[net.lang.prolog] Equal On Terms

SHardy%SRI-KL@sri-unix.UUCP (07/18/83)

An earlier message asked how to define a predicate EQUAL on two terms 
that didn't mind if variables were renamed but otherwise wanted the 
terms to be identical, thus:

        equal(A + B, C + D), equal(A + A, C + C)

are true, but not:

        equal(A + A, B + C)

The proposed ``quick and dirty'' solution was something like:

        equal(X, Y) :- assert(temp(1, X)), assert(temp(2, Y)),
                       retract(temp(1, A)), retract(temp(2, B)),
                       numbervars(A, 1, N), numbervars(B, 1, N),
                       A = B.

A ``better'' (I.e. faster) solution is:

      equal(X, Y) :- \+notequal(X, Y).
      notequal(X, Y) :- \+notnotequal(X, Y).
      notnotequal(X, Y) :- numbervars(X, 1, N),
      numbervars(Y, 1, N), X = Y.

This is ``better'' because it doesn't use ASSERT.  It's best to avoid 
Assert because:

        * It is slow - it has to copy the structure being asserted.

        * On the DEC-20, it consumes memory until the procedure doing
          the ASSERT is backtracked over - not just until the item is
          RETRACTed. This might be for the ENTIRE computation.

A useful heuristic is that predicates that side-effect their arguments
in undesirable ways (eg by using NUMBERVARS) can sometimes be rendered
safe by enclosing them in a double negation.

-- Steve Hardy,

ok@edai.UUCP (07/30/83)

     Steve Hardy's solution to the  term  isomorphism  problem  is  only
correct  when  you  can  guarantee  in  advance that the two terms don't
contain variables.  With pointless predicates removed, his solution was

	isomorphic(T1, T2) :-
		\+ \+ (
		    numbervars(T1, 1, N),
		    numbervars(T2, 1, N),
		    T1 = T2

     But consider T1 = f(X,Y),  T2  =  f(Y,X).   According  to  all  the
definitions  in  theorem-proving  texts  and  aritcles I have ever seen,
these two terms  are  equal  up  to  renaming  of  variables.   However,
numbervars(T1,1,N)  binds  N  to  2  and  instantiates  T1 to f($VAR(1),
$VAR(2)).  Then  numbervars(T2,  1,  N)  fails,  because  T2  no  longer
contains any variables.

     A while back I posted a file METUTL.PL of "meta-logical"  utilities
to net.sources, it contained a predicate variant/2 which I believe to be
a  correct  solution  to thise problem.  If anyone finds a bug in it, do
let me know.

     Here is another solution, which attacks the problem directly.  (Why
can't people tackle problems like this from first principles?   This  is
an EASY one!)

     There are four cases to consider.
T1	T2
var	var	we have to match the two variables somehow.
var	nonvar	non-isomorphic
nonvar	var	non-isomorphic
nonvar	nonvar	isomorphic iff they have the same principal functor
		and corresponding arguments are isomorphic.

As for matching the variables, it is a bit like unification, except that
we don't want to bind anything.  So we have to keep a mapping  for  each
term  which  says what each variable in that term is matched with.  Note
that X (occurring in T1) may be matched with Y (occurring in T2),  while
X (occurring  in  T2)  may  be  matched  with Z (occurring in T1).  Each
variable will be matched with precisely one variable in the other  term.
So let's start by defining a data structure and predicate for doing this
matching.   The  simplest  possible  structure  is  a  list  of pairs of
variables, so let's pick that until forced  to  do  otherwise,  and  the
simplest  way  of  extending  it  is  to  leave the tail unbound, and to
further instantiate it.  So

	match(V1, V2, [Match|_]) :-
		var(Match),	%  we're at the end of the list
		!,		%  neither X nor Y bound before
		Match = V1-V2.	%  so extend map
	match(V1, V2, [X1-X2|_]) :-
		X1 == V1,	%  we've found the match for V1
		!,		%  and there can only be one
		X2 == V2.	%  check that it is V2
	match(V1, V2, [X1-X2|_]) :-
		X2 == V2,	%  we've found the match for V2
		!,		%  because of the previous clause
		X1 == V1.	%  this test must fail
	match(V1, V2, [_|Matches]) :-
		match(V1, V2, Matches).

And now we're pretty nearly finished:

	isomorphic(T1, T2) :-
		isomorphic(T1, T2, Matches).

	isomorphic(T1, T2, Matches) :-
		match(T1, T2, Matches).
	isomorphic(T1, T2, Matches) :-
		functor(T1, Functor, Arity),
		functor(T2, Functor, Arity),
		isomorphic(Arity, T1, T2, Matches).

	isomorphic(0, _, _, _) :- !.
	isomorphic(N, T1, T2, Matches) :-
		arg(N, T1, Arg1),
		arg(N, T2, Arg2),
		isomorphic(Arg1, Arg2, Matches),
		M is N-1,
		isomorphic(M, T1, T2, Matches).

     And there you are.  Steve Hardy's  solution  is  cheaper  when  the
terms don't share variables, as it doesn't have to do a linear search on
every  variable.   But  then it doesn't work in the general case, and if
you want the substitution which makes the two terms identical you pretty
well have to do something like this.  The really nice thing  about  this
definition  is  that  producing  it requires essentially NO thought, you
just go STRAIGHT from the definition,  and  don't  have  to  know  about
tricks  with  the  data  base or numbervars.  (You DO have to know about
var, nonvar, functor, arg, and the distinction between  =  and  ==,  but
then  you  have to be pretty thoroughly at home with them before you can
risk writing metalogical code anyway.)  To show you just how easy it was
to write this, I just  typed  it  straight  down  while  composing  this
message.   I  did  call Prolog from the editor to check that my solution
works, which it appears to do.

				Richard O'Keefe
