[can.general] CA Subdomain Registration Procedure for UUCP Sites

rayan@ai.toronto.edu.UUCP (11/23/87)

		CA Subdomain Registration Procedure for UUCP Sites
			Updated November 22, 1987

Please read and understand the following documents (in recommended order):

	The Canadian Domain: Introduction to CA
	CA Subdomain Application Instructions
	CA Subdomain Registration Questions and Answers
	CA Subdomain Registration Procedure for UUCP Sites

The first two of these documents are generic and distributed to all sites.
The last two are specific to the UUCP community. After you read the
instructions and procedures in this document, follow the instructions in
the Application Instructions document in preparing your application, and
the instructions here in submitting it.

To submit your application, you must transmit your application form by
electronic mail to the registry address given below. At the same time, you
must prepare a check for the registration fee, and mail it along with a
paper copy of your application to the postal address given below. Identify
your organization on the check. No cover letter is necessary.

The annual registration fee is $50. The check must be made payable to
"University of Toronto". Other forms of payment are strongly discouraged.
Payment must be processed within 2 months of submission of the application
form by electronic mail. If no payment has been received at that time, the
application and the registered subdomain name will be retracted and all
tables purged of information related to the subdomain.

You will be notified when the registration process is complete (including
distribution of routing information pertaining to your subdomain).  After
this notification, you are free to make use of your new domain name.  Any
use prior to this is not sanctioned, and will carry much greater risk of
lost mail.  At all times, maintaining connectivity and reachability of
your subdomain will be the responsibility of your organization.  Certain
connectivity information can only be affected by the CA authority, or the
UUCP map coordinator for Canada.  The registration process will include
any necessary activity in this regard, through the UUCP liaison to the CA
authority. If any of the information in the subdomain application is
outdated, it is your responsibility to take appropriate action.

The application form you submit will be transformed into a UUCP map entry
for the domain map files. This entry will only change when the application
form itself is updated or renewed. Connectivity information must be given
in map entries corresponding to the gateway hosts of your organization.
You are very strongly encouraged to submit updated UUCP map entries of this
type coincident with your subdomain application.  If they are to take effect
immediately, they should be sent directly to the UUCP map coordinator for
Canada, at the address path@ai.toronto.edu (aka: path@utai.uucp). Otherwise
they may be submitted along with your application form, to be distributed
when your registration is completed.

Note that you must fill out the forwarders section completely. If you only
include a UUCP forwarder, there is no guarantee or commitment that mail from
non-UUCP networks will find its way to you. It is your responsibility to
track down and obtain agreement from the administrator of a host on another
network, to act as a forwarder for your subdomain. The requirements of a
forwarder includes that they must know what to do with mail coming in destined
for your subdomain. There may be mechanisms in place to do default routing
properly from other networks, but do not assume so unless you read an
announcement to that effect. In addition to permanently modifying its own
tables, the forwarder may need to distribute routing information on its own
network. It is your responsibility to ensure this happens. For an Internet
forwarder, the UUCP CA Registry will arrange for the appropriate information
to be distributed on the Internet, through the CA authority.

If you have questions or concerns in connection with submitting an application,
feel free to enquire at the addresses given below.

Rayan Zachariassen

Send application forms and other correspondence by Electronic Mail to:

	registry@ai.toronto.edu, or registry@utai.uucp

Annual fees should be mailed, following the directions above, to:

	CA Registry
	Computer Systems Research Institute
	Sandford Fleming Building, Room 2002
	10 King's College Road
	University of Toronto
	Toronto, Ontario
	M5S 1A4