[can.general] new datapac information service

derek@sask.UUCP (Derek Andrew) (01/22/84)

For those interested in datapac, there is a new datapac information
service available.  You connect to this online service by calling
your local datapac number (usually both 300 and 1200 bps supported)
and asking for address '92100086,a'.  If you have your own datapac
service, be sure to reverse the charges.  The following information
was pulled off of the old information service.

a new datapac information system has been developed and
is now available for use.  additional information on
the new system will be distributed to you via datapac
user bulletin.

the new system is resident in the inet database and is
still undergoing minor modifications.

the french version of the directory has not been released,
pending further translation of its contents.  you will be
informed of its release date.

access procedures:

the access procedures for the new system are as follows:

network address:



this new system is menu driven (item selective) and is
structured in 3 levels as follows:

   category (level 1)

   the list of categories appears automatically when a user
   logs on to the system.  it provides a breakdown of the
   main areas which are available for viewing.

   service (level 2)

   the service level is a further breakdown or sub-group
   of each category.

   details (level 3)

   the details level provides the user with all the
   information associated with the specific category
   and service he has selected.


   (#)                 - list of services in that category
   (cr)                - next page of categories
   first               - first page of categories
   next (#)            - advance # of pages of categories
   previous (#)        - back up # of pages of categories
   redisplay           - to see previous display
   up                  - return to the level above
   access (service)    - to connect to a service by name
   top                 - return to a category level
   help                - information on that command

enter r to redisplay your current directory page.

selecting multiple items:

in order to access another service or category, a user must
go back up to the service or category level.  to select a
new category after reading the details pages associated with
a specific category and service, use the "top" command.  if
you wish to return only to the "service" level, use the
"up" command.