mouse@mcgill-vision.UUCP (der Mouse) (07/12/87)
There is a mailing list in existence for discussing the extension of the US ARPA Internet into Canada. This list has been running for some time, and it occurred to me that it would be reasonable to gateway it into normal usenet newsgroups, presumably under `can'. Does anyone have any strong feelings one way or the other? If not, or if the feeling seems to be one of approval, I will probably set up gateway software to forward things both ways (assuming, of course, that I don't hear too much in the way of screams from my suggestion to this effect on the mailing list). I was thinking of setting up a moderated group, the moderator address being the mailing list, with stuff from the mailing list being fed into usenet here at mcgill-vision (here rather than at the source because the source is at MIT and hence can't feed stuff into can-distribution newsgroups). Name? Well, the list is called can-inet and it has two ancillary lists can-inet-hackers and can-inet-sources; I would suggest can.inet, can.inet.hackers, and can.inet.sources. Good? Bad? Comments? der Mouse (mouse@mcgill-vision.uucp)