[net.graphics] mind you fingers

fournier@Navajo.ARPA (07/31/85)

I mistakingly posted the 3D fBm source to net.graphics instead of net.sources.
My apologies, but since it was for graphics types anyway..
I will in the not too distant future post a 2D version. Note again that
3D means that the program produces a nxnxn matrix of stochastic values. 
As indicated in the source, this is suitable for clouds and fire.
For clouds, a good rendering program is needed (not included).
For more details on possible rendering, check J. Blinn's paper in Siggraph
(83 I think, I don't have my proceedings handy) and J. Kajiya's paper
in last year Siggraph (he refers to the aforementioned paper).
Note also that the random number generation is far from good, and you should
be encouraged to substitute you own.