valencia@vger.UUCP (05/28/85)
# # Vforth--a 32 bit forth system using subroutine threading for # increased speed. # # By Andy Valencia, 1984 # # Registers with fixed uses: # PC - Since we're using direct threading, this operates as the actual # execution vector for each instruction. # SP - Maintains the return stack # R11 - The operand stack # R10 - Next open byte in the dictionary--"HERE" # R9 - Index into current input line # R8 - Points to last entry in the dictionary chain # # # These are the constants which are compiled into the executable code # .set jsb_header,0x9F16 # jsb *$... .set lit_header,0x8FD0 # pushl $... .set lit_tailer,0x7B .set rsb_header,0x5 # rsb .set Again_header,0x9F17 # jmp *$... .set Skipt,0x6128BD5 # tstl (r11)+; bnequ .+6 # # These are the other constants # .set Recursive,1 # SFA bits: recursive function .set Smudged,2 # SMUDGE bit .set Priority,4 # IMMEDIATE .set Primitive,8 # PRIMITIVE--is a code macro .set NL,10 # Newline .set Spc,32 # Space .set Tab,9 # Tab .set Mrkcolon,1 # For control structure matching .set Mrkif,2 .set Mrkdo,3 .set Mrkbegin,4 .set Mrkwhile,5 .text 0 .globl go go: .word 0 # Procedure entry mask go1: movl $dictend,r10 # r10 is end of dictionary movl sp,sp_hold # For resetting SP later movl *$latest,r8 # Setup R8 to end of dict. abort: movl sp_hold,sp # Start SP from its initial value subl3 $80,sp,r11 # Leave 80 bytes for opstack movl r11,stacklim # For underflow checking movl $inline,r9 # Set up input line as empty clrb (r9) clrl *$state # Turn off compile mode movl $istk,isp # Reset I/O system clrl istk clrl iunit movl $ostk,osp cvtbl $1,ostk cvtbl $1,ounit jbr interp # Start up the interpretive loop # # Some data area # sp_hold: .space 4 # Holds return stack base stacklim: .space 4 # Holds bottom of stack inline: .space 1025 # Room for a block of input wrd: .space 81 # and up to 80-char word latest: # Last intrinsic word in dictionary .long interp1 # # Pushdown list of input & output file descriptors istk: .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 isp: .long istk ideep: .long 0 iunit: .long 0 ostk: .long 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 osp: .long ostk odeep: .long 0 ounit: .long 1 # # KLUDGE city! When we push down an input file, we have to save the buffer, # otherwise the new input file will abuse it in various undesireable # ways. So we make room for a save image of each input unit. ibufs: .space 1024*8 # The input buffers ibufx: .space 4*8 # and the current position within them # # Open the given file for output; add it to the pushdown stack. Error # if it can't be opened. # outfcb: .long 3 outname: .space 4 .long 0x201,0x1FF outopen: movl r0,outname movl $outfcb,ap chmk $5 bcs outop1 movl osp,r1 addl2 $4,r1 movl r0,(r1) movl r0,ounit movl r1,osp incl odeep rsb outop1: movl $outop2,r0 # Couldn't open--complain jsb prstr jbr abort outop2: .asciz " Could not open output file\n" # # Open the given file for input; add it to the pushdown stack. Error # if it can't be opened. # infcb: .long 3 # parms to do a OPEN for READ syscall inname: .space 4 .long 0,0x1FF inopen: movl r0,inname # Set up name for open movl $infcb,ap chmk $5 bcs inop1 # Open successful, save previous buffer movl $256,r2 # R2 is the number of bytes to move movl ideep,r3 mull2 $1024,r3 addl2 $ibufs,r3 # R3 now points to our save location movl $inline,r1 # R1 points to the buffer to save inop3: movl (r1)+,(r3)+ # Move the bytes sobgtr r2,inop3 movl ideep,r3 # Now save the input index movl r9,ibufx[r3] movl $inline,r9 # Clear the input buffer clrb (r9) movl isp,r1 # Push down the old file descriptor addl2 $4,r1 movl r0,(r1) movl r0,iunit movl r1,isp incl ideep rsb inop1: movl $inop2,r0 # Bad open, complain & abort jsb prstr jbr abort inop2: .asciz " Could not open input file.\n" # # ----Start of FORTH dictionary # # # over--copy second to new top # .align 2 over2: .long 0,over1 .word 4,Primitive .asciz "over" over1: movl 4(r11),-(r11) rsb # # abs,fabs--get absolute value # .align 2 abs2: .long over2,abs1,0 .asciz "abs" abs1: tstl (r11) bgeq abs3 mnegl (r11),(r11) abs3: rsb .align 2 fabs2: .long abs2,fabs1,0 .asciz "fabs" fabs1: tstf (r11) bgeq abs3 mnegf (r11),(r11) rsb # # max,fmax--get maximum value # .align 2 max2: .long fabs2,max1,0 .asciz "max" max1: movl (r11)+,r0 cmpl r0,(r11) bleq max3 movl r0,(r11) max3: rsb .align 2 fmax2: .long max2,fmax1,0 .asciz "fmax" fmax1: movf (r11)+,r0 cmpf r0,(r11) bleq max3 movf r0,(r11) fmax3: rsb # # min,fmin--get minimum value # .align 2 min2: .long fmax2,min1,0 .asciz "min" min1: movl (r11)+,r0 cmpl r0,(r11) bgeq min3 movl r0,(r11) min3: rsb .align 2 fmin2: .long min2,fmin1,0 .asciz "fmin" fmin1: movf (r11)+,r0 cmpf r0,(r11) bgeq min3 movf r0,(r11) fmin3: rsb # # c@, c!--byte fetch/store operators # .align 2 cfet2: .long fmin2,cfet1 .word 6,Primitive .asciz "c@" cfet1: movl (r11),r0 cvtbl (r0),(r11) rsb .align 2 csto2: .long cfet2,csto1 .word 6,Primitive .asciz "c!" csto1: movl (r11)+,r0 cvtlb (r11)+,(r0) rsb # # negate & fnegate # .align 2 neg2: .long csto2,neg1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "negate" neg1: mnegl (r11),(r11) rsb .align 2 fneg2: .long neg2,fneg1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "fnegate" fneg1: mnegf (r11),(r11) rsb # # HERE--provide the address of the next open byte in the dictionary # .align 2 here2: .long fneg2,here1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "here" here1: movl r10,-(r11) rsb # # "r>" & ">r"--move a word between op & return stacks # .align 2 to_r2: .long here2,to_r1 .word 2,Primitive .asciz ">r" to_r1: pushl (r11)+ rsb .align 2 from_r2: .long to_r2,from_r1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "r>" from_r1: movl (sp)+,-(r11) rsb # # fill--fill an area of memory with a constant # .align 2 fill2: .long from_r2,fill1,0 .asciz "fill" fill1: cvtlb (r11)+,r0 movl (r11)+,r1 movl (r11)+,r2 fill3: movb r0,(r2)+ sobgtr r1,fill3 fill4: rsb # # pick--get a word in the stack # .align 2 pick2: .long fill2,pick1,0 .asciz "pick" pick1: movl (r11)+,r0 movl (r11)[r0],-(r11) rsb # # 'c,' & ','--push word to HERE # .align 2 comma2: .long pick2,comma1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "," comma1: movl (r11)+,(r10)+ rsb .align 2 ccomm2: .long comma2,ccomm1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "c," ccomm1: cvtlb (r11)+,(r10)+ rsb # # rot,-rot --the rotational operators # .align 2 rot2: .long ccomm2,rot1,0 .asciz "rot" rot1: movl (r11)+,r0 movl (r11)+,r1 movl (r11),r2 movl r1,(r11) movl r0,-(r11) movl r2,-(r11) rsb .align 2 drot2: .long rot2,drot1,0 .asciz "-rot" drot1: movl (r11)+,r0 movl (r11)+,r1 movl (r11),r2 movl r0,(r11) movl r2,-(r11) movl r1,-(r11) rsb # # allot--move the end of the dictionary forward a number of bytes # .align 2 allot2: .long drot2,allot1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "allot" allot1: addl2 (r11)+,r10 rsb # # 2dup, 2swap--double-int stack operators # .align 2 tdup2: .long allot2,tdup1,0 .asciz "2dup" tdup1: movl (r11)+,r0 movl (r11),r1 movl r0,-(r11) movl r1,-(r11) movl r0,-(r11) rsb .align 2 tswap2: .long tdup2,tswap1,0 .asciz "2swap" tswap1: movl (r11)+,r0 movl (r11)+,r1 movl (r11)+,r2 movl (r11),r3 movl r1,(r11) movl r0,-(r11) movl r3,-(r11) movl r2,-(r11) rsb # # "("--handle forth comments # .align 2 comm2: .long tswap2,comm1 .word 0,Priority .asciz "(" comm1: movb (r9)+,r0 # Get next byte of input cmpb r0,0 # Get another buffer-full if hit end of cur. beql comm3 cmpb r0,$10 # End comment on newline or close paren beql comm4 cmpb r0,$41 bneq comm1 comm4: rsb comm3: jsb getlin # Get another buffer brb comm1 # # "abort"--calls the forth abort code # .align 2 abo2: .long comm2,abo1,0 .asciz "abort" abo1: jbr abort # # "halt"--cause forth to exit # .align 2 halt3: .long 1,0 halt2: .long abo2,halt1,0 .asciz "halt" exit: halt1: movl $halt3,ap chmk $1 # # "outpop"--do for the output list what EOF does for the input list; # close the current output file & pop back a level # .align 2 outp4: .long 1 outp3: .space 4 outp2: .long halt2,outp1,0 .asciz "outpop" outp1: movl osp,r0 # Get the stack pointer to R0 cmpl r0,$ostk # Don't pop off end of stack beql outp5 movl ounit,outp3 # Close the current unit movl outp4,ap chmk $6 movl osp,r0 subl2 $4,r0 # Move back a position movl (r0),ounit # and set output to that file descriptor movl r0,osp decl odeep # Decrement nesting count outp5: rsb # # "output"--open the named output file & make it the new output unit # .align 2 out2: .long outp2,out1,0 .asciz "output" out1: jsb getw movl $wrd,r0 jsb outopen rsb # # "input"--open the named file & make it the new input unit # .align 2 inp2: .long out2,inp1,0 .asciz "input" inp1: jsb getw # Get the name of the file movl $wrd,r0 jsb inopen rsb # # Push logical constants to stack # .align 2 false2: .long inp2,false1 .word 2,Primitive .asciz "false" false1: clrl -(r11) rsb .align 2 true2: .long false2,true1 .word 4,Primitive .asciz "true" true1: cvtbl $-1,-(r11) rsb # # the logical operators. Note that they serve for both logical and # bitwise purposes, as "true" is defined as -1. # .align 2 lor2: .long true2,lor1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "or" lor1: bisl2 (r11)+,(r11) rsb .align 2 land2: .long lor2,land1 .word 6,Primitive .asciz "and" land1: mcoml (r11)+,r0 bicl2 r0,(r11) rsb # # the floating relational operators # .align 2 feq2: .long land2,feq1,0 .asciz "f=" feq1: cmpf (r11)+,(r11) beql feq3 clrl (r11) rsb feq3: cvtbl $-1,(r11) rsb .align 2 fgt2: .long feq2,fgt1,0 # Greater than .asciz "f>" fgt1: cmpf (r11)+,(r11) blss fgt3 clrl (r11) rsb fgt3: cvtbl $-1,(r11) rsb .align 2 flt2: .long fgt2,flt1,0 # Less than .asciz "f<" flt1: cmpf (r11)+,(r11) bgtr flt3 clrl (r11) rsb flt3: cvtbl $-1,(r11) rsb # # the relational operators # .align 2 eq2: .long flt2,eq1,0 .asciz "=" eq1: cmpl (r11)+,(r11) beql eq3 clrl (r11) rsb eq3: cvtbl $-1,(r11) rsb .align 2 gt2: .long eq2,gt1,0 # Greater than .asciz ">" gt1: cmpl (r11)+,(r11) blss gt3 clrl (r11) rsb gt3: cvtbl $-1,(r11) rsb .align 2 lt2: .long gt2,lt1,0 # Less than .asciz "<" lt1: cmpl (r11)+,(r11) bgtr lt3 clrl (r11) rsb lt3: cvtbl $-1,(r11) rsb # # drop,2drop--get rid of top item(s) # .align 2 tdrop2: .long lt2,tdrop1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "2drop" tdrop1: addl2 $8,r11 rsb .align 2 drop2: .long tdrop2,drop1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "drop" drop1: movl (r11)+,r0 rsb # # swap--exchange top & second # .align 2 swap2: .long drop2,swap1 .word 12,Primitive .asciz "swap" swap1: movl (r11)+,r0 movl (r11),r1 movl r0,(r11) movl r1,-(r11) rsb # # dup--duplicate top # .align 2 dup2: .long swap2,dup1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "dup" dup1: movl (r11),-(r11) rsb # # "if"--conditional control structure # .align 2 if2: .long dup2,if1 .word 0,Priority .asciz "if" if1: movl $0x6128BD5,(r10)+ # tstl (r11)+; bneq .+6 movw $0x9F17,(r10)+ # jmp *$... movl r10,-(r11) addl2 $4,r10 movl $Mrkif,-(r11) # Mark the control structure rsb # # "else" # .align 2 else2: .long if2,else1 .word 0,Priority .asciz "else" else1: cmpl $Mrkif,(r11)+ # Check for matching 'if' bneq else3 movw $0x9F17,(r10)+ # jmp *$... movl r10,r0 addl2 $4,r10 # Leave room for the jump address movl r10,*(r11)+ # Have 'false' branch here movl r0,-(r11) # Put our fill-in addr. movl $Mrkif,-(r11) # and put back the marker rsb else3: movl $else4,r0 # Complain jsb prstr jbr abort else4: .asciz " 'else' does not match an 'if'\n" # # endif--finish off the conditional # .align 2 endif2: .long else2,endif1 .word 0,Priority .asciz "endif" endif1: cmpl (r11)+,$Mrkif # Check match bneq endif3 movl r10,*(r11)+ rsb endif3: movl $endif4,r0 # Complain on no match jsb prstr jbr abort endif4: .asciz " 'endif' does not match 'else'/'if'\n" # # begin--start of all looping conditionals # .align 2 beg2: .long endif2,beg1 .word 0,Priority .asciz "begin" beg1: movl r10,-(r11) # Save current address cvtbl $Mrkbegin,-(r11) # and control structure marker rsb # # "while".."repeat" looping construct # while4: .asciz "'while' does not match a 'begin'\n" .align 2 while2: .long beg2,while1 .word 0,Priority .asciz "while" while1: cmpl $Mrkbegin,(r11)+ # Check match bneq while3 movl $0x6128BD5,(r10)+ # tstl (r11)+; bequ *$<forward> movw $0x9F17,(r10)+ movl r10,-(r11) # Mark where to plug in addl2 $4,r10 # Leave room for the patch movl $Mrkwhile,-(r11) rsb while3: movl $while4,r0 # Bad match, complain jsb prstr jbr abort rep4: .asciz "'repeat' does not match a 'while'\n" .align 2 rep2: .long while2,rep1 .word 0,Priority .asciz "repeat" rep1: cmpl $Mrkwhile,(r11)+ # Check match bneq rep3 movl (r11)+,r0 # Save where to patch movw $0x9F17,(r10)+ # jmp *$<back> movl (r11)+,(r10)+ movl r10,(r0) # Backpatch rsb rep3: movl $rep4,r0 # Complain jsb prstr jbr abort # # again--unconditional back branch # again4: .asciz "'again' does not match with a 'begin'\n" .align 2 again2: .long rep2,again1 .word 0,Priority .asciz "again" again1: cmpl $Mrkbegin,(r11)+ # verify match of control structures bnequ again3 movw $Again_header,(r10)+ # compile in back branch movl (r11)+,(r10)+ rsb again3: movl $again4,r0 # Complain jsb prstr jbr abort # # until--loop until condition becomes true # until4: .asciz "'until' doesn not match a 'begin'\n" .align 2 until2: .long again2,until1 .word 0,Priority .asciz "until" until1: cmpl $Mrkbegin,(r11)+ # Verify match bnequ until3 movl $Skipt,(r10)+ # Branch over backbranch if true movw $Again_header,(r10)+ # compile in backbranch movl (r11)+,(r10)+ rsb until3: movl $until4,r0 # Complain jsb prstr jbr abort # # leave--setup innermost loop so it will exit at next iteration # .align 2 leave2: .long until2,leave1 .word 4,Primitive .asciz "leave" leave1: movl (sp),4(sp) rsb # # "k"--return index of third loop # .align 2 k_idx2: .long leave2,k_idx1 .word 4,Primitive .asciz "k" k_idx1: movl 20(sp),-(r11) rsb # # "j"--return index of second loop # .align 2 j_idx2: .long k_idx2,j_idx1 .word 4,Primitive .asciz "j" j_idx1: movl 12(sp),-(r11) rsb # # "i"--return index of innermost loop # .align 2 i_idx2: .long j_idx2,i_idx1 .word 4,Primitive .asciz "i" i_idx1: movl 4(sp),-(r11) rsb # # "do"--start a loop # .set Do1,0xD07E8BD0 # movl (r11)+,-(sp); movl (r11)+,-(sp) .set Do2,0x7E8B .set Do3,0xD0508ED0 # movl (sp)+,r0; movl (sp)+,r1 .set Do4,0x51D1518E # cmpl r1,r0; blss .+6 .set Do5,0x17061950 # jmp *$<forward> .set Do6,0x9F .set Do7,0xD07E51D0 # movl r1,-(sp); movl r1,-(sp) .set Do8,0x7E50 .align 2 do2: .long i_idx2,do1 .word 0,Priority .asciz "do" do1: movl $Do1,(r10)+ movw $Do2,(r10)+ movl r10,-(r11) # Save current pos. for back branch movl $Do3,(r10)+ movl $Do4,(r10)+ movl $Do5,(r10)+ movb $Do6,(r10)+ movl r10,-(r11) # Save this loc for fill-in as forward branch addl2 $4,r10 movl $Do7,(r10)+ movw $Do8,(r10)+ movl $Mrkdo,-(r11) # Flag our control structure rsb # # loop--branch back to the opening "DO" # .set Loop1,0x1704AED6 # incl 4(sp); jmp *$<back> .set Loop2,0x9F loop3: .asciz "'loop' does not match a 'do'\n" .align 2 loop2: .long do2,loop1 .word 0,Priority .asciz "loop" loop1: cmpl $Mrkdo,(r11)+ # Check for match of control structures bnequ loop4 movl (r11)+,r0 # Keep where to fill in forward branch addr. movl $Loop1,(r10)+ # Build code to increment loop movb $Loop2,(r10)+ movl (r11)+,(r10)+ movl r10,(r0) # Fill in this location as loop exit addr. rsb loop4: movl $loop3,r0 # Bad match--complain jsb prstr jbr abort # # +loop--like loop, but add by the top item instead of 1 # .set Loop1,0x4AE8BC0 # incl 4(sp); jmp *$<back> .set Loop2,0x9F17 poop3: .asciz "'+loop' does not match a 'do'\n" .align 2 poop2: .long loop2,poop1 .word 0,Priority .asciz "+loop" poop1: cmpl $Mrkdo,(r11)+ # Check for match of control structures bnequ poop4 movl (r11)+,r0 # Keep where to fill in forward branch addr. movl $Loop1,(r10)+ # Build code to increment loop movw $Loop2,(r10)+ movl (r11)+,(r10)+ movl r10,(r0) # Fill in this location as loop exit addr. rsb poop4: movl $poop3,r0 # Bad match--complain jsb prstr jbr abort # # "@"--fetch the contents of the addressed word # .align 2 fetch2: .long poop2,fetch1 .word 4,Primitive .asciz "@" fetch1: movl *(r11),(r11) rsb # # "!"--store the word (second) to address (top) # .align 2 store2: .long fetch2,store1 .word 6,Primitive .asciz "!" store1: movl (r11)+,r0 movl (r11)+,(r0) rsb # # "variable"--build a variable # .set Var1,0x8FD0 # movl $<addr>,-(r11) .set Var2,0x7B .align 2 var2: .long store2,var1,0 .asciz "variable" var1: addl2 $3,r10 # Longword-align the entry bicl2 $3,r10 jsb getw # Build the header movl r8,r2 # Add this word to the chain movl r10,r8 movl r2,(r10)+ movl r10,r0 # Save this position (PFA) clrl (r10)+ cvtbw $7,(r10)+ # SFP = 7 cvtbw $Primitive,(r10)+ # SFA = "primitive" movl $wrd,r1 # Now copy the name in var3: movb (r1)+,(r10) tstb (r10)+ bnequ var3 movl r10,(r0) # Update the PFA movw $Var1,(r10)+ # Our in-line code addl3 $6,r10,(r10)+ movb $Var2,(r10)+ movb $rsb_header,(r10)+ clrl (r10)+ # The first word of space (= 0) rsb # # "constant"--build a constant value # .align 2 const2: .long var2,const1,0 .asciz "constant" const1: jsb getw # Build the header movl r8,r2 # Add this word to the chain movl r10,r8 movl r2,(r10)+ movl r10,r0 # Save this position (PFA) clrl (r10)+ cvtbw $7,(r10)+ # SFP = 7 cvtbw $Primitive,(r10)+ # SFA = "primitive" movl $wrd,r1 # Now copy the name in const3: movb (r1)+,(r10) tstb (r10)+ bnequ const3 movl r10,(r0) # Update the PFA movw $Var1,(r10)+ # Our in-line code movl (r11)+,(r10)+ # the value to push movb $Var2,(r10)+ movb $rsb_header,(r10)+ rsb # # ":"--start a colon definition # .align 2 colon2: .long const2,colon1,0 .asciz ":" colon1: cvtbl $1,state # Set our state to "compile" jsb getw # Get the name of the new word movl r8,r2 # Add this word to the chain movl r10,r8 movl r2,(r10)+ movl r10,r0 # Save this position (PFA) clrl (r10)+ clrw (r10)+ # SFP = 0 cvtbw $Smudged,(r10)+ # SFA = "smudged" movl $wrd,r1 # Now copy the name in colon3: movb (r1)+,(r10) tstb (r10)+ bnequ colon3 movl r10,(r0) # Finally, update the PFA movl $Mrkcolon,-(r11) # and leave our mark on the stack rsb # # ";"--end compile mode # semi4: .asciz "; not matched to ':'\n" .align 2 semi2: .long colon2,semi1 .word 0,Priority .asciz ";" semi1: clrl state # Reset compile state cmpl $Mrkcolon,(r11)+ # Check the mark beql semi3 # Uh-oh, bad match movl $semi4,r0 # Complain jsb prstr rsb semi3: clrw 10(r8) # All OK, so clear the smudge movb $rsb_header,(r10)+ # Add the closing RSB rsb # # "mod"--get remainder of division # .align 2 mod2: .long semi2,mod1,0 .asciz "mod" mod1: movl (r11)+,r0 movl (r11),r2 clrl r3 ediv r0,r2,r2,(r11) rsb # # ">>"--shift second number right by top number of bits, push result # .align 2 ashr2: .long mod2,ashr1 .word 7,Primitive .asciz ">>" ashr1: mnegl (r11)+,r0 ashl r0,(r11),(r11) rsb # # "<<"--shift second number left by top number of bits, push result # .align 2 ashl2: .long ashr2,ashl1 .word 7,Primitive .asciz "<<" ashl1: cvtlb (r11)+,r0 ashl r0,(r11),(r11) rsb # # "/"--divide second by top # .align 2 div2: .long ashl2,div1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "/" div1: divl2 (r11)+,(r11) rsb # # "*"--multiply top two items on stack # .align 2 mul2: .long div2,mul1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "*" mul1: mull2 (r11)+,(r11) rsb # # "-"--subtract top two integers, push result # .align 2 minus2: .long mul2,minus1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "-" minus1: subl2 (r11)+,(r11) rsb # # "f+"--add floating # .align 2 fplus2: .long minus2,fplus1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "f+" fplus1: addf2 (r11)+,(r11) rsb # # "f-"--subtract floating # .align 2 fminus2: .long fplus2,fminus1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "f-" fminus1: subf2 (r11)+,(r11) rsb # # "f*"--multiply floating # .align 2 fmul2: .long fminus2,fmul1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "f*" fmul1: mulf2 (r11)+,(r11) rsb # # "f/"--divide floating # .align 2 fdiv2: .long fmul2,fdiv1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "f/" fdiv1: divf2 (r11)+,(r11) rsb # # "i->f"--convert int to float # .align 2 i2f2: .long fdiv2,i2f1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "i->f" i2f1: cvtlf (r11),(r11) rsb # # "f->i"--convert float to int # .align 2 f2i2: .long i2f2,f2i1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "f->i" f2i1: cvtfl (r11),(r11) rsb # # "+"--add top two integers, push result back to stack # .align 2 plus2: .long f2i2,plus1 .word 3,Primitive .asciz "+" plus1: addl2 (r11)+,(r11) rsb # # emit--print the specified character # emit5: .space 1 .align 2 emit3: .long 3 emit4: .space 4 .long emit5,1 emit2: .long plus2,emit1,0 .asciz "emit" emit1: cvtlb (r11)+,emit5 # Put the desired char into the buffer movl $emit3,ap # Print the buffer movl ounit,emit4 chmk $4 rsb # # cr--print newline # cr5: .asciz "\n" .align 2 cr3: .long 3 cr4: .space 4 .long cr5,1 cr2: .long emit2,cr1,0 .asciz "cr" cr1: movl $cr3,ap movl ounit,cr4 chmk $4 rsb # # "f."--print a floating point number # fprbuf: .space 10 # Output buffer for fractional part .align 2 fprn2: .long cr2,fprn1,0 .asciz "f." fprn1: movf (r11),r2 # Handle negative numbers cmpf r2,$0F0.0 # If it's negative... bgeq fprn9 movl $fprbuf,r0 # Print a '-' movl r0,r1 movb $'-,(r1)+ clrb (r1) jsb prstr mnegf (r11),(r11) # And negate it fprn9: cvtfl (r11),-(r11) # Dup the number for "." jsb prnum1 movl $fprbuf,r3 # R3 points to buffer position movf (r11)+,r0 # Get the number cvtfl r0,r1 # Get the integer part cvtlf r1,r1 subf2 r1,r0 # And take it off the number movb $'.,(r3)+ # The decimal point cvtbl $6,r4 # We always print 6 places fprn3: mulf2 $0F10.0,r0 # Get the next digit cvtfl r0,r1 # R1 is the next digit cvtlf r1,r5 # Take this digit off the number subf2 r5,r0 cvtlb r1,r1 # Turn it into the ASCII byte addb3 $'0,r1,(r3)+ sobgtr r4,fprn3 # Loop 6 times clrb (r3) movl $fprbuf,r0 # Now print it jsb prstr rsb # # ." --if compiling, generate code to print a string, otherwise just # print the string # dotqbuf: .space 133 .align 2 dotq2: .long fprn2,dotq1 .word 0,Priority .asciz ".\"" dotq1: movl $dotqbuf,r1 cmpb (r9),$32 # Skip char if it's the separating blank bneq dotq7 incl r9 dotq7: movb (r9)+,r0 # get the next char of the string cmpb $'",r0 # End string on newline or '"' beql dotq4 cmpb $10,r0 beql dotq4 tstb r0 # At end of current input buffer? beql dotq5 movb r0,(r1)+ # No. Add this char to our output line brb dotq7 dotq5: jsb getlin # Yes. Get another buffer brb dotq7 dotq4: clrb (r1) # Make the resulting string NULL-terminated movl $dotqbuf,r0 # Point R0 to head of this string tstl *$state # Check state beql dotq3 movw $jsb_header,(r10)+ # Compile in reference to (.") movl $pdotq1,(r10)+ dotq6: movb (r0)+,(r10)+ # Copy in the string bneq dotq6 rsb dotq3: jsb prstr # Print the string rsb # # (.")--run-time code to print a string # .align 2 pdotq2: .long dotq2,pdotq1,0 .asciz "(.\")" pdotq1: movl (sp)+,r0 # Get the address of our return loc. jsb prstr # Print the string pushl r2 # Return to addr following string rsb # # "."--pop and print the top number on the stack # .space 14 # Null-terminated string buffer prnbuf: .byte 0 .align 2 prnum2: .long pdotq2,prnum1,0 .asciz "." prnum1: movl base,r5 # Get the base movl (r11)+,r0 # R0 holds the number movl $prnbuf,r1 # R1 points to the char positions movl r0,r2 # Keep a copy to do the sign tstl r0 # Negate if negative bgeq prnum3 mnegl r0,r0 prnum3: divl3 r5,r0,r3 # R3 holds new number mull3 r5,r3,r4 # Calculate remainder the hard way subl3 r4,r0,r4 cmpl r4,$9 # See if it's a HEX digit bleq prnu5 addb3 $('A-10),r4,-(r1) brb prnu6 prnu5: addb3 $'0,r4,-(r1) # Put it in as the next digit prnu6: movl r3,r0 # Update number tstl r0 bnequ prnum3 tstl r2 # Now check sign bgeq prnum4 movb $'-,-(r1) prnum4: movl r1,r0 # print the number jsb prstr rsb # # sin & cos (and the corresponding fsin & fcos) # .align 2 sintab: .long 0, 174, 348, 523, 697, 871, 1045, 1218, 1391, 1564, 1736 .long 1908, 2079, 2249, 2419, 2588, 2756, 2923, 3090, 3255, 3420 .long 3583, 3746, 3907, 4067, 4226, 4383, 4539, 4694, 4848, 5000 .long 5150, 5299, 5446, 5591, 5735, 5877, 6018, 6156, 6293, 6427 .long 6560, 6691, 6819, 6946, 7071, 7193, 7313, 7431, 7547, 7660 .long 7771, 7880, 7986, 8090, 8191, 8290, 8386, 8480, 8571, 8660 .long 8746, 8829, 8910, 8987, 9063, 9135, 9205, 9271, 9335, 9396 .long 9455, 9510, 9563, 9612, 9659, 9702, 9743, 9781, 9816, 9848 .long 9876, 9902, 9925, 9945, 9961, 9975, 9986, 9993, 9998, 10000 .align 2 sin2: .long prnum2,sin1,0 .asciz "sin" sin1: movl (r11)+,r0 # Get angle clrl r1 # Negative quadrant flag sin3: tstl r0 # Fold negative angles bgeq sin4 addl2 $360,r0 brb sin3 sin4: cmpl r0,$360 # Fold angles > 360 blss sin5 subl2 $360,r0 brb sin4 sin5: cmpl r0,$181 # Flag & fold negative quadrant vals blss sin6 movb $-1,r1 subl3 r0,$360,r0 sin6: cmpl r0,$91 # Fold equivalent 2nd quadrant blss sin7 subl3 r0,$180,r0 sin7: movl sintab[r0],r0 # Get the value tstl r1 # Negate if needed beql sin8 mnegl r0,r0 sin8: movl r0,-(r11) # Push result rsb .align 2 cos2: .long sin2,cos1,0 .asciz "cos" cos1: subl3 (r11),$90,(r11) # sin(90-a) = cos(a) jsb sin1 rsb .align 2 fsin2: .long cos2,fsin1,0 .asciz "fsin" fsin1: cvtfl (r11),(r11) # Change to int & call sin jsb sin1 cvtlf (r11),r0 divf3 $0F10000.0,r0,(r11) # Scale down to true float rsb .align 2 fcos2: .long fsin2,fcos1,0 .asciz "fcos" fcos1: cvtfl (r11),(r11) # Change to int & call sin jsb cos1 cvtlf (r11),r0 divf3 $0F10000.0,r0,(r11) # Scale down to true float rsb # # decimal--set FORTH's base to decimal # .align 2 decim2: .long fcos2,decim1,0 .asciz "decimal" decim1: cvtbl $10,base rsb # # hex--set FORTH's base to hexadecimal # .align 2 hex2: .long decim2,hex1,0 .asciz "hex" hex1: cvtbl $16,base rsb # # BASE variable--holds the current base # .align 2 base2: .long hex2,base1,0 .asciz "base" base1: movl $base,-(r11) rsb base: .long 10 # # STATE variable--0=interp, 1=compiling # .align 2 state2: .long base2,state1,0 .asciz "state" state1: movl $state,-(r11) rsb state: .long 0 # # isdig--return whether the first character in the current word is # a numeric digit (watch out for HEX!) # isdig: movb (r7),r3 # Put the char in question into R3 cmpb r3,$48 # Check for 0..9 blss isdig1 cmpb r3,$58 blss isdig2 movl r6,r4 # The base comes into us in R6 cmpl r4,$11 # For higher bases, check A..? blss isdig1 addl2 $54,r4 # Change the base into the highest char cmpb r3,$97 # Map a..? to A..? blss isdig3 subb2 $32,r3 isdig3: cmpb r3,$65 # Check against 'A' blss isdig1 cmpb r4,r3 # Check against highest char blss isdig1 brb isdig2 isdig1: clrb r3 # KLUDGE to return NZ decb r3 rsb isdig2: clrb r3 # Likewise for Z tstb r3 rsb interp6: .asciz " ?Stack empty\n" .align 2 interp1: .long state2,interp,0 .asciz "interp" interp: cmpl r11,stacklim # Check for underflow bleq interp5 movl $interp6,r0 # Underflowed. Complain & abort jsb prstr jbr abort interp5: jsb getw # Get next word jsb lookup # In the dictionary? bneq cknum # No, see if it's a number tstb state # Yes, either compile or execute bneq interp2 interp4: jsb (r0) # execute via its address brb interp interp2: bitl $Priority,r1 # See if it's immediate jnequ interp4 bitl $Primitive,r1 # See if it generates in-line code bnequ interp7 movw $jsb_header,(r10)+ # compile it with a "jsb" header movl r0,(r10)+ jbr interp interp7: cvtwl 8(r2),r1 # Get number of bytes in def. interp8: movb (r0)+,(r10)+ # Copy bytes of insructions decl r1 # See if done bnequ interp8 jbr interp sign: .space 1 # Flags the sign cknum: movl $wrd,r7 # R7 is our index to the line clrb sign # Take care of negative #'s here cmpb (r7),$'- bneq cknu1 movb $-1,sign incl r7 cknu1: movl base,r6 # Keep base in R6 jsb isdig # Is this a number? jneq badwrd # No, complain clrl r1 ckn1: cvtbl (r7)+,r0 # Loop. Get next digit subl2 $'0,r0 cmpl r0,$10 # Fix things up for HEX blss ckn2 subl2 $17,r0 cmpl r0,$6 blss ckn8 # Turn R0 into the hex value subl2 $32,r0 ckn8: addl2 $10,r0 ckn2: mull2 r6,r1 # Scale up R1, add in R0 addl2 r0,r1 jsb isdig # Loop if have more chars jeql ckn1 cmpb $46,(r7) # If has decimal point, is floating pt. bneq ckn4 incl r7 # It does, move to first digit cvtlf r1,r1 movf $0F0.1,r0 # R0 is our scaling factor ckn5: jsb isdig # See if more digits bneq ckn6 subb3 $48,(r7)+,r2 # Get next digit, convert to float num cvtbf r2,r2 mulf2 r0,r2 # Scale by current factor addf2 r2,r1 # Add it in to the current number divf2 $0F10.0,r0 # Move our factor down one place brb ckn5 ckn6: tstb sign # Do negation if needed beql cknu2 mnegf r1,r1 brb cknu2 ckn4: tstb (r7) # Make sure there's no trailing junk jneq badwrd # Bad number. Don't need to restore # R9 because ABORT does it anyway tstb sign # negate if it started with '-' beql cknu2 mnegl r1,r1 cknu2: tstb *$state # Compile or push this number jneq ckn3 movl r1,-(r11) jbr interp ckn3: movw $lit_header,(r10)+ # pushl $... movl r1,(r10)+ movb $lit_tailer,(r10)+ jbr interp # # badwrd--print the offending word, then call abort to restart the # interpreter. # dunno: .asciz ": not found\n" badwrd: movl $wrd,r0 # First print the offending word jsb prstr movl $dunno,r0 # then, ": not found" jsb prstr jbr abort # # prstr--print the null-terminated string pointed to by r0 on STDOUT # wrprm: .long 3 # Parm block for WRITE syscall wrunit: .space 4 # Output unit wradr: .space 4 # BufAddr wrcnt: .space 4 # Nbytes prstr: movl ounit,wrunit # Set the output descriptor clrl r1 # Count the bytes -> R1 movl r0,wradr prst1: tstb (r0)+ jeql prst2 incl r1 jbr prst1 prst2: movl r0,r2 # Make next open addr. available in R2 movl r1,wrcnt movl $wrprm,ap # Now do the syscall chmk $4 rsb # # lookup--take the current word in "wrd" and see if it's in the dictionary # chain. If it is, return with address in R0 and Z# otherwise # return with NZ. If it is found, R1 will contain the SF. # lookup: movl $wrd,r0 # R0 -> word movl r8,r1 # R1 -> next entry to check against look1: addl3 $12,r1,r2 # R2 -> cur entry's name movl r0,r3 # R3 -> our word bitw $Smudged,10(r1) # Smudged? bnequ look3 look2: cmpb (r3)+,(r2) # Compare the names bnequ look3 # they didn't match tstb (r2)+ # They did; at end of names? bnequ look2 # No, keep going movl 4(r1),r0 # We have a match. R0 -> entry movl r1,r2 # R2 -> top of entry cvtwl 10(r1),r1 # R1 = (SFA) clrb r3 # Return Z tstb r3 rsb look3: movl (r1),r1 # Move to next entry tstl r1 bnequ look1 clrb r0 # No match, return NZ decb r0 rsb # # iswhite--return whether the character pointed to by R9 is a white # space character # iswhite: movb (r9),r3 # Keep this char in register cmpb $Tab,r3 # Tab beql iswh1 cmpb $Spc,r3 # Space beql iswh1 cmpb $NL,r3 # Newline beql iswh1 tstb r3 # NULL iswh1: rsb # # getlin--read another line of input from the current input file descriptor. # Note that we do some fancy things here to allow either a file or a TTY # to be read equivalently (and with reasonable efficiency). Namely, # installing NULLS at the end of buffers, and reading (potentially) a # full disk block from the input file descriptor. # rdprm: .long 3 rdunit: .space 4 .long inline,1024 prompt: .asciz "> " getlin: movl iunit,r0 # Get the input unit, put it in the movl r0,rdunit # the read area, prompt if ==0 tstl r0 bneq getl2 movl $prompt,r0 jsb prstr getl2: movl $rdprm,ap # Read a block chmk $3 tstl r0 # Test for EOF jeql getl1 clrb inline(r0) # Terminate the buffer with NULL movl $inline,r9 # Set the input line pointer rsb getl1: decl ideep # Decrement nesting depth count movl $256,r2 # R2 is the number of bytes to move movl ideep,r0 mull2 $1024,r0 addl2 $ibufs,r0 # R0 now points to our save location movl $inline,r1 # R1 points to the buffer to restore getl3: movl (r0)+,(r1)+ # Move the bytes sobgtr r2,getl3 movl ideep,r0 # Now save the input index movl ibufx[r0],r9 movl iunit,outp3 # EOF--Close the unit movl $outp4,ap chmk $6 movl isp,r0 # If we're not at top, pop item cmpl r0,$istk jeql exit # If at top, forth exits subl2 $4,r0 movl r0,isp movl (r0),iunit rsb # Return with the restored input buffer # # getw--get the next word in the current input line. If there are no # more words in this line, get another from the input # getw: jsb iswhite # Skip initial white space bnequ getw1 tstb (r9)+ # Is white. If NULL, need new line bnequ getw jsb getlin brb getw getw1: movl $wrd,r0 # Found word. Copy into "wrd" getw2: movb (r9)+,(r0)+ getw4: jsb iswhite bnequ getw2 tstb (r9) # Read new buffer if at end bneq getw5 pushl r0 # Save R0, then call "getlin" jsb getlin movl (sp)+,r0 brb getw4 getw5: clrb (r0) # add NULL at end of word rsb .comm dictend,500000 # Dictionary space