[net.lang.prolog] Puzzle Solution

Warren@SRI-AI@sri-unix.UUCP (07/28/83)

From:  David Warren <Warren@SRI-AI>

Here's a solution to the puzzle Russ Abbott posed.

% Liars and Non-Liars Puzzle

% On a certain island the inhabitants are partitioned into those who
% always tell the truth and those who always lie.  I landed on the
% island and met three inhabitants A, B, and C.  I asked A, "Are you a
% truth-teller or a liar?"  He mumbled something which I couldn't make
% out.  I asked B what A had said.  B replied, "A said he was a liar."
% C then volunteered, "Don't believe B, he's lying."  What can you tell
% about A, B, and C?



liar(X) if says(X,Y) and not Y.
not liar(X) if says(X,Y) and Y.
not says(X,Y) if not liar(X) and not Y.
not says(X,Y) if liar(X) and Y.

provable(P and Q,A) :- !, provable(P,A), provable(Q,A).
provable(P,_) :- P.
provable(P,A) :- P is_in A.
provable(P,A) :- P isnt_in A, P if Q, negation(P,P1), provable(Q,[P1|A]).

P is_in [P|_].
P is_in [_|A] :- P is_in A.

P isnt_in [].
P isnt_in [P1|A] :- P \== P1, P isnt_in A.

negation(not P,P) :- !.
negation(P, not P).

:- provable(liar(X),[]), write(X), write(' is a liar.'), nl.

:- provable(not liar(X),[]), write(X), write(' is not a liar.'), nl.

Suwa@Sumex-AIM@sri-unix.UUCP (09/19/83)

From:  Motoi Suwa <Suwa@Sumex-AIM>

Date: 14 Sep. 1983
From: K.Handa  ETL Japan
Subject: Another Puzzle Solution

This is the solution of Alan's puzzle introduced on 24 Aug.


will display the ten disgit number as following:






I found following numbers:


The Following is the total program ( DEC10 Prolog Ver.3 )

/*** initial assertion ***/

init(D):- ass_xn(D),assert(rest(D)),!.

ass_xn(0):- !.
ass_xn(D):- D1 is D-1,asserta(x(D1,_)),asserta(n(D1)),ass_xn(D1).

/*** main program ***/

go(D):- init(D),guess(D,0).
go(_):- abolish(x,2),abolish(n,1),abolish(rest,1).

/* guess 'N'th digit */

guess(D,D):- result,!,fail.
guess(D,N):- x(N,X),var(X),!,n(Y),N=<Y,N*Y=<D,ass(N,Y),set(D,N,Y),
           N1 is N+1,guess(D,N1).
guess(D,N):- x(N,X),set(D,N,X),N1 is N+1,guess(D,N1).

/* let 'N'th digit be 'X' */

ass(N,X):- only(retract(x(N,_))),asserta(x(N,X)),only(update(1)).
ass(N,_):- retract(x(N,_)),asserta(x(N,_)),update(-1),!,fail.

only(X):- X,!.

/* 'X' 'N's appear in the sequence of digit */

set(D,N,X):- count(N,Y),rest(Z),!,Y=<X,X=<Y+Z,X1 is X-Y,set1

set1(_,N,0,_):- !.
set1(D,N,X,P):- n(M),P=<M,x(M,Y),var(Y),M*N=<D,ass(M,N),set(D,M,N),
              X1 is X-1,P1 is M,set1(D,N,X1,P1).

/* 'X' is the number of digits which value is 'N' */

count(N,X):- bagof(M,M^(x(M,Z),nonvar(Z),Z=N),L),length(L,X).

/* update the number of digits which value is not yet assigned */

update(Z):- only(retract(rest(X))),Z1 is X-Z,assert(rest(Z1)).
update(Z):- retract(rest(X)),Z1 is X+Z,assert(rest(Z1)),!,fail.

/* display the result */

result:- print(-->),n(N),x(N,M),print(M),fail.
result:- nl.