[net.graphics] Hidden line problem 'solved'?

lee@tty3b.UUCP (1-26-84"Lee Merr 97750) (01/19/85)

<Continental Life... Why do you ask?>

In the Jan. 7 issue of then EE times, there is a mention of the hidden line

"The Evolution Of Software Technology Into A Scientific Discipline"

"Brian Hanratty's solution to the hidden-line problem makes MCS's Anvil 3000
program appear conventionally three-dimensional by removing hidden lines in
2 seconds on a two-dimensional drawing that would otherwise take 4 minutes
using traditional brute-force methods."

The article mentioned that this algorithm appeared about a year ago.  Can
anyone dig up a reference to it, or at least give an outline of the algorithm?


Lee Merrill @ ihnp4!tty3b!lee