steve@yunccn.UUCP (Steve McGillis) (05/18/88)
Hon. Bill McKnight, Min. of Ind.& Nrthrn. Affs. Confederation Bldg. House of Commns. Ottawa, Ont. Dear Sir I met Mary Bernard of York University's Faculty of Environmental Studies in Toronto, who seems interested in my Theory of "Twinning". Twinning is a system wherby one town is linked to another by a communications Network. I'm familiar with it's application as practiced in East England and Germany. Indian and Canadian Communities could benifit, if the system is care - fully implemented with input from both sides. Understanding and the removal of prejudices can lead to respect and friendship. AREAS WHERE TWINNING COULD WORK 1 Environmental and Indian settlements could work together on environmental concerns. 2 Native Communities developing Enterprises and Industry could benifit from experience of local Chamber of Commerces. 3 Exchange visits between communities to enjoy cultural events. 4 Sport competitions between schools could be enhanced. 5 Exchange vacations where white sportsmen & natives could spend time together on an activity 6 Exchange visits to workshops and demonstrations in each other's community 7 Student exchanges similiar to local Rotary Club efforts could be developed. Native & White children could experience their cultural differences with more understanding. These are only a few examples where the concept could have impact. The long and short of it is, through sharing, exchanging ideas and developing friendship we can make Canada more "whole" and united. I would like to meet and discuss these ideas with you. I would also welcome any opportunity of assistance in implementing them. I believe the N.C.C.N. project developed by York University an excellent role model. Now is the time to include the white communities to the Network and the Twinning concept immplemented. The cost of such a system is relatively low and the savings in the future could be enormous. Sincerly Mindi P. Johnston - Houghton N.B. This letter is a shortened and slightly revised version of the original. S.R.M. STEPHEN R. McGILLIS yunccn!steve