[can.general] CSCSI '88

jonathan@alberta.UUCP (12/04/87)

                               CSCSI '88
              Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference

                       Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
                            6-10 June 1988
                          In Conjunction With
             Graphics Interface '88 & Vision Interface '88

   CSCSI '88 is the seventh biennial conference on Artificial Intel-

   Conference Program
   % Knowledge Representation           % Robotics
   % Natural Language Understanding     % Knowledge Acquisition/Maintenance
   % Perception (Vision, Touch, Speech) % Cognitive Modelling
   % Expert Systems & Applications      % Social Aspects of AI
   % Reasoning (Formal & Qualitative)   % Architectures & Language
   % Learning                           % Applications

   Invited Speakers
   Wolfgang Bible, U.B.C., Geoffrey Hinton, University  of  Toronto,
   Renato  de  Mori,  McGill, David Lowe, U.B.C., David Etherington,
   Bell Labs, NJ, Charles Morgan, University of Victoria

   Program Committee
   Nick Cercone & Robert Woodham, Program Chairmen
   James Allen, Bill Bregar, Roger Browse,  Terry  Caelli,  Veronica
   Dahl,  Jim  Delgrande,  Renato  de Mori, David Etherington, Randy
   Goebel, Bill Havens, Alan Jepson, Marlene  Jones,  James  Little,
   Alan  Mackworth,  Gordon  McCalla,  John Mylopoulos, Peter Patel-
   Schneider, Dick Peacocke, Pavid Poole, Larry Rendell,  Len  Schu-
   bert, & Steve Tanimoto.

   Sponsored by:
   Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence

   For more information:   Wayne A. Davis, General Chairman
                           CONFERENCE '88
                           Department of Computing Science
                           University of Alberta
                           Edmonton, Alberta CANADA  T6G 2H1
                           Tel: 403-432-3976