[net.emacs] CCA EMACS pricing

z (04/17/83)

Since the question has arisen, I thought I should clarify the pricing
policies for CCA EMACS.

The price for a single CPU license is $850; additional CPU's are $680
each.  For machines designed to support four or fewer users, the price
is $475 for the first CPU and $380 for each additional CPU.  Educational
institutions get a flat $350 rate for each CPU of any type.  These are
full source licenses.

Although CCA EMACS doesn't yet have an extension language, the existing
keyboard macro library facility is quite powerful.  For example, one of
users has used it to make his EMACS automatically come up looking just
like EDT.  Nevertheless, there is no substitute for a full extension
language, and such a language is in the works.  It will be a true small
Lisp, including such niceties as garbage collection.  A large amount of
work has already been done on it, although not much since our marketing
department took over direction of EMACS a few months ago.  They plan to
continue funding the extension language as soon as EMACS starts
generating revenue, which should be very soon as we are about to start
shipping out tapes.  The priority that the extension language gets
depends on the demand that our marketing department perceives exists for
it.  If you would be interested in buying CCA EMACS if it had an
extension language, please send me a message saying so.  If I can
deliver a whole pile of such messages to our marketing department, I
assure you that they will become very interested in getting the
extension language finished and out the door soon.

We do not intend to raise the price of CCA EMACS once the extension
language is released.  For existing CCA EMACS customers, it will be
available at the normal update charge of $300; this one charge will
cover all currently licensed CPU's.

As some people know, actual distribution of CCA EMACS has been held up
for several months by our legal department, who was taking all this time
drawing up the licenses.  They finally finished the licenses on Friday,
and we have begun mailing them out.  There's quite a backlog, so it may
take a couple of weeks to get forms to everyone who requested them.
However, the major bottleneck has been cleared, so tapes should be going
out soon to all who want them.

	Steve Zimmerman