[net.emacs] Gosling's Emacs and VT100s

coar.UMass-ECE@UDel-Relay (04/02/83)

From:  the Golux <coar.UMass-ECE@UDel-Relay>

We run Gosling's Emacs here at UMass, where virtually every terminal is
a VT100 running at 9600 bd. (Actually, they are now 4800, but were 9600
for two years.) We encountered no problems. The only problems we've
encountered deal with the new VT1xx series (VT131, 101, 102, &c.), which
do too much buffering - which throws multiple ^S and ^Qs into the
buffer. There is a fix coming out for this in June (reported from DEC).

I have had no problem with VT100s and Emacs at any speed.
By the way: If it matters, we run VMS V3.2 here, NOT UN*X. Mebbe the
terminal drivers have a deeper meaning on one of these OS's?
