[can.general] Call For Papers: Unix/Ultrix Sessions

oz@yunexus.UUCP (Ozan Yigit) (08/04/89)

                          An Invitation To Participate
                       23rd Annual DECUS Canada Symposium
                             January 22 - 26, 1990
                             Harbour Castle Westin
                           Toronto, Ontario, Canada

		        C A L L    F O R    P A P E R S

UNIX/ULTRIX sessions at Symposium

The theme of the 1990 Symposium is "Learning Together".  It is about
DECUS users learning from one another; sharing their problems and 
solutions, their techniques and their discoveries.

As an attendee we look forward to your participation in the symposia.

UNIX Stream:

For this symposium, we are planning a wide variety of UNIX sessions in
general and ULTRIX in particular.  We would like to see presentations
covering system management, networking, X-windows/DEC-windows, tuning,
network file systems, languages, databases, document preparation,
technical advice, hints and tips, special tools, graphics, security,
backup and recovering strategies, VMS to UNIX/ULTRIX transition and 
whatever else you feel important to talk about. 

All ideas are welcome, addressing all levels of UNIX/ULTRIX users
from novice to gurus.  We are looking forward to sharing ideas, experiences 
and expertise with you during the symposium. 

Deadline Date:

If you have a session(s) that you would like to present, we will be
pleased to receive your session proposals by August 31, 1989. 

Notes, Guidelines, Details:

Session presentations may come in many different formats, from formal
papers to panel discussions, from general discussions on an application
to a question an answer session.  Feel free to select the method which
best suits you and your topic. 

About ten weeks prior to the Symposium, prospective speakers will be
sent information to help them prepare their written material for
ultimate publication in the Symposium Proceedings.  The Proceedings will
be a formal collection of papers from our session and seminar speakers. 

It is usual for session speaker's registration cost to be covered for
the day of the presentation. (Exceptions and limitations apply.)

The original copy of your handout, named with your session title, must
arrive at the DECUS office prior to November 15th.  The DECUS office
will provide photocopy services for session notes. 

Presentations on Third Party products must be technical in content and
preferably presented by a user of the product. 

All submissions are examined, and may not be accepted if they are judged
to contravene DECUS Canada Commercialism guidelines. 

DECUS Canada Policy on Commercialism:

"A technical orientation must be maintained to ensure the continual
participation of Digital Equipment Corporation and for each of us to
gain the support of our employers.  A sales presentation, promotional
advertising and product demonstration are out of place in the symposium
environment and are not permitted.  Similarly open solicitation of
employment to attendees is in poor taste and is not allowed."

DECUS Canada constantly strives to maintain a professional image.  We
believe this is important to our employers who support our attendance
and participation.  It is also important to Digital who supplies travel
funds and time for developers, engineers, service personnel and managers
to attend our symposia. 

Abstract Guidelines:

The presentation title (< 8 words) and an abstract (150-200 words)
written in the present tense are required for the symposium guide.  Sessions
are scheduled into blocks of 1 or 2 hour time slots.  The Symposium
Planning Committee try to place sessions on similar topics into each
block.  Please assess the target audience carefully when completing the
application.  An accurate rating will result in a better schedule. 
Submissions may be on any aspect of the use of Digital computers users. 
They may deal with any hardware, software or applications which enhance
the use of DEC products and are not in direct competition with Digital. 
All submissions are subject to the DECUS Canada Commercialism Policy

Please contact oz@nexus.yorku.ca for additional details. You may also
send your completed session proposal forms to this e-mail address.

They are like the Zen students who,	   Usenet:    oz@nexus.yorku.ca
when the master points at the moon,        ......!uunet!utai!yunexus!oz
continue to stare at his finger....        Bitnet: oz@[yulibra|yuyetti]
			P. da Silva        Phonet: +1 416 736-5257x3976