[can.general] Taxes

chris (02/08/83)

	Is a Licquor Tax 'fair'?

	A recent submission to this group seems to suggest that
taxing the hell out of licquor is alright, because that tax impinges
more on the rich than on the poor.
	This is a great way to justify a tax (it's progressive, therefore
it must be good!). Actually, the only reason it works on booze is because
so many people in this province were brought up to see drinking as a
just-barely-forbidden pleasure. In my opinion, however, the large taxes
have made it impossible for people on lower incomes to enjoy good wines,
good licquers (sp?), et cetera, in this province.
	Of course, the first thing a fascist will think is, "So, those
scum/plebes/unwashed can't appreciate that good booze anyway". Which
only exposes their arrogance.
	Another argument is that this money would have to be raised by
taxes on other items. Of course, this money is going to be spent on
bailing out the ridiculously uncompetetive auto industry, or on building
lodges on mercury-polluted watersheds, or on subsidizing urban transit
vehicules that don't have drivers (whopee!), or on developing special
computers for classroom use (a project that is semi-officially dead after
consuming lots of money and throwing off useless ideas).

		- (This should get some responses, anyway).
		Chris Retterath.