[net.lang.prolog] 2 sources of Prolog information

bts (03/09/83)

	From: Chris Moss <Moss@UPenn>
	Subject: Prolog News
	Via:  UDel-Relay; 8 Mar 83 19:01-EDT

I'm not sure if everyone on the network knows about 2 useful sources
of information about Prolog:

One is the Logic Programming Newsletter which is published approximately
twice a year. It comes for a (voluntary) subscription of $6 from

Prof. Luis Moniz Pereira, (Editor)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
Centro de Informatica,
Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnolgia,
2825 Monte de Caparica, Porttugal.

It has a mixture of short articles, programs, abstracts and research
centre addresses.

The other is the Logic Programming workshop which is
due to be held from June 27 to July 1 this year in Portugal. It is
basically by invitation but this is not as far as I know meant to be exclusive
and anyone interested should write to Luis Pereira at the above address
(at the Departamento de Informatica). The cost is $120 for accomodation,
though travel will obviously be a bigger factor from the US!

Chris Moss.