[net.emacs] undigestify function

dms@hermes.AI.MIT.EDU (02/10/86)

From: dms@hermes.AI.MIT.EDU (David M. Siegel)
Does anyone have a function to undigestify a mail digest? That is, to
take a digest of mail messages and break them into individual
messages, the way emacs and dec-20's do.


sjk@sri-unix.ai.mit.edu (02/10/86)

From: Scott J. Kramer <sjk@sri-unix.ai.mit.edu>
Load undigest (it's supplied with the distribution), then run the
undigestify-rmail-message function (there are no args).  It needs
debugging to work on "non-standard" digest formats.


israel@brillig.umd.edu (02/11/86)

From: Bruce Israel <israel@brillig.umd.edu>

   From: dms@hermes.AI.MIT.EDU (David M. Siegel)

   Does anyone have a function to undigestify a mail digest? That is, to
   take a digest of mail messages and break them into individual
   messages, the way emacs and dec-20's do.

I've got a rmail function that doesn't undigestify a mail message, but
moves to the next sub-message in a digest, putting it's header at the
top of the window.  I have it bound to 'G' (like in 'rn').    It's a
pretty short function if anyone wants it.
