[fa.info-vlsi] Latest Magic bug fixes

info-vlsi@ucbvax.ARPA (08/16/85)

From: wss@ucbkim (Walter S. Scott)

Magic Bug Report #1
April 24, 1985

    Spurious design-rule violations involving interactions between
    cells.  Occurs primarily in the CMOS process, and results in
    error messages of the form "can't overlap those layers" even
    though the overlap is valid.

    Go to the file src/drc/DRCtech.c and find the procedure DRCTechInit.
    Locate the piece of code that corresponds to the fragment below, and
    replace it with the fragment below.

    for (plane = 0; plane < DBNumPlanes; plane++)
	/* printf("Plane is %s.\n", DBPlaneLongName(plane)); */
	for (i = 0; i < DBNumTypes; i++)
	    for (j = 0; j < DBNumTypes; j++)
		PaintResultType result = DBPaintResultTbl[plane][i][j];
		if ((i == TT_ERROR_S) || (j == TT_ERROR_S))
		    DRCPaintTable[plane][i][j] = TT_ERROR_S;
		else if ((i == TT_SPACE) || (j == TT_SPACE)
			|| (DBPlane(j) != plane)
			|| !DBPaintOnPlane(i, DBPlane(j)))
		    DRCPaintTable[plane][i][j] = result;
		else if ((!TTMaskHasType(&DBLayerTypeMaskTbl[i], result)
			&& !TTMaskHasType(&DBLayerTypeMaskTbl[j], result))
			|| ((result != DBPaintResultTbl[plane][j][i])
			&& (DBPlane(i) == plane)
			&& DBPaintOnPlane(j, DBPlane(i))))
		    DRCPaintTable[plane][i][j] = TT_ERROR_S;
		    /* printf("Error: %s on %s, was %s\n", DBTypeShortName(i),
			    DBTypeShortName(j), DBTypeShortName(result)); */
		    DRCPaintTable[plane][i][j] = result;

Magic Bug Report #2
May 21, 1985

    Problems in generating hierarchical CIF are not being reported.
    There may also be problems in actually generating the CIF, for
    some technology files.  Doesn't appear to be a problem with the
    current nMOS or CMOS technologies (?).

    Go to the file src/cif/CIFhier.c and find the procedure
    CIFGenSubcells, about line 565.  Add the line:

	    CIFErrorDef = def;

    before the line:

    to get:

	    CIFErrorDef = def;
    Also, go to the file src/cif/CIFtech.c, at about line 800.  Replace
    the code fragment:
			    if (op->co_bloats[j] != op->co_bloats[TT_SPACE])
				TTMaskSetType(&ourYank, j);

			    if (op->co_bloats[j] != op->co_bloats[TT_SPACE])
				/* Careful!  For contact images, must yank
				 * the MASTER image.
				if (j < DBNumUserLayers)
				    TTMaskSetType(&ourYank, j);
				    int k;
				    for (k = TT_TECHDEPBASE;
					k < DBNumUserLayers; k += 1)
					if (TTMaskHasType(
					    &DBLayerTypeMaskTbl[k], j))
					    TTMaskSetType(&ourYank, k);

Magic Bug Report #3
June 7, 1984

    CIF reader core dumps when reading labels (CIF "94" statements)
    that do not indicate explicit layers.  First noticed when Magic
    core dumped trying to read in label file generated by ext2sim.

    Go to the procedure cifParseUser94 in src/cif/CIFreadcell.c.
    Find the lines that look like

	else type = cifCurReadStyle->crs_labelLayer[layer];
    (void) DBPutLabel(cifReadCellDef, &rectangle, -1, name, type);

    Add a new line before the DBPutLabel call to produce the following

	else type = cifCurReadStyle->crs_labelLayer[layer];
    else type = TT_SPACE;
    (void) DBPutLabel(cifReadCellDef, &rectangle, -1, name, type);

Magic Bug Report #4
June 8, 1985

    Ext2sim may dump core when flattening large designs.

    The node_conns field was not being initialized.  Go to
    the procedure efDefNew() in src/ext2sim/EFdef.c.
    Find the line that looks like

	newdef->def_conns = (Connection *) NULL;

    and add the following line

	newdef->def_caps = (Connection *) NULL;

Magic Bug Report #5
June 8, 1985

    Ext2sim only outputs very large internodal coupling capacitances,
    and these are incorrectly reduced by a factor of 1000.

    Go to the procedure efReadDef() in src/ext2sim/EFread.c.
    Find the lines that look like

	    /* cap node1 node2 capacitance */
	    case CAP:
		efBuildCap(def, argv[1], argv[2], atoi(argv[3]));

    Change the efBuildCap line as follows:

		efBuildCap(def, argv[1], argv[2], cscale*atoi(argv[3]));

Magic Bug Report #6
June 9, 1985

    The extractor will sometimes output lines that look something
    like the following example:

	merge "5_526_408#" "foo/bar/bletch" 0 0

    when there is no mask material in the cell being extracted.
    Ext2sim will then complain "no such node 5_526_408#".

    The problem is that the extractor was yanking both node names
    and attributes during hierarchical extraction.  If a node in a subcell
    contained attributes (e.g, "Cr:In$" or "bletch@"), but no ordinary name
    labels, the code for determining its node name would fail.

    Look at the file src/extract/ExtYank.c in the procedure extHierLabelFunc():
    Change the following code:
	if (label->lab_type == TT_SPACE)
	    return (0);
    to read:

	if (label->lab_type == TT_SPACE)
	    return (0);

	/* Reject if not a node label */
	if (!extLabType(label->lab_text, LABTYPE_NAME))
	    return (0);

Magic Bug Report #7
July 20, 1985

    CIF wires aren't being read in properly by Magic.

    Go to the procedure CIFParseWire in src/cif/CIFreadpaint.c.  Find
    the lines:

	segment.r_xbot = (xmin - halfwidth)/2;
	segment.r_ybot = (ymin - halfwidth)/2;
	segment.r_xtop = (xmax + halfwidth)/2;
	segment.r_ytop = (ymax + halfwidth)/2;
    Change them to be:

	segment.r_xbot = xmin - halfwidth/2;
	segment.r_ybot = ymin - halfwidth/2;
	segment.r_xtop = xmax + halfwidth/2;
	segment.r_ytop = ymax + halfwidth/2;

Magic Bug Report #8
July 20, 1985

    With certain technology files (particularly the MOSIS SCMOS
    technology), Magic complains about non-Manhattan direction
    vectors when reading CIF files.

    Go to the procedure CIFParseTransform in cif/CIFreadutils.c.
    At about line 726, find the lines

	    case 'R':
		    if (!CIFParsePoint(&point))
			CIFReadError("rotation, but no direction.\n");
			return FALSE;

    Replace the CIFParsePoint call as shown below:

	    case 'R':
		    if (!CIFParseSInteger(&point.p_x) ||
			CIFReadError("rotation, but no direction.\n");
			return FALSE;