rhbartels@watcgl.UUCP (Richard Bartels) (09/19/85)
This is a partial reference for ray-tracing literature. It does not include the ray-tracing papers in the proceedings of SIGGRAPH '85, which just came off the press. And, of course, I apologize to anyone whose paper I may have missed. ----------------------- cut here -------------------------------- Amanatides84a Amanatides, John: Ray Tracing with Cones, Computer Graphics -------- -------- 18 -- SIGGRAPH '84 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, 3, July, 1984, -- -- -------- --- ---------- ----------- 129-136. Barr83a Barr, Alan H.: Global and Local Deformations of Solid Primi- tives, in SIGGRAPH'83: State-of-the-Art in Image Synthesis ------------ ---------------- -- ----- --------- Seminar Notes, July, 1983. ------- ----- Cook84a Cook, Robert L., Porter, Thomas, and Carpenter, Loren: Dis- tributed Ray Tracing, Computer Graphics 18 -- SIGGRAPH '84 -------- -------- -- -- -------- --- CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, 3, July, 1984, 137-146. ---------- ----------- Dippe84a Dippe, Mark and Swensen, John: An Adaptive Subdivision Algo- rithm and Parallel Architecture for Realistic Image Syn- thesis, Computer Graphics 18 -- SIGGRAPH '84 CONFERENCE -------- -------- -- -- -------- --- ---------- PROCEEDINGS, 3, July, 1984, 149-158. ----------- Glassner84a Glassner, A. S.: Space Subdivision for Fast Ray Tracing, IEEE Transactions on Computer Graphics and Applications 4, ---- ------------ -- -------- -------- --- ------------ - 10, October, 1984, 15-22. Hall83a Hall, Roy A. and Greenberg, Donald P.: A Testbed for Realis- tic Image Synthesis, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications ---- -------- -------- --- ------------ 3, 8, November, 1983, 10-20. - Hall83b Hall, Roy A.: A Methodology for Realistic Image Synthesis, Masters Thesis, Cornell University, 1983. Hanrahan83a Hanrahan, Patrick: Ray Tracing Algebraic Surfaces, Computer -------- Graphics 17, 3, July, 1983, 83-90. -------- -- Heckbert84a Heckbert, Paul S. and Hanrahan, Patrick: Beam Tracing Polyg- onal Objects, Computer Graphics 18 -- SIGGRAPH '84 CONFER- -------- -------- -- -- -------- --- ------- ENCE PROCEEDINGS, 3, July, 1984, 119-128. ---- ----------- Kajiya82a Kajiya, James T.: Ray Tracing Parametric Patches, Computer -------- Graphics 16, 3, July, 1982, 245-254. -------- -- Kajiya83a Kajiya, James T.: New Techniques for Ray Tracing Procedur- ally Defined Objects, Transactions on Graphics 2, 3, July, ------------ -- -------- - 1983, 161-181. Kajiya84a Kajiya, James T. and Von Herzen, Brian P.: Ray Tracing Volume Densities, Computer Graphics 18 -- SIGGRAPH '84 -------- -------- -- -- -------- --- CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, 3, July, 1984, 165-174. ---------- ----------- Kay79a Kay, Douglas S.: Transparency, Refraction and Ray Tracing for Computer Synthesized Images, Masters Thesis, Cornell University, January, 1979. Roth80a Roth, Scott D.: Ray Casting as a Method for Solid Modeling, General Motors Research Laboratories, GMR-3466 [in SIGGRAPH -------- '81: Seminar on Solid Modeling Notes], 1980. ---- ------- -- ----- -------- ----- Roth82a Roth, Scott D.: Ray Tracing for Modeling Solids, Computer -------- Graphics and Image Processing 18, 1982, 109-144. -------- --- ----- ---------- -- Rubin80a Rubin, Steven M. and Whitted, Turner A.: Three-Dimensional Representation for Fast Rendering of Complex Scenes, Com- ---- puter Graphics 14, 3, 1980, 110-116. ----- -------- -- Sederberg84a Sederberg, Thomas W. and Anderson, David C.: Ray Tracing Steiner Patches, Computer Graphics 18 -- SIGGRAPH '84 -------- -------- -- -- -------- --- CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, 3, July, 1984, 159-164. ---------- ----------- Sweeney84a Sweeney, Michael A. J.: The Waterloo CGL Ray-Tracing Pack- age, Masters Thesis, University of Waterloo, 1984. Weghorst84a Weghorst, Hank, Hooper, Gary, and Greenberg, Donald P.: Improved Computational Methods for Ray Tracing, ACM Transac- --- -------- tions on Graphics 3, 1, January, 1984, 52-69. ----- -- -------- -