[net.graphics] need stereo viewer for 35mm slides

samadani@Shasta.ARPA (10/27/85)

A friend of mine mentioned that he has heard of inexpensive stereo
viewers for 35mm slides (what I have in mind is something similar to
the ViewMaster, where you put the two slides in and look through two
Does anyone know where I can buy one?

	Ramin Samadani

rl@ucsfcgl.UUCP (Robert Langridge%CGL) (10/27/85)

In article <1467@Shasta.ARPA> samadani@Shasta.UUCP (Ramin Samadani) writes:
>A friend of mine mentioned that he has heard of inexpensive stereo
>viewers for 35mm slides ... where you put the two slides in and look through 
>two lenses.
>Does anyone know where I can buy one?

We use folding cardboard viewers from Taylor-Merchant Corp, New York,
NY, 10036.  Cheap and very satisfactory.

Bob Langridge				...ucbvax!ucsfcgl!rl (UUCP)
Computer Graphics Laboratory			 rl@ucsf-cgl (ARPA)
926 Medical Sciences			         
University of California		     Phone: +1 415 666 2630 
San Francisco  CA  94143		    	    +1 415 666 1540