[net.emacs] Emacs & Mail

chris.umcp-cs@UDel-Relay (02/10/83)

From:  Chris Torek <chris.umcp-cs@UDel-Relay>

New Mail vs. Old Mail:
We here at Univ. of Maryland have a habit of keeping mail around in
our /usr/spool/mail/$USER files until we've actually done whatever it
is we want to do about it, and don't like having the " Mail" message
if the spool file is nonempty, but only if it is new.  I have a version
of loadst.c that has #ifdef'ed code to do new-mail-only, no-message-
if-your-mail-is-old if anyone wants that.

I have a mailer written entirely in mlisp (extremely slow!) that handles
Berkeley format mail, that looks very similar to ucbmail.  It works with
uucp, and calls delivermail, etc. etc.  I am occasionally working on a
mail interface to MMDF with lots of nice features.  (The reader works,
so far; I haven't implemented reply or send yet.)  It is partially in C
so it's considerably faster than my old Berserkeley mailer.  One thing
in particular that it has is inclusion of mail that arrived since you
started -- the 'a' command appends any new mail.  I've occasionally run
"mail" 6 or 7 times in a row because "New mail has arrived" after each
exit.  Anyway, if anyone wants either one, I can send it (in the case of
the MMDF mailer, after I've finished it).