[can.general] Advanced C Programming Course, Vancouver, Aug. 15,16,22,23

pajari@winston.UUCP (George Pajari) (08/07/86)

                    Advanced C Programming

Description: A four-day intensive course on advanced C.

             This course is a complete rewrite of the
	     advanced C programming course which has
	     been successfully taught for several years
	     privately and through UBC Continuing Education.

When:        August 15, 16, 22, 23,  1986

Where:       Robson Square Media Center, Vancouver

NOTE:        Pre-registration is required; contact
             Carolanne Reynolds at 926-UNIX (926-8649).

Audience:    C programmers with at least three month's experience

Objective:   To add the equivalent of three year's experience

Instructor:  George Pajari
             - independent consultant in UNIX and C
             - ten years experience with C
             - has taught for several years both privately,
               at UBC Continuing Ed, and at AT&T Bell Labs.
             - conducts a tutorial every year at the /usr/group
               UniForum conference.
Outline:     Part I - Language Review (including ANSI extensions)

              1. Lexical Elements
              2. Expressions
              3. Declarations
              4. Statements
              5. Functions
              6. Preprocessor
              7. Library functions

             Part II - Advanced Topics

              8. C Style and Idiom
              9. Portability
             10. Structures and Unions
             11. Pointers
             12. Efficiency
             13. Common Problems
             14. Commercial Libraries and Tools
             15. C, Standards, and the Future
             16. Special Techniques

Notes:       Students are provided with a complete set of course notes
	     including copies of all overhead transparencies (well
	     over 200) as well as related documents and a copy of the
	     most recent ANSI Draft C Language Standard.

For further information, contact:

                Carolanne Reynolds
                Clarendon Datex Ltd.,
                2545 Queens Avenue
                West Vancouver, BC
                V7V 2Y9

                (604) 926-UNIX (926-8649)