[net.graphics] XOR patent

ressler@nbs-amrf.UUCP (Sandy Ressler) (10/16/85)

As I understand the patent process, partly from a patent attorney friend
of mine:  The real trick in getting a patent is to have your claims
extend the prior art but not duplicate some previous patent.  The
novelty or usefullness of the idea is pretty subjective.  A good patent
lawyer will write the patent in a way which claims something which is
not quite present in the previous patents.  

Also getting a patent is the start of a process whereby you the inventor 
would have a basis for a court case against some infringer. 
It is the court case which would determine the real value of the patent.
Many patents are issued and then defeated in court.  It is up to the
patent holder to pursue alleded infringers, otherwise the patent is
simply a piece of paper which says that some patent examiner thinks this
idea/process/thing should get a patent.

Does anyone know if this company has actually tried to collect $$$?