kathleen (12/28/82)
For information about B & W films (i.e. types, contrast ranges, etc.) contact Kodak in Rochester, New York. They have a wealth of info about their films and also, processing techniques. You could also contact Ilford in New Jersey. They manufacture quality B & W films and papers for professional and amateur use. A local camera or photography supply store could give you addresses and phone numbers. You might also try printing and processing at home. It is a very enjoyable pasttime and is not very expensive for B & W. Printing negatives on a very high-contrast paper should give you the desired results. You may want to try infrared film (B & W) and print it on high-contrast paper or with varying degrees of filtration on a normal paper. Resin-coated papers dry faster and seem to be less of a hassle to process (with the least amount of supplies and time and effort). Check your local library for back issues of Popular Photography and possibly Darkroom magazines. They list and compare films, papers, chemistry and results for home usage. Would like to hear from other photo buffs on any aspect of photography. Thanks. Katie Romanowski IX 1G-367 Indian Hill South Bell Laboratories Naperville, Illinois