jrc (02/03/83)
CanNet Site Directory - J.R. Cordy (utcsrgv!jrc) - 19 January 1982 The following is a list of known UUCP sites on the CanNet mail net and their shortest known mail path from utcsrgv. The listing is in roughly east to west order. INSTITUTE MACHINE PATH FROM UTCSRGV ********* ******* ***************** University of Toronto Computer Systems Research Group VAX/780 utcsrgv Department of Zoology 11/44 utzoo Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Group 11/34 uteecg Department of Electrical Engineeering, TORNET 11/23 utornet Faculty of Engineering, Engineering Computing Facility VAX/780 utecfa Computing Centre, Computing Disciplines VAX/750 utcstvax Computing Centre, Computing Disciplines VAX/780 utcstvax!utcstv2 Computing Centre, Computer Services Systems Group/ Department of Statistics 11/70 utcsstat Computing Centre, Computer Services Systems Group 11/23 utcsstat!utcss Human Computing Resources Corporation, Toronto PDP-11/44 hcr Trigraph Limited, Toronto trigraph Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine, Toronto PDP-11/70 dciem University of Waterloo Faculty of Mathematics, Teaching VAX/780 watmath Faculty of Arts, Arts Computing Office 11/34 watmath!watarts Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Graphics Laboratory VAX/780 watmath!watcgl Faculty of Mathematics, Symbolic Computation and Telidon Research VAX/780 watmath!watdaisy Faculty of Engineering VLSI/CADCAM VAX watmath!wateng Computer Communications Networks Group 11/45 watmath!ccnga Computer Communications Networks Group 11/45 watmath!ccnga!ccngd University of Saskatchewan Academic Computing Services 11/70 sask Deparment of Physics, Linear Accelerator Laboratory 11/55 sask!slinac Department of Computational Science VAX/750 sask!kimnovax College of Engineering VAX/780 sask!engvax Department of Computational Science/ Academic Computing Services VAX/780 sask!maxvax Hospital Systems Studies Group, Saskatoon PDP-11/40 sask!hssg40 Develcon Electronics, Saskatoon PDP-11/60 sask!dvlcn University of Alberta Department of Computing Science VAX/780 ubc-vision!alberta Department of Computing Science 11/45 ubc-vision!alberta!cathy Department of Computing Science 11/60 ubc-vision!alberta! maligne Computing Services MTS 580/5680 (mail only) ubc-vision!alberta!mts Athabasca University Computing Centre VAX ubc-vision!alberta!auvax Simon Fraser University Computing Science Laboratory VAX/750 ubc-vision!sfucmpt University of British Columbia Department of Computer Science, Laboratory for Computational Vision VAX ubc-vision Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Genetics VAX/750 ubc-vision!ubc-medgen Microtel Pacific Research, Vancouver ubc-vision!mprvaxa University of Victoria Computing Centre VAX/780 ubc-vision!mprvaxa! uvicctr Deparment of Arctic Research 11/44 ubc-vision!mprvaxa! uvicctr!uvicar *************************************************************************