sasaki@harvard.ARPA (Marty Sasaki) (03/29/85)
I have been sort of appointed as coordinator for GNU EMACS on VMS systems. If you are interested in helping with a port to VMS, then please let me know. If you are interested in the results, that would be useful too. I think that the initial effort will result in a set of diff's that will get distributed via net.sources (or mod.sources). Any ideas about this are also welcome. Please respond via mail. Let's keep the traffic in news to announcements and such. -- ---------------- Marty Sasaki net: sasaki@harvard.{arpa,uucp} Havard University Science Center phone: 617-495-1270 One Oxford Street Cambridge, MA 02138
sasaki@harvard.ARPA (Marty Sasaki) (06/22/85)
I am sad to say that I do not have a working version of GNU EMACS for VMS. I am working on the port as are several other groups around the country. When I have finished the port, or when one of the other groups finishes their port, I will post a message and make the source available for FTP. I will also be happy to deal with tapes. Again, I do not have a port of GNU EMACS for VMS. Please refrain from asking me for a copy of something that I don't have. I am as anxious as everyone else to get GNU EMACS running on VMS. I have been using it on UNIX systems, and find it superior to other versions of EMACS. I will be happy to continue distributing the UNIX version. I try to get the latest versions to Harvard as RMS makes them available. Marty Sasaki (sasaki@harvard) -- ---------------- Marty Sasaki net: sasaki@harvard.{arpa,uucp} Havard University Science Center phone: 617-495-1270 One Oxford Street Cambridge, MA 02138
sasaki@harvard.ARPA (08/21/85)
From: sasaki@harvard.ARPA (Marty Sasaki) I am working on this and have gotten a bit farther than you have. We have already written a fair number of UNIX routines while doing other ports. I had hoped to have a working copy available for testing now, but due to personal problems (I had to move) this has been pushed off into September some time. Marty Sasaki (sasaki@harvard)
cabral@lll-crg.ARPA (08/21/85)
From: Brian Cabral <cabral@lll-crg.ARPA> If you need any help let me know!! I am somewhat of a VMS/UNIX hack. B.c.
sasaki@harvard.ARPA (Marty Sasaki) (09/29/85)
Here is some news on the VMS GNU Emacs project. I've finally managed to get most of the beginning-of-term/install- VMS-4.2/install-cluster-hardware/expand-decnet/purchase-laser-printer/ find-laser-printer-software/and-other-stuff-I-can't-remember mess that I've been in for the past 4 weeks or so. It is now time to pursue VMS GNU Emacs in earnest. I've received offers to help from the following people: Todd Aven (manager@umdhep.bitnet) Brian Cabral ( Kevin Carosso (engvax! George Carrette (lost your address, could you send it to me?) Nigel (nrh@lznv.uucp) Eric Stern ( John Zoll ( Anyone else interested in helping with the GNU Emacs on VMS project should contact me as soon as possible. Don't be bashful, even if you don't have much system hacking experience, you can help out. There are both hard and easy things to do, and there is a lot of code that needs modifying. Details, assignments, etc., will go out very soon. I've decided to scrap my early efforts and start fresh. with a little organization, this should all be done very soon. I've been considering setting up a info-gnu-emacs-vms mailing list which would allow talking about implementation issues, initially, and problems and suggestions about VMS GNU Emacs in general once things get rolling. Is anyone interested? Does anyone have software to do mail redistribution and such?-- ---------------- Marty Sasaki net: sasaki@harvard.{arpa,uucp} Havard University Science Center phone: 617-495-1270 One Oxford Street Cambridge, MA 02138
jorge@arizona.UUCP (Jorge OchoaLions) (09/29/85)
> From: Brian Cabral <cabral@lll-crg.ARPA> > > If you need any help let me know!! I am somewhat of a VMS/UNIX > hack. > > B.c. I have tried to contact Brian Cabral, but the address given is not reachable I am very interested in a VMS version of GNU Emacs, anybody willing to give me any hints, leads or info ? Please send info to Jorge Ochoa-Lions ( ihnp4!arizona!jorge ) 6161 E. Gran#2416 Tucson, Az 85712 USnail is fine if you have problems with Electronic Mail as I have !
larry@JPL-VLSI.ARPA (12/19/85)
From: larry@JPL-VLSI.ARPA Does anyone have a VMS version of GNU Emacs? I believe Sasaki @ Harvard was working on this back in September. Anybody else? Larry @ jpl-vlsi
martillo@mit-trillian.MIT.EDU (Yakim Martillo) (03/23/86)
Last Wednesday, Marty Sasaki, Mukesh Prasad and I brought up VMS GNU Emacs up and Harvard. The version is GNU Emacs 17.51 and we will upgrade this version as fast as possilbe to 17.55. I believe Marty Sasaki will set up the machine harvard as a site for ftp distribution. I will try to bring the source over to prep sometime today. I would have informed people sooner but mail at Athena is totally messed up as far as I can tell. Mukesh Prasad did most of the work for this hack. Mukesh is formerly from Dec, CG and Yale and is currently a principle developer at Network Switching Systems (NSS) and he works on the Network Information Management System (NIMS). NSS is producing a digital voice/data/video vT1 switch for wide area networking (WAN) and connection to private T1 carriers. This switch will dynamically allocate bandwitch and intelligently keeps track of network configuration and network routing. Since NSS maded available the equipment on which Mukesh executed his hack and because NSS's far-sighted management gave us know trouble in releasing VMS Gnu Emacs to the world, people who needed WAN capabilities should think of NSS first. NSS constantly improves the work environment via system interconnectivity and software excellence. "The switch is on." Joachim Carlo Santos Martillo