ray@othervax.UUCP (10/17/84)
C+ mode for Emacs (Gosling/Unipress flavour) has been posted to net.sources. The C+ Emacs mode is a powerful assistant when inputting and editing C programs. It is easily configured to suit your own pet layout format (or the one imposed on you), and automatically inserts line feeds and indentations where specified. Unlike existing C modes, the indentation algorithm produces a correct indentation dependant upon the preceding lines of code. In most cases when C+ indents to an un-expected position, it means that you have a syntax error on an earlier line! I am currently in the process of changing employers to one with a VAX but not on the net (horrors). Mail sent to the below net address will still reach me, but I will not be able to reply until I get the other site onto the net (shortly). PLEASE SEND YOUR COMMENTS - POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE. I will respond whenever I can, however for the time being treat all 'bugs' as features! Best of luck to everyone, over 50 requests were received, so there is an obvious gap which I hope C+ adequately fills. Ray Dunn. Montreal. Current net address: ...decvax!linus!philabs!micomvax!othervax!ray CanadaPost address: Ray Dunn 62 Midland Avenue Beaconsfield. Quebec. H9W 4P1 Telephone: (514) 694 4605