[can.general] Environmental groups burgled.

stevec@fornax.UUCP (Steve Cumming) (03/25/89)

So it was reported in the Mop and Pail that
the the ENvironmental Law Assosc. and some other
group that I can't recall were recently burgled.

Their offices were ransacked and I beleive some
data were stolen.

Does anyone have any follow-up info?

Did anyone grab the free implementation of the DES
in alt.sources? Maybe we should make these guys a 
present :-|


Steve Cumming	stevec@lccr.cs.sfu.ca	{uunet|...}!ubc-cs!fornax!stevec
School of CS
SFU		(604) 291-4399	        beneath the moon / the wuggly-ump
Vancouver, CDN				is hurtling on / kerblash kerplunk

soley@ontenv.UUCP (Norman S. Soley) (03/28/89)

In article <944@fornax.UUCP>, stevec@fornax.UUCP (Steve Cumming) writes:
> So it was reported in the Mop and Pail that
> the the ENvironmental Law Assosc. and some other
> group that I can't recall were recently burgled.
> Their offices were ransacked and I beleive some
> data were stolen.

The other group was the Ontario Environment Network an umbrella group
which among other things operated a computer system/BBS wich was on
USENET, Peacenet and others (web.UUCP). I don't know all the details
but it certianly seems a little fishy that a thief would have taken
care to seek out and take all the sets of backup tapes and floppies,
and original software as well as the computer. 

> Does anyone have any follow-up info?
> Did anyone grab the free implementation of the DES
> in alt.sources? Maybe we should make these guys a 
> present :-|

These guy's aren't exactly interested in hiding anything from anyone,
in fact people have been solidly flamed on their internal conferencing
system for suggesting that they crypt some stuff. As far as they see
it, they're doing nothing illegal so what have they got to hide. Oh by
the way I did keep the DES package and will be setting up an anon uucp
archive sometime over the next month.
Norman Soley - Data Communications Analyst - Ontario Ministry of the Environment
UUCP:	uunet!mnetor!ontmoh!ontenv!soley	| Contents of this message are
OR:     soley@ontenv.UUCP 			| my ideas, not the Ministry's
   "Stay smart, go cool, be happy, it's the only way to get what you want"