[can.general] Walk for the Environment

a13@mindlink.UUCP (Peter Ronald) (08/31/89)

  This September 16th, we hope to see you at the . . .

     W A L K    F O R   T H E  E N V IR O N M E N T

              V A N C O U V E R,  1 9 8 9

 From Kitslano Beach to Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver
             12  Noon  September  16, 1989

This walk is an opportunity to show we care about our
threatened planet and to show we want action to heal and
protect it.

The event will include:

- A trek from Kits Beach to Queen Elizabeth Park (see map)
- Guest speakers including Elizabeth May and Bob Hunter.
- Music & Entertainment including Chelso Makado.
- A kids' area

                   W H Y    W A L K ?

Help send a resounding message to government, industry
and the public that our environment is under seige and
that attitudes and behaviour  M U S T  change.

Excercise while you are doing it!

Demonstrate your community's commitment to environmental

               JOIN  YOUR  FRIENDS  AT  THE

    W A L K     F O R    T H E  E N V I R O N M E N T

         N O O N    K I T S L A N O    B E A C H

 V A N C O U V E R,   S E P T E M B E R    16,   1 9 8 9

This is a garbage-free event. Please bring a picnic with reuseable containers.
No throw away dishes or packaging. Recycling containers provided on site.
Peter_Ronald                      ///          Beauty is Truth, Truth
Vancouver, BC CANADA          \\\///       is Beauty.  That is all Ye
(604) 255-4556                 \\\/     know and all Ye need to know.

FidoNET: 153:108  --  ECONET:  pronald  --  USENET:  a13@mindlink.uucp