toma@tekgvs.UUCP (07/03/86)
The recently posted (a program to change the switch character) failed to run on my system (boy is this a common problem!). The C program source compiled fine, but produced a rediculously large, 6000 byte, executable file considering this is a tiny program. So here is another version, both in source (Forth for my Cforth compiler) and as a 319 byte COM file: \ DOS utility which changes the switch character \ execute "SWITCH" to see the current value, \ or "SWITCH c" to set the character to "c". 100 MSDOS \ This line, the "IN/OUT" lines, and the last two \ lines are compiler directives HEX 80 CONSTANT COMMAND-LINE \ Address of command line buffer 2 1 IN/OUT CODE DOSINT ( DL-value AX-value -- DL-value ) BL DL MOV \ set up registers, AX is already OK! 21 INT DL AL MOV \ return result AH AH XOR RET 0 1 IN/OUT : GET-IT ( -- character ) 0 3700 DOSINT ; 2 0 IN/OUT : CHANGE-IT ( oldChar newChar -- ) ." Changing option switch character from " SWAP EMIT ." to " DUP EMIT CR 3701 DOSINT DROP ; 1 0 IN/OUT : DISPLAY-IT ( currentChar -- ) ." Current switch character is " EMIT CR ; 0 0 IN/OUT : QUIT ( go back to DOS in an expedient manner ) 0 0 BDOS ; : MAIN GET-IT COMMAND-LINE COUNT 0 ?DO \ look for argument character COUNT DUP BL <> IF NIP CHANGE-IT QUIT ELSE DROP THEN LOOP DROP \ unneeded address pointer DISPLAY-IT ; INCLUDE FORTHLIB END ---------Cut Here and uudecode------------ begin 644 MZ0@`/P(`````"@"\FO_'!@4!F/^]_O^)+@<!_.B/`,T@B-K-(8C0,.3#,=NX M`#?I[_]34.BW`"9#:&%N9VEN9R!O<'1I;VX@<W=I=&-H(&-H87)A8W1E<B!F M<F]M(%A;DU/HN@#HA@`$('1O(%A0Z*T`Z)X`N`$W6^BE_\-0Z&T`'$-U<G)E M;G0@<W=I=&-H(&-H87)A8W1E<B!I<R!8Z'T`Z6X`,=LQP.A[`%##Z'G_NX`` M4(H',.1#,<GH<0!U`^DD`(H',.1#4XG#/2``=!!8DUM1Z%K_65'HR/]9Z0`` M0?]&`%MQW$5%6.F/_UN*!S#D0U-0`<-86E.)T^D``(G!XPZ*!S#D0U-1Z!$` M65OB\L.X#0#H!@"X"@#I``"[`@"3Z`$`PXC$B=K-(3#DP[H`@"G"`<I-38E6 $`#G!P\.X ` end