[net.lang.prolog] Equality In Prolog

Abbott@AEROSPACE@sri-unix.UUCP (07/20/83)

From:  Abbott at AEROSPACE (Russ Abbott)


Bill Kornfeld (see his paper referenced in an earlier Prolog Digest for 
more details) has defined a nifty variant to Prolog that permits one to 
state equality theorems to be used by the unifier when attempting to 
apply predicates.  In his implementation he modified his LISP-based 
Prolog interpreter.  Following is a version of the same capability that 
runs in standard Prolog.

One problem we have found is that it is possible to build circular
structures, in which case the interpreter will loop forever.  Other than
that, this approach seems to work successfully.  No guarantee, however; we
have not tested it thoroughly.   We offer it for your further development.

First an example program that shows how it may be used.   Then the actual
Prolog clauses.


example :-				
	le(X, Y),			% Establish that X < Y, although 
	write('X = '), write(X), nl,	% both are variables.  
	write('Y = '), write(Y), nl,	
	member(X, [3, 4, 5]),		% Bind X and then Y.  (Binding X first
	member(Y, [3, 4, 5]),		% is "harder" because as  le  is 
	write('X = '), write(X), nl,	% written X is defined in terms of Y
	write('Y = '), write(Y), nl,	% rather than Y in terms of X.)
	instantiate(X, X1),		% Instantiate X, i.e., force it to
	write('X1 = '), write(X1), nl,	% take on an actual value, such
	instantiate(Y, Y1),		% as 3, 4, or 5, if possible.  
	write('Y1 = '), write(Y1), nl,	% Instantiate Y.
	write('At fail'), nl,		% Backup and get other values for
	fail.				% first Y and then X.


Here are  le  and  member  redefined so that they can make use of equality.


le(X, Y) :-				% If both arguments can be 
	instantiate(X, X1),		% instantiated to integers, evaluate
	instantiate(Y, Y1),		% le  with those values.
	X1 =< Y1.
le(X, Y) :-				% If one argument can be instantiated
	instantiate(Y, Y1),		% use it.  Define the other in terms
	integer(Y1),			% of it.  Read  "omega(X, P)"  as 
	!,				% "a value  X  such that P holds."  
	equals(X, omega(Z, le(Z, Y1))).	% (Presumably  X  appears in P.)  So
					% this sets  X  to "a value  Z  that
					% is less than or equal to Y1."
le(X, Y) :-				
	instantiate(X, X1),		% The same thing, but in terms of the
	integer(X1),			% other argument.  (Actually this 
	!,				% is not needed since the next is the 
	equals(Y, omega(Z, le(X1, Z))).	% same.

le(X, Y) :-				% Otherwise build a new omega 
	equals(X, omega(Z, le(Z, Y))).	% structure that defines  Y  in terms
					% of  X.

The traditional definition of member

member(First_Element, [First_Element, Rest_of_List]).

member(Element, [First_Element | Rest_of_List]) :-
	member(Element, Rest_of_List).

is replaced by:								*/

member(X, Y) :-
	structure(Y, [First_Element | Rest_of_List]),
	equals(X, First_Element).
member(X, Y) :-
	structure(Y, [First_Element | Rest_of_List]),
	member(X, Rest_of_List).


The translation may be performed automatically.  All arguments are replaced
by new variables.  Then, if an argument was initially a variable, such as
First_Element, set the new variable, I.e., X,  equals  to it, whence
equals(X, First_Element), in the first clause of member.  If the original
argument was a structure, such as the list structures, use  structure  to
require that the new argument be a structure of the same form.		*/


Now here are the definitions of  equals  and the supporting predicates.	*/

equals(A, Y) :-				
	structure(A, omega(X, P)),	% If A is an omega structure in X,
	instantiate(Y, Z),		% and if Y can be instantiated to the
	!,				% value Z, then Z is a valid value for 
	equals(X, Z),			% A if P holds on Z.
equals(Y, A) :-				
	structure(A, omega(X, P)),	% Same thing, but with
	instantiate(Y, Z),		% the arguments reversed.
	equals(X, Z),
equals(A, B) :-				
	structure(A, omega(X, P_1)),	% If A and B are both omega structures,
	structure(B, omega(Y, P_2)),	% compose them, i.e., require that both
	!,				% P_1 and P_2 hold.
	Y = A.
equals(A, B) :-				% Two structures are equal if their
	nonvar(A),			% components are equal.
	functor(A, F, N),		% They must have the same functor and
	functor(B, F, N),		% the same number of arguments.
	A =.. [F, A_1 | A_Rest],	% Structures with no arguments are
	B =.. [F, B_1 | B_Rest],	% atoms.
	equals(A_1, B_1),
	equals(A_Rest, B_Rest).
equals(X, X) :-				% If all else fails, use standard
	!.				% unification.

instantiate(Thing, Thing) :-			% If  Thing  is instantiated,
	instantiated(Thing).			% return it unchanged.
instantiate(Thing, Value) :-			% If  Thing  is an omega 
	structure(Thing, omega(Value, P)),	% structure, with  Value  as 
	P,					% its local variable, evaluate
	instantiated(Value).			% its predicate  P.  If that
						% succeeds, return (the 
						% resulting) Value as Thing's
						% instantiation.

instantiated(X) :-			% If  Thing  is not a variable 
	nonvar(X),			% and not and omega structure, 
	not functor(X, omega, 2).	% it is already instantiated.

structure(X, Y) :-			% Succeeds if X is a structure of
	nonvar(X),			% the form Y.
	X = Y.