[ont.micro] Cromemco Z2D Micro for Sale

ajcanas@watrose.UUCP (Alberto J. Canas) (06/04/84)

Cromemco System Z2D for sale. Consists of:

	- 1 Z80 CPU board (4mh) with rs232 port for a terminal
	- S100 bus with 21 (twenty one) slots
	- 1 TUART board with 2 serial and 2 parallel ports (programmable)
	- 64k RAM (plus an extra 16K board)
	- 2 5.25 in. floppies (Wangco), each with ~ 90k capacity
	- Floppy disk controller board (4FDC) - can also handle 2 8in drives.
	- Cromemco's CDOS operating system with standard software (editor, 
	  debugger ...), Fortran, Basic, text formatter, assembler

The system does not include a keyboard/monitor; any terminal with an rs232
port will do. Given the number of slots, it is great for somebody who wants
to develop his own 68000 or 80*86-based system.

Asking $800 it - make an offer. 
Call (519)-888-6375 after 7pm (Tuesdays and Wednesdays after 10pm),
or send me a mail message.

Alberto J. Canas