[can.general] Updated CanNet Directory

jrc (02/03/83)

CanNet Site Directory - J.R. Cordy (utcsrgv!jrc) - 19 January 1982

The following is a list of known UUCP sites on the
CanNet mail net and their shortest known mail path from utcsrgv.
The listing is in roughly east to west order.

*********	*******				  *****************

University of Toronto
	Computer Systems Research Group VAX/780		utcsrgv
	Department of Zoology 11/44			utzoo
	Department of Electrical Engineering,
		Computer Group 11/34			uteecg
	Department of Electrical Engineeering,
		TORNET 11/23				utornet
	Faculty of Engineering,
		Engineering Computing Facility VAX/780	utecfa
	Computing Centre, 
		Computing Disciplines VAX/750		utcstvax
	Computing Centre, 
		Computing Disciplines VAX/780		utcstvax!utcstv2
	Computing Centre,
		Computer Services Systems Group/
		Department of Statistics 11/70		utcsstat
	Computing Centre,
		Computer Services Systems Group 11/23	utcsstat!utcss

Human Computing Resources Corporation, Toronto
		PDP-11/44				hcr

Trigraph Limited, Toronto				trigraph

Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine,
		Toronto PDP-11/70			dciem

University of Waterloo
	Faculty of Mathematics, Teaching VAX/780	watmath
	Faculty of Arts,
		Arts Computing Office 11/34		watmath!watarts
	Faculty of Mathematics,
		Computer Graphics Laboratory VAX/780	watmath!watcgl
	Faculty of Mathematics, Symbolic Computation
		and Telidon Research VAX/780		watmath!watdaisy
	Faculty of Engineering VLSI/CADCAM VAX		watmath!wateng
	Computer Communications Networks Group 11/45	watmath!ccnga
	Computer Communications Networks Group 11/45	watmath!ccnga!ccngd

University of Saskatchewan
	Academic Computing Services 11/70		sask
	Deparment of Physics, 
		Linear Accelerator Laboratory 11/55	sask!slinac
    	Department of Computational Science VAX/750	sask!kimnovax
     	College of Engineering VAX/780			sask!engvax
     	Department of Computational Science/
		Academic Computing Services VAX/780	sask!maxvax

Hospital Systems Studies Group, Saskatoon
	PDP-11/40					sask!hssg40

Develcon Electronics, Saskatoon
	PDP-11/60					sask!dvlcn

University of Alberta
	Department of Computing Science VAX/780		ubc-vision!alberta
	Department of Computing Science 11/45		ubc-vision!alberta!cathy
	Department of Computing Science 11/60		ubc-vision!alberta!
	Computing Services MTS 580/5680	(mail only)	ubc-vision!alberta!mts

Athabasca University
	Computing Centre VAX				ubc-vision!alberta!auvax

Simon Fraser University
	Computing Science Laboratory VAX/750		ubc-vision!sfucmpt

University of British Columbia
	Department of Computer Science, Laboratory
		for Computational Vision VAX		ubc-vision
	Faculty of Medicine,
		Department of Medical Genetics VAX/750	ubc-vision!ubc-medgen

Microtel Pacific Research, Vancouver			ubc-vision!mprvaxa

University of Victoria
	Computing Centre VAX/780			ubc-vision!mprvaxa!
	Deparment of Arctic Research 11/44		ubc-vision!mprvaxa!
