gertjan@txsil.UUCP (01/02/85)
A short while ago I sent out a message that I would like to make public the JOVE-EMACS sources. However, I am not sure that I am allowed to, and being a nice person, but very strict on licensing, I decided NOT to put it in net.sources. Reasons: 1. The sources hold functions directly taken from ex/vi 2. The original author is unclear. But Jonathan Payne is hard to reach, if he himself send me some kind of approval I might do it still. However, don't despair, send me a copy of your Unix license (Version 7 or up) and your address and media (9-track) to put it on and I am very happy to send it you. Please send the license and tape to Gertjan Vinkesteyn SIL 7500 W Camp Wisdom Rd Dallas TX 75236 tel: (214) 298-3331 : gertjan vinkesteyn, SIL DALLAS ..{allegra,ctvax,ihnp4,rice,uiucds,unmvax}!convex!smu!txsil!gertjan