[can.general] Call for submissions for /usr/group/cdn newsletter

evan@telly.on.ca (Evan Leibovitch) (07/14/89)

Through an assorted series of events, I have been asked to put together
a newsletter/magazine for /usr/group/cdn, tentatively named 'README'.
To this end, I would like to ask Canadian netters:

- To put me on mailing lists for announcements of new Unix-related
  products and events (143 Baronwood Court, Brampton ON L6V 3H8);

- To help me get in touch with my counterparts at other Canadian Unix groups;

- To feel free to submit any news/events/opinions (everything will be

- To send suggestions of what such a newsletter should contain, how it should
  look, and what kind of distribution it should have. (Is the country ready
  for a Canadian Unix magazine?)

All comments are appreciated. Please mail rather than post. Thanks.


  Evan Leibovitch, SA, Telly Online, located in beautiful Brampton, Ontario
evan@telly.on.ca / uunet!attcan!telly!evan / Director & editor, /usr/group/cdn
                     God is Love, but get it in writing