[can.general] The Survival Gathering - An Anarchist Un-Convention

matthew@syntron.UUCP ( Continuum SysAdmin) (06/09/88)

A-Survival-Gathering * Toronto, July 1-4, 1988
          Phone - (416) 536-2514
From July 1st thru 4th there will be a unconvertion is Toronto, some people
have asked me for more information as I am one oe people that is helping
to put this thing together....This information is from the mail out. Should 
you want more information, please don't hesitate to E-Mail me. My address
is at the bottem of this posting.

In the native tradition from which we draw much - a Survival Gathering
is a coming together of a variety of forces. This is what we would like to 
see the Gathering be - a coming together of the disparate tendencies, 
collectives and communities that currently constiute a loose anarchist 
movement throughout North America. We do not seek a false harmony, but 
hope that people will come together in a spirit of dialogue and resistance 
so that we can leave better prepared for the struggles ahead.
The main site for the Gathering is the 519 Church St. Community Centre, which,
as the name suggests, is located at 519 Church.
At present we have about 47 or so confirmed workshops that cover a wide varity
of topics:
Discussion Groups;
Strategies in the Anarchist Movement
Eco Feminism
The Politics of Midwifery
Middle East AntiWar
Youth Liberation
Anarchist Ideas and Methods in the Mainstream
Worker Ownerd/Run Industry
Resistance Culture
Using Scrap Waste
Wimmins Self Defence
Street Thratre
Subversive Arts
If you require more information, please call the number above and ask that a 
mail out be sent, or E-mail me at:

*      Matthew Arbeid      *  matthew@syntron.uucp       *   Sun's Comming Up  *
*      95 Pears Avenue     *  matthew@utgpu.uucp         *   Like a Big Bald   *
*      Toronto, Ontario    *  matthew@continuum.uucp     *   Head...           *
*      Canada, M5R 1S9     *                             *      L. Anderson    *