[can.general] Wed 8 June /usr/group/cdn meeting: Open Software Foundation

usrgroup@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu (Peter Renzland) (06/06/88)

          /usr/group/cdn  --  "The Canadian Network of Unix Users"

                            Meeting Announcement

                                 Tom Vassos
                                 IBM Canada

will speak on the "Open Software Foundation", a recently  formed  consortium
of  seven  major  hardware vendors (including IBM and DEC, to "advance stan-
dards" and to "establish an open software environment" based on Unix.

There will be knowledgeable representatives from DEC, HP, Nixdorf and  other
interested  corporations,  as  well as concerned Unix system users.  You may
wish to review the lively discussion on OSF in comp.unix.wizards, especially
the articles by John Mashey, May 28th, and Henry Spencer, May 29th.

This should be an interesting meeting.  Please come early for a seat, and do
bring your questions.

[I am (re)posting the OSF press announcement in comp.org.usrgroup]

Date:   Wednesday, 8 June, 1987
Time:   18:15
Place:  The Metro TORONTO Board of Trade, 3rd Floor, First Canadian Place

        (Look for the Board of Trade private elevators in the North-East
        corner of The First Canadian Place, enter from Adelaide, near Bay.
	Allow at least 15 minutes to find the elevators.)
        Subway: King St. (Commerce Court Exit), St. Andrew, or Union Stn

Program: (approximate times)
        1815-1845  Presentation
        1845-1900  Official Business, Members' Questions
                   Conclusion of Formal Meeting
        1900-1915  (B-R-E-A-K), OPEN MIKE, Refreshments
        1915-2000* QUESTIONS and ANSWERS on OSF 
		   (* good meetings often last until 2100 ...)

Free.  *All* Unix users are welcome.  You don't have to be a member.

	/usr/group/cdn is a Unix user group and non-profit trade associ-
	ation.   General  member meetings are on the second Wednesday of
	each month.  There are  also  monthly  workshops  for  technical
	users,  various  publications,  an  annual  conference and trade
	show, and various mutual help services.

Peter Renzland   usrgroup@utgpu 416/964-9141
/usr/group/cdn   office: 241 Gamma St  ETOBICOKE Ont    M8W 4G7 416/259-8122