way to manage multiple, simultaneous applications
on a workstation ('windowing').  This has been brought up in
ANSI X3H3 meetings, NCGA TR&S meetings, and at the SIGGRAPH'84
birds-of-a-feather meeting.

Work has begun in X3H3, which may result in a new task group
(under that same committee that brought you GKS, CGM nee VDM,
and is working on VDI).  Companies with an interest in this
field who are not currently members of X3H3 are encouraged
to contribute their expertise!

A draft SD-3 (standard project proposal for a new ANSI standard)
has been drawn up, and is available for your comment.

Please contact:

     Dr. John Butler          
     Systems Engineer, OEM Group
     PO Box 97200
     10700 Northup Way
     Belllevue, WA   98009

     (206) 828-8086               << NOT ON THE NET >>

posted by fellow X3H3 member:

Andrea Frankel, Hewlett-Packard (San Diego Division) (619) 487-4100 x4664
net:  {allegra|ihnp4|decvax|ucbvax}!hplabs!hp-sdd!andrea 

 ...searchlights casting for faults in the clouds of delusion