[net.lang.prolog] Natural Language and Logic Programming

Pereira%SRI-AI@sri-unix.UUCP (02/03/84)

                           Call for Papers

                      International Workshop On
                    Natural Lanugage Understanding
                        and Logic Programming

                Rennes, France - September 18-20, 1984

The workshop will consider fundamental principles and important
innovations in the design, definition, uses and extensions of logic
programming for natural language understanding and, conversely, the
adequacy of logic programming to express natural language grammar
formalisms. The topics of interest are:

* Formal representations of natural language
* Logic grammar formalisms
* Linguistic aspects (anaphora, coordination,...)
* Analysis methods
* Natural language generation
* Uses of techniques for logic grammars (unification)
  in other grammar formalisms
* Compilers and interpreters for grammar formalisms
* Text comprehension
* Applications: natural-language front ends (database
  interrogation, dialogues with expert systems...)

Conference Chairperson

Veronica Dahl  Simon Fraser University,
               Burnaby B.C. V5A 1S6

Program Committee

H. Abrahamson (UBC, Canada)        F. Pereira (SRI, USA)
A. Colmerauer (GIA, France)        L. Pereira (UNL, Portugal)
V. Dahl (Simon Fraser U., Canada)  P. Sabatier (CNRS, France)
P. Deransart (INRIA, France)       P. Saint-Dizier (IRISA, France)
M. Gross (LADL, France)            C. Sedogbo (Bull, France)
M. McCord (IBM, USA)

Sponsored by: IRISA, Groupe BULL, INRIA


        April 15:       Submission of papers in final form
        June 10:        Notification of acceptance to authors
        July 10:        Registration in the Workshop

Submission of papers:

Papers should contain the following items: abstract and title of
paper, author name, country, affiliation, mailing address and
phone (or telex) number, one program area and the following
signed statement: ``The paper will be presented at the Workshop
by one of the authors''.

Summaries should explain what is new or interesting abount
the work and what has been accomplished. Papers must report
recent and not yet published work.

Please send 7 copies of a 5 to 10 page single spaced manuscript,
including a 150 to 200 word abstract to:

-- Patrick Saint-Dizier
   Local Organizing Committee
   IRISA - Campus de Beaulieu
   F-35042 Rennes CEDEX - France
   Tel: (99)362000 Telex: 950473 F