[net.graphics] SIGGRAPH '86: Major Due Dates

mherman@omnitor.UUCP (Michael Herman) (12/09/85)

Note that the deadlines for the Panel Sessions and Course Sessions
Proposals are approaching.

Panel Sessions          December 20
Course Proposals        December 20

Technical Program       January  24
Art and Installations   March     7
Slides                  April    18
Electronic Theatre      May      16

Michael Herman
Omnibus Computer Graphics Inc.
2180 Yonge St.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada  M4S 2B9

UUCP:   {allegra,decvax,ihnp4,utcsri}!watmath!omnitor!mherman
CSNET:  mherman@omnitor.CSNET
ARPA:   mherman@omnitor.CSNET@csnet-relay.ARPA