------------------------------------------------------------------- From the moderator: FIGIL is happy to forward this material sent to us from the East Tennesee Local FIGer's. This is the first mailing of a series which you can expect to continue, as long as Richard's patience and stength last! Thanks Richard.... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 4-NOV-1985 13:06 EST From: SECRIST%OAK.SAINET.MFENET@LLL-MFE.ARPA Organization: Science Applications Int'l. Corp., Oak Ridge, Tenn. Geographic-Location: 36 01' 42" N, 84 14' 14" W Greetings fellow FIGILs. I am president of the East Tennessee FORTH Interest Group and I thought that edited versions of our newsletters would be of interest to the net. Hence these postings. I will wait to see if y'all think this is a good idea before continuing, but I think these will probably be a worthwhile contribution. I have of course edited out all of our chapter-specific stuff, and things that we receive hardcopy may not make it in unless I feel type-happy. But since the bulk of what we usually run is online, you will see most everything. If I hear no objections, I will catch you up on the back issues at my leisure until you're up to date, and then post current issues. Richard C. Secrist, President East Tennessee FORTH Interest Group, Oak Ridge, Tenn. USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Excerpts from the ET-FIG News Posting #1 in a series ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume 1, Number 2 ** East Tennessee FORTH Interest Group ** 30-August-1984 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F O R T H B O O T S T R A P E D I T O R by Norman E. Smith, CDP The presentation by Art DuRae at the August Forth meeting brought up one problem most people have when bringing up FIG-FORTH from one of the public domain listings. There is no editor built into Forth to begin with. There are several line editors that are functional enough for the average user. The problem is that they are all several screens long; just too much to enter in IMMEDIATE mode. Hence we came up with the "Bootstrap Editor" to get around this problem when we were putting up FIG-FORTH on our VAX. People have asked me about this problem several times since our Forth group has begun, hence the following discussion documenting the design and use of our "Bootstrap Editor". The first consideration was that the Bootstrap Editor had to be small enough to easily enter in IMMEDIATE mode during one session. We were getting FORTH up at lunch over a couple of months. It was desirable for the editor to be generic enough to run with little or no changes under any FORTH. (I did the prototype on my Kaypro in MVP-FORTH.) The result easily fits in one standard 16 line Forth screen. It was intended as a one-time tool so efficency and ease of use were of little concern. What mattered was that it worked and was usable. Once I got the prototype working, I made changes only to fix problems. I believe in the old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". The bootstrap editor was used to enter the full FIG line editor into our system. The FIG line editor was then used to enter the rest of the source screens. Using the Editor: ----------------- The editing functions that the Bootstrap Editor can perform include: o list the screen o add/replace a new line to the screen o blank the entire screen The editor assumes that the screens and full Forth exist and was initially entered by typing it in immediate mode. It was then used to type in the source itself and save it to a screen so it could be used in other sessions. The first step in using the Bootstrap Editor is loading the Forth words. It is in screen 20 in our system. Type: 20 LOAD to load the editor. After the editor is loaded, you follow the following general steps: o Set up the screen to be edited, o Edit the screen, o Save the results. You identify the screen to be edited with the word BOOTSTRAP. It takes the screen number from the stack, causes the screen to be read into memory, and marks it for update. The entie screen can be initialized with the word NULL_BLK. Editing the screen consists of adding or replacing lines of text. The word AD adds and replaces lines in the screen. The line number (0-15) is taken from the stack, the contents of the reference line is printed along with a column reference line, the new line of text is entered, and the line of text is movedto the screen. No error checking is done of the line number. Lines can be only be added/replaced. No search or editing wihin a line is supported. (Remember I said a one-time, brute force tool.) The results are saved with the Fig-Forth wor FLUSH. You can list the screen being edited at any time with the word LST. If you wish to edit another screen, start wth the BOOTSTRAP word again. The following is a sample editing session. The screen to be edited is 27. 20 LOAD ( LOAD BOOTSTRAP ) 27 BOOTSTRAP ( INIT EDITOR FOR SCR 27 ) 0 AD ( ADD/REPLACE LINE 0 ) LINE 0 ( LINE NUM ECHOED ) THIS WAS LINE 0 OF SCREEN 27 +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ ( COLUMN REF ) *** THIS IS THE NEW LINE 0 OF SCREEN 27 ( NEW TEXT ) FLUSH ( SAVE SCREEN TO DISK ) The example does not use LST which can be used at any time other than in the middle of AD. Bootstrap Word Reference: ------------------------- The Bootstrap Editor is made up of 2 variables, LN and BUFADR, and 9 words. LN is the line buffer. BUFADR is the pointer to the start of a screen bufer. The following is the Bootstrap Editor Forth Glossary: AD ( line --- ) Add/replace line number on the stack with a new line of text. The text string is prompted for. BOOTSTRAP ( screen --- ) Initialize the Bootstrap Editor to edit the screen number on the stack. COLS ( --- ) Prints a column reference line on the screen. LN_NULL ( --- ) Sets the contents of the line buffer to nulls. LST ( --- ) Lists te contents of the screen being edited on the screen. OLD_LINE ( line --- ) Fetches the line number specified on te stack and prints it to the screen. NULL_BLK ( addr count --- ) Sets the memory block starting at addr forlength of count to nulls. Used in the Bootstrap Editor to initialize the line buffer. READ_LINE ( --- ) Reads a line from the keyboard and places it in the buffer LN. REPL ( line --- ) Replaces the line number specified by the stack of the current screen with the contents of LN. Bootstrap Source for FIG-FORTH ------------------------------ 0 ( SCR#20 - FIG-FORTH BOOTSTRAP EDITOR NES - 8/83 ) 1 0 VARIABLE LN 72 ALLOT 2 0 VARIABLE BUFADR 3 : BOOTSTRAP BLOCK UPDATE BUFADR ! ; 4 : LST CR 16 0 DO BUFADR @ I 64 * + DUP 5 64 + SWAP DO I C@ EMIT LOOP CR LOOP ; 6 : READ_LINE CR LN DUP 72 32 FILL 64 EXPECT ; 7 : REPL 64 * BUFADR @ + LN SWAP 64 CMOVE ; 8 : NULL_BLK OVER + SWAP DO I C@ 0= IF 32 I C! ENDIF LOOP ; 9 : LN_NULL LN 64 NULL_BLK ; 10 : COLS CR 11 ." ----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+" 12 ; 13 : OLD_LINE CR 64 * BUFADR @ + DUP 64 + SWAP 14 DO I C@ EMIT LOOP ; 15 : AD DUP ." LINE " . DUP OLD_LINE COLS READ_LINE LN_NULL REPL ; Summary ------- The Bootstrap Editor is a useful tool in bringing up a FIG-FORTH FORTH system initially. It is small enough that it can be keyed-in and used to save its source code to a screen in one session. This makes it possible to enter one of the more complete, but much longer line editors. It served its purpose well. [nes] +---------------------< BULLETIN BOARDS OF NOTE >-----------------------+ | | | FORTH INTEREST GROUP BBS (24 hours, 300 baud): 415/538-3580 | | Jim Altman RCP/M Atlanta (200mb online, lotsa SIG-M): 404/627-7127 | | RCP/M Frog Hollow, Vancouver, BC (Mac stuff on B4:): 604/937-0906 | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ * F O R T H D E M E N T I A * : SONG SIXPENCE ! BEGIN RYE @ POCKET +! ?FULL END 24 0 DO BLACKBIRD I + @ PIE +! LOOP BAKE BEGIN ?OPENED END SING DAINTY-DISH KING ! SURPRISE ; (by Ned Conklin, quoted from FORTH DIMENSIONS I/6, page 63) HOW TO JOIN THE FORTH INTEREST GROUP (FIG) (This is not how to join this list, but a recognized Int'l User Group.) Several people have asked how to join the Forth Interest Group (FIG). Although we are of course a local chapter of FIG, the memberships to the Int'l FIG are separate and strongly encouraged. Membership includes their bi-monthly magazine, FORTH DIMENSIONS, that is well worth the membership price of $15.00 per year. [ Note: As of 11/1/85 it is now $20.00 -- rcs ] At present we have no dues in the local chapter, and are putting it off as long as possible. ET-FIG does not do not handle FIG memberships, although we do provide FIG membership forms (see above). The steps to join FIG are simple. Fill out and mail the form along with a check or money order payable to the FORTH INTEREST GROUP in the amount of $15.00 to the address listed, or to call FIG directly at 415/962-8653 and charge your membership on your Visa or MasterCard. [nes] [ end posting #1 ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpts from the ET-FIG News Posting #2 in a series ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume 1, Number 11 ** East Tennessee FORTH Interest Group ** 03-Jul-1985 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book Review of POCKET GUIDE TO FORTH By: Norman E. Smith, CDP The POCKET GUIDE TO FORTH is the second book ET-FIG News has reviewed by Linda Baker and Mitch Derick recently. It is published by Addison-Wesley as part of their "Pocket Guide" series that includes guides to Basic, Cobol, Pascal, Wordstar, and several more. POCKET GUIDE TO FORTH is essentially the descriptive paragraphs about most Forth words from the FORTH ENCYCLOPEDIA. The guide is useful information, especially for the beginning Forth user. The book is a quick and compact reference to most "generic" Forth words, although fig-forth is the model used. No references are made to an editor, operating system interface, or anything that ties it to any specific implementation. My biggest complaint is not with the technical content, but with the binding of the book ! The cover is apparently designed so the book can be set up like an easel. The pages are spiral bound, which is a good idea for a reference book, but instead of being bound like a book it's bound at the top (AWFUL!). The pages are flipped over the top until you reach the end of the physical pages, which is really only half-way through. Then you reverse the book and flip back to the front. I found this VERY awkard when trying to use it. The POCKET GUIDE be much more usable if it were spiral bound on the LEFT side like a normal book ! My second complaint is that it like most "pocket" guides, it will NOT fit in a shirt pocket. It is however, about the right size to fit in your back pants pocket. The POCKET GUIDE TO FORTH is a good general reference for the beginning to intermediate Forth user in spite of its awkward binding. If it was bound on the side, I might even consider buying a copy myself. The review copy was generously loaned to me by Richard Secrist. Many thanks. If you have any Forth books that we have not reviewed yet, please loan them to me for a week or so. I will then review for the benefit of the entire group. [nes] Close Encounters of the Forth Kind: * CHARLES MOORE PRESENTS FORTH ENGINE AT ORNL * by Richard C. Secrist Charles Moore, who invented the high-level language FORTH some 12 years ago, has just completed work on the first single-chip Forth Engine. Moore recently spoke on the new processor at the invitation of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which intends to employ the device in robotics and artificial intelligence research. In a small, stuffy, institutional green auditorium, Moore stood before a group of over 60 engineers and recounted the history of Forth and how his "private, personal programming language" became the basis for an advanced microprocessor. Moore was as I had always pictured him, a calm, intelligent, and humorous man with a glint mischeif in his eye. Speaking on the acceptance of Forth in the so-called real world, Moore described Forth as "an uphill battle." Even though Moore believes that Forth is "objectively superior to what the alternatives are", Moore said that "objective measures don't mean much in the human world". "Most people would prefer [Forth] didn't exist", Moore said, not because it was a threat, but "a distraction". Moore thinks that this view of Forth is so prevalent that he was "surprised to see this many people" turn out for the talk, and was "skeptical" that anybody in a place like Oak Ridge had any interest in Forth. But as Moore spoke in cool and confident terms about his new silicon baby, he "didn't care" if the world at large could not appreciate the significance of Forth and his accomplishments. After all, Moore may soon vindicate himself in the eyes of the world with the tangible profits earned by the first chip which directly implements a high-level computer language in silicon. Over the last four years Moore and his collegues have created what may truly be a landmark in microprocessor technology; the Novix NC4000 microprocessor. The instruction set of this innovative machine has a direct correspondence to high-level FORTH words. What this means in terms of performance is staggering: a programmer writing code in high-level Forth is essentially writing exteral microcode for the NC4000. Thanks to the custom-tailored architecture of the device, the chip can perform high-level operations in Forth faster than a 68000 can processs 68K assembly language. This means that the initial release of the CMOS NC4000 can realistically out perform the 68000 in a variety of applications. The implications of a similar device in gallium arsenide are awesome. The concept of a computer language-engine is not new. The premise of such machines is that one encodes the primatives of a high-level language into a machine's instruction set to realize a substancial gain in execution speed. This is typically done through microprogramming, which allows an engineer to use a form of ultra low level programming to implement instructions that can be used by the target machine. During execution, the processor decodes machine instructions and subsequently invokes a sequence of internal microcode instructions which actually control the silicon components. This was the approach undertaken a number of years ago by the Western Design Center when they created their ill-fated Pascal engine. It is also the basis for Nikalus Wirth's recent Modula-engine named Lillith. In the NC4000, however, bit patterns within each opcode directly control the processor's components in silicon, completely bypassing the microcode step. As a result, each instruction can be executed in a single clock cycle realizing a considerable increase in performance. Furthermore, because the processor permits the simulatenous addressing of multiple memory spaces (main memory, data and return stack memory, and internal address I/O space), a single instruction can result in the execution of multiple Forth words. This is because the NC4000 reserves single bit fields within its 16-bit instruction for often-executed functions such as return from subroutine, divide, and several types of shift operation. The implication is that a jump to a subroutine and return is actually possible in one clock cycle. This is an important optimization since suboutine calls are the essence of what Forth is all about. Together, these characteristics account for the NC4000's ability to surpass the performance of many conventional microprocessors by as much as an order of magnitude. One of the most fascinating applications of the power of the NC4000 is the programmable I/O configuration created by design engineer Robert Murphy. Each of the 16-lines on the bus port of the NC4000 are fully programmable, allowing them to be interfaced to a variety of chips and busses. Moore said that this flexability allowed even high speed devices to be directly interfaced to the processor with a bare minimum of hardware devices. This power was evident on the alpha-test system Moore brought with him; the lines from the floppy disk were bit-banged directly from the processor without a disk controller or even a single I/O support chip ! Once even faster versions of this architecture are available one is presented with the fantastic concept of systems without I/O controllers. The tremendous possibilities for software-defined controllers could change the face of how computer systems are interfaced all together. These abilities could also permit significant developments in parallel processing applications in the defense and AI markets. Moore even speculated that it would be possible to build LISP machines with this architecture that could leave Symbolics machines in the dust. At the present time the chip is being manufactured in small quantities by Novix, Inc., the research and development partnership that has funded the development to date. Moore says that at this time IBM and other companies are "not yet aware" of the chip but that at this time Novix is talking "quite earnestly" with Apple Computer. The NC4000 is about to go into beta release. For more information, contact John Golden, General Manager; Novix, Inc.; 10590 North Tantau Avenue; Cupertino, CA 95014; 415/996-9363. [rcs] Word of the Month * STRING: A FORTH WORD TO INITIALIZE A STRING ARRAY * by Norman E. Smith, CDP Awhile back, a fellow Forth addict called wanting to know if I had a word to load ASCII strings into memory arrays. Forth provides no built in words to initialize arrays. I did not have an array initialization. I have wanted to initialize arrays/strings on many occasions, but never got around to writing a word to do it. Like most other things in Forth, an array initialization word is easy to write. Most Forth string packages include some word to do the initialization. None of the Forth's I was using included any kind of string handling package. After discussing what was needed, I ended up writing STRING. I have used it alot since then. STRING expects the destination address on the stack. It uses WORD to pick up the string from the input stream and the destination address to point to where to save the string. The '/' is used as the delimiter for the input string. An illustration of how to use string is in order: TABLE-ADDRESS STRING /This is the string/ 'This is the string' would be saved at TABLE-ADDRESS. Of course any delimiter could be used. I followed the common practice of delimiting a string with the slash character. The following is the code for STRING: : STRING ( addr --- ) 47 WORD ( get next word from input stream ) HERE DUP 1+ SWAP C@ ( get length & addr ) SWAP ROT ROT ( set up stack for the move ) CMOVE ; ( move it ) The code is self explanatory with the comments. A couple of simple extentions to STRING come to mind. First, the string delimiter could be passed to STRING as an argument on the stack. The secons one is checking for a maximum length of the input string. Both extentions would make STRING slightly more powerful with a very small performance penality. (The difference would probably not be detactable.) However, as written STRING satisfies at least 90% of the cases that would use it, is very simple, and therefore, desirable. A more complete example of using STRING is: CREATE FILENAME 25 ALLOT FILENAME STRING /forth.dat/ The first line sets up an array of 25 bytes to hold a filename. The next line initializes FILENAME to "forth.dat". If both lines are in your source code, STRING has the affect of initializing the array at compile time. STRING also works fine from immediate mode. If you don't already have some equivalent to STRING, I think you will find it as useful as I did. [nes] [ end posting #2 ] Acknowledge-To: <UMFORTH@WEIZMANN>
hrp@cray.UUCP (Hal Peterson) (11/12/85)
In the newsletter contained in the above posting, Richard Secrist refers to the Novix NC4000 as: > ... the first chip > which directly implements a high-level computer language in silicon. Though I'm not certain, I believe a group at MIT developed a chip which directly implemented SCHEME (yet another LISP dialect) in silicon, and they did it in 1980, give or take a couple of years. I know that Guy Steele, currently of Tartan Labs, was in on the project, and I think that Gerry Sussman, an MIT professor, was there too. What I'm not sure of is whether it was a direct or microcoded implementation. Anybody out there know? Anybody care? -- Hal Peterson / Cray Research / 1440 Northland Dr. / Mendota Hts, MN 55120 UUCP: ihnp4!cray!hrp phone: (612) 681-3085