From: Chuck Restivo (The Moderator) <PROLOG-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.ARPA> PROLOG Digest Tuesday, 12 Jul 1983 Volume 1 : Issue 13 Today's Topics: Representation - Declaring Predicates Transitive, Implementations - Performance In Programs, Prolog Availability, LP Library - Trace Routine ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu 7 Jul 83 17:58:09-PDT From: Vivek Sarkar <JLH.Vivek@SU-SIERRA> Subject: More On Declaring Predicates Transitive Having only read the initial issues of the Digest a few days ago, I hope that I may be forgiven for bringing up an old problem: The problem was to come up with a predicate, transitive(R) which checks if R is a transitive (binary) relation. This is what my solution looks like: transitive( R ) :- not( nontransitive(R) ). nontransitive( R ) :- R(A, B), R(B, C), not( R(A, C) ) . The reason that this kind of problem arises is because a Prolog goal with uninstantiated variables is like a predicate with an *existential* ("there exists ...") quantifier. I.e. p(X) is true if there exists some value a, such that p(a) is true (this is only in the case that X is uninstantiated to start with). So when we approach this transitivity problem we may think of transitive( R ) :- R(A, B), R(B, C), R(A, C). Then we pause because what we really want to say is "for all possible A, B & C". But what this says is that R is transitive if we can find any one set of values for A,B & C such that the above RHS holds. We want to use a *universal* ("for all ...") quantifier for a goal, but Prolog goals only lend themselves to existential quantifiers. This is where the "not" predicate comes into play. From predicate calculus we know that a universal quantifier can be written as the negation of an existential quantifier, and so we can expect the "not" predicate to help us. It turns out to be straightforward to write a predicate for non-transitivity, since it's an existential assertion. The predicate for transitivity then follows by a simple negation. This issue of existential vs. universal quantifiers is a bit of an anomaly in Prolog. The semantics of variables which occur in the LHS (or head) of a clause is that they are bound by universal quantifiers. I.e. p(X) :- q(X), r(X). is a statement about *all* X. But if the variable occurs only in the RHS, then it is effectively bound by an quantifier. I.e. p(X) :- q(X), r(X, Y). is a statement which holds for *all* X and *some* Y. A final note on the solution: Since most Prolog implementations do not allow a variable functor in a goal (I.e. R(A, B), where R is a variable), =.. & call have to be used to actually get it to work: transitive( R ) :- nott( nontransitive(R) ) . nontransitive( R ) :- X =.. [R, A, B], call( X ), Y =.. [R, B, C], call( Y ), Z =.. [R, A, C], NZ =.. [nott, Z], call( NZ ) . nott( P ) :- call( P ), !, fail. nott( _ ) . I have tried this on the DEC-10 Prolog interpreter, and found that it works. You may notice that I have defined my on negation predicate "nott"; for some reason, the standard "not" didn't work correctly. ( Even '' ?- not(fail). '' was not satisfied! ) -- Vivek Sarkar ------------------------------ Date: Thu 7 Jul 83 19:37:44-EDT From: STEVE@COLUMBIA-20 Subject: Performance In Prolog Programs I would like to do some statistical analysis on large Prolog programs. I am particularly interested in AI programs in the following areas: 1) Expert Systems 2) Data Bases, 3) Planning or Robotics, 4) NLP Can anyone provide sample programs that I can use? They should be large programs that run on Edinburgh Prolog 3.47 (Dec-20) or C-Prolog 1.2 (Unix 4.1/Vax). I would like to collect a good variety, so any programs will be useful. I would also appreciate a sample journal of a session with the program so that it can be exercised quickly and effectively. Many Thanks, --Stephen Taylor ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jul 83 13:11:36 EDT (Sat) From: Bruce T. Smith <BTS.UNC@UDel-Relay> Subject: How Many Prologs Are There ? Here's Randy Harr's latest list of Prolog systems. He's away from CWRU for the summer, and he asked me to keep up the list for him. Since there have been several requests for information on finding a Prolog lately, I've recently submitted it to net.lang.prolog. The info on MU-Prolog is the only thing I've added this summer, from a recent mailing from the U. of Melbourne. (Now, if I could only find $100, I would like to try it...) --Bruce T. Smith, UNC-CH duke!unc!bts (USENET) bts.unc@udel-relay (lesser NETworks) list compiled by: Randolph E. Harr Case Western Reserve University decvax!cwruecmp!harr harr.Case@UDEL-RELAY { the list can be FTP'd as [SU-SCORE]PS:<PROLOG>Prolog.Availability. SU-SCORE observes Anonymous Login convention. If you cannot FTP, I have a limited number of hard copies I could mail. -ed } ------------------------------ Date: 8 July 1983 1344-PDT (Friday) From: Foonberg at AEROSPACE (Alan Foonberg) Subject: Trace Routine Trace - July 8, 1983 By Russ Abbott and Allen Foonberg Included is a trace routine which may be useful to users debugging Prolog programs. If you have any questions, please contact Alan Foonberg (Foonberg@Aerospace) or Russ Abbott (Abbott@Aerospace). This is a trace program similar to that provided by the Prolog system. A term's execution is traced step-by-step by typing "trace(term).", where term is that term to be traced. At each step of the trace, you have an option to enter a different trace mode. The list of modes can be obtained by answering this question with a '?'. A typical trace line looks like this: 2. (3) enter b(Var, constant) The number before the period indicates the count, the number in parenthesis is the depth, the following phrase indicates the port, and the rest is the current term being traced. To obtain the full trace as a parameter, type "trace(term, Full_Trace)." Full_Trace will contain a list of the trace lines, which can be printed out formatted by typing "trace$_write_term(trace_list(Full_Trace)." A 'true trace' is also provided by adding a third parameter to the trace call, and this can be printed in a manner similar to that used to print the full trace. The true trace contains only those calls that succeeded which led to the satsification of the main goal. If you have any questions or suggestions, please send network mail to Foonberg@Aerospace or Abbott@Aerospace. [ Trace can be FTP'd as {SU-SCORE}PS:<PROLOG>Trace.Pl or {SRI-AI}PS:<PROLOG>Trace.Pl Note: The syntax used is only valid in C-Prolog, not in DEC-10/20 Prolog or other available Prologs. The problem is that C-Prolog accepts $ as an alphabetic character. -ed ] ------------------------------ End of PROLOG Digest ********************