lake@alberta.UUCP (Robert Lake) (09/15/88)

			    CIPS EDMONTON '88

			   November 15-17, 1988
			Convention Centre, Edmonton

CHAOS INTO ORDER is the theme of the Sixth Annual CIPS Edmonton Computer
Conference, sponsored jointly by the Edmonton Section of CIPS and the
Department of Computing Science of the University of Alberta.  The confer-
ence will examine methods, tools and organizational approaches for bringing
order to areas of information processing that are currently facing rapid
growth and evolution, and implicitly, potential chaos.
The main streams of the conference will be data management, communications
management, and systems and software management.  A common thread running
through these streams will be the application of computer-aided software
engineering (CASE) as an ordering principle.

This conference will bring together both academic and business speakers,
providing a unique blend of theoretical and practical viewpoints.  The
conference will present such internationally recognized personalities as
futurist and visionary with APPLE COMPUTER.


Larry Ellison		Safe Computing in Modern Times

Alan Kay		Point of View is Worth 80 IQ Points -
			The User Interface as an Amplifier of
			Human Endeavor

Bruce Barnes		The Software Productivity Consortium
			and its Reuse Programs

Bill Davis		Open Systems Communications Protocol,
			Conformance Testing

Daniel Fishman		Object-Oriented Database Systems

John Friedline		Standardization of Hardware Systems
			Leading to Productivity Improvements

Barbara Liskov		Communication in the Mercury System

Christina McGill	Keeping Chaos in Order

Dave Rappaport		Telecommunications Today

Brian Reid		Chaos is actually a pretty good thing if you
			compare it to many of the alternatives

Mayer Schwartz		Hypertext for Software Development
			Environment - A Critique

Paul Sorenson		The First Generation CASE Tools:  All Form
			but Little Substance

Liba Svobodova		Implementing OSI Systems

Gordon Vanderbrug	Rose of CASE in Software Engineering

Maarten van Emden	Towards a Convivial Tool for Intellectual

Richard Wiener		Object Based Approach to Software

M. Tamer Ozsu		Distributed Database Systems - A
			Reason for Chaos or a Vehicle for Order?


		DAY 1 - NOVEMBER 15th, 1988

8:30-12 AM	1. "Productivity Payback"
		   Peat Marvick
		   CIPS Day National Seminar

		3. "Providing Reliable and Efficient Transport
		   Service in Computer Network"
		   Liba Svobodova
		   IBM Zurich Research Lab

		5. "How to build End-User Interfaces"
		   Nathaniel S. Borenstein
		   Carnegie-Mellon University

1-4:30 PM	2. "Automated Support for Database Design"
		   Dr. David Reiner
		   Lotus Development Corporation

		4. "The Software Engineering Strategies Scenario"
		   Peter Levine
		   Gartner Group

		6. "Planning and Managing A Corporate Network Utility"
		   Wayne A. Hall and Robert E. McCauley
		   Digital Equipment Corporation


NAME: _______________________________________________________________

TITLE: ______________________________________________________________

COMPANY: ____________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________

CITY: ____________________   PROVINCE/STATE: ________________________

CODE/ZIP: ________________   PHONE: _________________________________

CONFERENCE FEE STRUCTURE: (Circle Amount Enclosed)

				Member     Non-Member     Student

Conference and 2 Tutorials:	 325          375           80

Conference Only:		 250	      300	    50

2 Tutorials:			 175	      225	    40

1 Tutorial (no lunch):		 100	      125	    25

Please circle tutorials you plan to attend:

		1    3    5	(Morning Session)

		2    4    6	(Afternoon Session)

Send to:
		      Box 326
		 Edmonton, Alberta
		  CANADA  T5J 2P3

Please make all cheques payable to CIPS Edmonton Section.

To be eligible for the draw for a BEST personal computer, you must
register by October 17, 1988.

For more information, call CIPS at (403) 488-1879 or send e-mail to either
alberta!cips or cips@alberta.UUCP.