O'KeefeHPS@sri-unix.UUCP (09/14/84)
From: O'Keefe HPS (on ERCC DEC-10) This message is composed of extracts from the ProGram manual. ProGram is a suite of Prolog programs that are intended to permit the design, evaluation, and debugging of computer realizations of phrase structure grammars for large fragments of natural languages. The grammar representation language employed is that known as GPSG (Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar). A GPSG grammar, as far as ProGTram is concerned, has up to nine components as follows: 1. Specification of feature syntax. 2. Immediate dominance rules (ID rules). 3. Metarules which operation on the ID rules. 4. Linear precedence rules (LP rules). 5. Feature coefficient default values. 6. Feature co-occurrence restrictions. 7. Feature aliasing data. 8. Root admissibility conditions. 9. A lexicon. All the major conventions described in the GPSG literature are implemented, including the Head Feature Convention, the Foot Feature Principle (and hence slash categories &c), the Control Agreement Principle, the Conjunct Realisation Principle, lexical subcategorisation and rule instantiation incorporating the notion of privilege. All the major parts of the grammar interpreter code are written in standard Prolog (Clocksin&Mellish). Installation of the system should be fairly simple on any machine of moderate size which supports Prolog. AVAILABILITY 1. The manual is "University of Sussex Cognitive Science Research Paper 35 (CSRP 035) and can be ordered from Judith Dennison, Congitive Studies Programme, Arts E, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QN, for 7.50 pounds including postage. 2. ProGram is aprt of the standard Sussex POPLOG system and is included, without extra charge, in all academic issues and updates of the POPLOG system. POPLOG is available to UK academic users for the sum of 500 pounds (special arrangements apply to holders of SERC AI grants who have a VAX running UNIX). Existing UK academic POPLOG users can obtain a free update of the POPLOG system which will include ProGram. POPLOG runs on VAXes under VMS and UNIX, and on Bleasdale BDC 680as under UNIX. [RAOK: The Bleasdale is a 68000, POPLOG is on SUNs too by now.] Non-educational customers (UK & overseas) who want ProGram with POPLOG should order it through System Designers Ltd, Systems House, 1 Pembroke Broadway, Camberley, Surrey GU15 3XH. This company makes POPLOG available to educational institutions in the USA for 995 dollars. 3. Academic users of other Prolog systems can obtain a magnetic tape in UNIX "tar" format of the Prolog code of the ProGram system free, together with a copy of "The Program Manual", provided they pay the tape, postage, package, and handling costs (35 pounds). Copies can be ordered from Alison Mudd, Cognitive Studies Programme, Arts E, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QN A cheque for 35 pounds made payable to "The University of Sussex" should be enclosed with the order. ---------------- I have no connection with POPLOG, ProGram, or (save a recent visit when I picked up the ProGram manual and saw PopLog running on its home ground) with the University of Sussex. Just to make sure you realise what ProGram is and isn't, it IS meant to be a convenient toolkit for *developing* a GPSG grammar, it is NOT meant to be the world's most efficient parser. The manual warns you that "in general, automatic exhaustive parsing with more than a few rules tends to be slow". You shouldn't need to know any Prolog in order to use ProGram.