[net.lang.prolog] PROLOG Digest V3 #8


From: Chuck Restivo (The Moderator) <PROLOG-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.ARPA>

PROLOG Digest            Monday, 11 Mar 1985        Volume 3 : Issue 8

Today's Topics:
         Implementaion - 'Numbersvar/3'Definition & Nrev & CP

Date: Tue, 5-Mar-85 10:52:26 PST
From: nbs-amrf!hopp
Subject: Definition of 'numbervars/3'

I recently obtained a listing of Dave Warren's WARPLAN
planner and put it up on our system, running C-Prolog
1.3.  Everything went smoothly except for a predicate
"numbervars/3", which was evidently part of the prolog
he was using (DEC-10 Prolog?), but is not part of our
Prolog.  I did find a description of it, which described
it something like this (this is off the top of my head):


Binds all variables in T to special terms such that
the variables print as consecutive integers from N to M.

I defined a numbervars and it seems to work, but I have
no idea if it is right.  My definition is:

numbervars(T,N,N) :- atomic(T),!.
numbervars(T,N,M) :- var(T),!,M is N+1,T=M.
numbervars([H|T],N,M) :- !,numbervars(H,N,M1),numbervars(T,M1,M).
numbervars(T,N,M) :- T=..[_|Args],!,numbervars(Args,N,M).

That is, I bind each variable in T to an integer.  Is
this, forpractical purposes, different that binding
to "special terms" that print as integers?  In
particular, the goal:


succeeds with my definition; does it with the built-in
numbervars on those Prologs that have it?

As a secondary question, if my definition is operationally
correct, is there a more efficient definition?  WARPLAN
seems to spend a lot of time numbering variables, and it
would be nice if this were as efficient as possible.

-- Ted Hopp


Date: Wed, 6 Mar 85 15:29:05 gmt
From: William Clocksin <WFC%Cl.Cam@ucl-cs.arpa>
Subject: Compilation of nrev using Warren Instructions

Several people have kindly replied to my earlier query
concerning the instruction set of Warren's SRI paper 309.
Yes, the deallocate instruction may stay as it has been
defined, provided the instructions for unsafe variables
are used appropriately.  However, Warren's rules for
unsafe variables cause a further problem.  Consider the

nrev([X|L0],L) :- nrev(L0,L1), conc(L1,[X],L).

Look at the last goal.  According to Warrens rules, only
L1 is considered unsafe.  However, for this to work properly
(including "backwards"), L should also be considered unsafe
(if [deallocate] is not to be altered).  But because L
appears first in the head, L is considered safe.

What gives?  The absence of an example of nrev from
Warren's SRI-309 compounds my confusion.  Should L
be considered unsafe?  Or have I gone astray somewhere


Date: Tue, 5 Mar 85 18:25:13 -0200
From: Jacob Levy <Jaakov%Wisdom.bitnet@WISCVM.ARPA>
Subject: Concurrent Prolog semantics


My, aren't we stirring up a storm here! All this discussion of
the semantics of Concurrent  Prolog certainly had  to happen
sometime, but I didn't expect it to take on such dimensions
and heat (-:).

I am glad that finally there  is a concencus  that the current
state of things re the semantics of Concurrent Prolog cannot
continue.  Thanks to Vijai Saraswat for pointing out some
ambiguities and to Tony Kusalik  for raising  some more points
to discuss. I  have started to work on a definition of  the
abstract semantics  of Concurrent Prolog, and Ran Ever-hadani
(RAAN@TECHUNIX.BITNET) is also  looking into this.

Here's the final word concerning unification of read-only vars
appearing in the head of a clause. The idea is that the read
only sign says that this clause is the producer  of the
variable's final value, and thus no-one should be allowed to
write on  it. It is desirable to disallow a variable becoming
read-only as a result of  unification, as would occur if we

goal    - g(X)
clause  - g(Y?) <- some_other_computation.

to succeed - X would become read-only. Therefore, the unification of a
variable in the head of a clause  that is  annotated with  a read-only
with any goal argument is defined to fail. This is in  divergence with
the table shown by Tony - sorry. The reason we  don't  want  to change
the semantics along the lines proposed  by Tony  is that  we must plan
ahead for the days when we have a distributed Concurrent Prolog system
available - the  possibility of  a variable  rooted on some  processor
becoming read-only through unification must  be avoided.  Imagine what
complications will arise if a processor  has a  normal reference  to a
variable, unifies it with  some structure,  then suddenly  is informed
that the variable became read-only on some other processor...  This is
possible if time and communication lag are taken into account. Thus we
want to avoid this issue from the start. The table should therefore be

                               H E A D

 |          | TERM          | VAR           | RO            |
 | TERM     | unify_terms(  | trail(HD)     | fail          |
G|          |  GL,HD)       | HD := REF(GL) |               |
O| VAR      | trail(GL)     | trail(HD)     | fail          |
 |          | GL := REF(HD) | HD := REF(GL) |               |
 | RO       | suspend(GL)   | trail(HD)     | fail          |
L|          |               | HD := RO(GL)  |               |

The reason for this controversy is that the semantics as proposed here
are impossible to enforce in an interpreter-based system. Only by com-
pilation can we ensure that this behaviour is adhered to. Therefore it
was necessary to approximate a reasonable behaviour in the interpreter

Another point raised by  Tony - whether  we should  allow many
attempt to commit for a given goal. This is still not decided;  on the
one hand,  since in  Flat Concurrent  Prolog we effectively  have this
feature, it would be desirable to have the same semantics of commit in
Concurrent Prolog also. On the other hand, the handling of distributed
commitment is complicated - many people have spent  a lifetime solving
this problem in various forms, and so  far no solution  that is really
suitable for Concurrent Prolog has emerged. The initial inclination of
Udi was to avoid distributed commitment, but now we are rethinking the

I have debugged an interpreter for Concurrent  Prolog, written
in C, that uses eager broadcasting to propagate values of variables to
guards. It is painfully slow, and currently I am analyzing the reasons
for this. Since we think that the overhead of propagating  values into
guards may be the cause, we have started rethinking this issue also. A
system that  allows multiple  attempts to  commit without  using eager
broadcasting has provably weaker semantics than one that allows only a
single attempt to commit but  uses eager  broadcasting. The reason  is
that with eager broadcasting failures of candidate clauses  are always
detected before they reach commitment, so  when a clause  finally does
attempt to commit, this is guaranteed to succeed. So the real question
is whether the semantics provided by the  multiple-commit-attempt  and
no-eager-broadcasting system are still sufficiently expressive.


-- Jacob Levy


Date: Sun 10 Mar 85 21:38:41-EST
From: Vijay <Vijay.Saraswat@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>
Subject: The read-only annotation in CP.

Discovering how the read-only annotation behaves in CP  is
an interesting exercise.  The following is a discussion of
what it does,  together with a  discussion of its  various
idiosyncracies.  In brief,  I think  unrestricted '?'   is
very powerful, and can  easily give rise  to all kinds  of
obscure and probably undesirable behaviour.

In  the  following  discussion,  `X'  and  `Y'   represent
variables and `T' and `Term' represent a compund term.

To understand the following discussion it is necessary  to
bear in  mind that  in CP,  processes are  goals, and  the
input and output channels for the process are  represented
by the  occurrences of  variables  in the  atomic  formula
representing the goal.  The only action that can be  taken
by a goal is to unify against the head of a clause.   This
unification typically would  lead to  an instantiation  of
various variables in the goal.  However it is  undesirable
that  variables  that  are  supposed  to  represent  input
channels should be instantiated.   Also, typically a  goal
implements some kind of a (possibly multi-valued) function
from its input arguments to its output arguments and hence
it is  unwise  for  process reduction  to  continue  until
values for  the input  arguments  are available.  Both  of
these  objectives  are  sought  to  be  achieved  by   the
introduction of  a 'read-only  annotation' (?)  which  can
decorate instances of  a terms in  goals and clause  heads
and whose semantics  is specified below.  Thus ?  has  two
roles: ?-as-read-only-designator and ?-as-input-designator.

Semantics  of  ?.
1.   unify(X?,  Term) suspends until X gets a value (that
is, is instantiated to a  non-variable term),  after which
X is  unified  with Term.
2.  unify(X?,  Y)  succeeds  with  Y  becoming  a
read-only version  of  X,  in  all  its  occurrences.
3. unify(X?,  Y?)   suspends  until   both   X  and  Y are
instantiated, after which X and Y are recursively unified.
4. unify/2 is symmetric.

Note that as defined above, suspension in 1. is  critical.
It allows a process  to effectively do  a CASE on  various
combinations  of   conditions   which  depend   upon   the
availability of  specific  kinds of  inputs  on  (possibly
multiple) channels.  But this  suspension is  really  only
justified in  the very  special case  in which  a  guarded
occurrence of a variable in a goal matches different terms
in different clause  heads for the  given process and  the
actual value  of the  variable is  needed at  run-time  to
select some of all those paths.

This gives  a `reasonable'  meaning  to `?'  provided  you
assume that:

Condition 1. AT RUNTIME, in  every goal call, if even  one
occurrence of a variable is read-only, then all  instances
are read-only.  (Hence that  variable may legitimately  be
considered  a  read-only  variable  to  the  call.    This
corresponds  to  the  normal  restrictions  in   data-flow
languages that an input stream to a process cannot also be
an output stream. Note  that calls such as  fibonacci(1.X,
0.1.X, X) (where  fib(X,Y,Z):- add(X,Y,Z).)   do not  need
any '?' annotations at all. )

Condition 2.  In every clause-head if even one  occurrence
of a  variable  is  read-only,  all  occurrences  of  that
variable should be read only.

Condition 3. If a variable is read-only annotated at  some
occurrence in a  clause-head, then ensure  that all  goals
that  would  reduce  via  this  clause  have  a   variable
(possibly  read-annotated...  see  section  V.)  at   that

Condition  2  is  symmetric   to  condition  1,  but   for
?-occurrences in goal-calls,  a restriction  corresponding
to condition  3 is  not required;  this is  a  fundamental
diffeence  between  the   use  of  ?   in  goals  and   in
clause-heads in CP.

Now let us look at the problems associated with it. Let us
start with the simple ones.

I. What should  happen with  unify(X?, X)  ?  (Don't  even
think  of   trying  to   answer   this  by   running   any
'implementation'  of  ?-unification,  least  of  all   the
unificationalgorithm in The Paper, unless you would  enjoy
a tete-a-tete with an infinite list of '('s. Don't believe
me?  Switch on  your debugger  and settle  into your  most
comfortable arm-chair.)

According to the definition given above for X?-Y, X should
now become a read-only version of X in ALL ITS OCCURRENCES
throughout the  world  so  that  there  will  be  no  more
producers for  X left!   Somehow that  doesn't sound  very
appealing so lets make a special case of this and say that
X?-X should succeed and do nothing.

(It is  easy  to  see  that if  Conditions  1  and  2  are
satisfied, such a  call to unify  can never arise  because
variables in the head of a clause are `standardised apart'
before unification  against a  goal.  Otherwise,  consider
the  case  "?-foo(X?,X),   X=2."  where   the  clause   is
"foo(Y,Y)."  If X?  unifies with  Y as  given above,  then
unifying the second arguments to foo will lead to X  being
unified with X?, i.e. X becoming a read-only version of X.
When the clause commits,  the X in  X=2 will become  X?=2,
leading to deadlock, which seems "wrong".)

II.  What happens with unify(X?,  X?) ?  According to  the
above definition, this unification should suspend until  X
gets a binding, when it  would be checked against  itself!
On the other hand, the interpretation of  '?-as-read-only'
would be consistent with just succeeding and doing nothing
else because even  potentially X  can hardly  get a  'new'
binding from X. (?-as-input-designator interpretation does
not seem applicable.)  (In a  private communication,  Ehud
agrees that perhaps X?-X?  should be allowed to succeed.)

III.  Unification is now order-dependent.
   Typically to unify  a term (T1)  against another  (T2),
you check the functors  are the same  (i.e. they have  the
same name  and the  same no.  of arguments)  and then  you
unify the corresponding arguments  inthe two terms IN  ANY
ORDER.  This  no  longer  works.  e.g.  unify(foo(X?,  X),
foo(a,a)) suspends if you match the first arguments before
the second but succeeds if you match the second before the
first.  (Apparently this  behaviour is well-known.)   This
implies that  we  must  now introduce  some  bias  in  the
unification:  either   specifying   an  order   in   which
unification   will   be   done   or   else   saying   that
(conceptually) all possible  orders will be  tried and  if
anyone leads to sucess (without suspension) then that will
be chosen.  The first  alternative seems unpalatable,  and
the second probably complicates the unification algorithm.
If the  second  alternative is  chosen,  we will  call  it
`desperate unification' because it  implies that unify  is
desperate to avoid a suspension.

Again, if  Conditions  1  & 2  are  satisfied,  then  this
order-dependence goes away.

IV.  The view ?-as-input-designator  is useful ONLY for  ?
occurrences in goals  (i.e. in bodies  of clauses) NOT  in
heads of clauses.  This has the following consequences:

1. If X? occurs in the head of a clause at argument i, and
there is a constant (or an instantiated term) at  argument
i in the goal call, then SUSPENDING till X gets a value is
in general meaningless because the only way you can get  a
binding for X is by executing some goal in the body of the
clause which generates  a value  for X.  BUT  YOU CANT  DO

  The only  way  you  can  avoid  this  certain  permanant
blocking is if there is some other occurrence of X in  the
head of the  clause which  is not  read-protected and  its
corresponding argument in  the call  gets instantiated  at
some time in the future and unify is desperate.

2.  The same  is true if  an X? occurrence  in the  clause
head matches a Y?  occurrence in the goal call. SUSPENSION

3.  The only use  then for X? in  a clause head, it  would
seem, is to  check if  its corresponding  argument in  the
goal call  is  a variable  (Y).  If  it is,  Y  becomes  a
read-only copy of X in all  its occurences as soon as  the
clause guard commits, if it  commits.  For this to  happen
it must be the case that Y is a variable when the call  is
unified with the clause head  and can still unify with  X?
without suspending when the clause guard commits.  This is
such a strong condition that only very very limted uses of
`?' in clause-heads are feasible.
    For example, see `Implementing Parallel Algorithms  in
Concurrent Prolog: The MAXFLOW experience' by  Hellerstein
and Shapiro, ISLP, 1984 and the bounded-merge solution  in
this Digest for another  way of using  a X?-Y match  which
avoids this deadlock.  Hellerstein  and Shapiro use the  ?
embedded in a term, as in [X|Y?],in the head of a  clause.
If it can be guaranteed  that this term is always  matched
by a  variable in  a goal  call,and the  variable  remains
uninstantiated  through   the  hiatus   between   Or-guard
initiation and commitment, then such a use is always safe.

Thus it is almost impossible to put '?' in clause heads.

IV. If  X?-Y  succeeds  with the  variable  Y  becoming  a
read-only copy of X in  all its instances, then two  kinds
of undesirable behaviours are possible:

1.  At  run time,  read-only copies  of variables  can  be
created through very long-chains  of X?-Y followed by  Y-Z
kinds of unification  so that a  seemingly innocuous  goal
such as foo(R,  S) would  suspend because R  got bound  at
run-time to X?.  A  static analysis of  the clauses for  a
process is  not  enough  to  describe  its  behaviour;  in
addition all the calls to the procedure must be  examined,
and then all  the goals in  the clause in  which the  call
occurs which  share variables  with this  call, and  their
clauses, ad infintum.  This makes writing modular code and
proving properties of programs very diffcult.

2.  If a process has a writeable access to a channel X, it
can cause that channel to become a read-only copy of  some
other  channel  thereby  effectively  blocking  all  other
processes which might  be writing to  the channel.   Maybe
the solution is to have an explicit producer annotation in
CP alongwith a read-only annotation, with some  priorities
between the two.

V.  There is really no a priori justification for  causing
unification of X?-Y?  to  suspend until both  X and Y  get
values and then to recursively unify them.  It makes sense
to  suspend  only  if   suspension  would  lead  to   more
information being  available at  some time  in the  future
(e.g.  in  the   form  of  X's   bindings  in  a   X?-Term
unification) which could lead to the selection of a few of
possibly many  clauses.   But  if, for  example,  a  X?-Y?
unification were to occur with an X? occurrence in a  goal
and a Y? occurrence in  a clause-head, it is not  possible
EVER  for  a  binding  of  Y  to  be  produced,  in   most
circumstances, so X?-Y?  definition serves  no purpose  at
all; it may as well have  been defined to FAIL always,  at
least that way it wouldn't cause deadlock.

  The other possibility is  that X? and  Y? both occur  in
the   goal   call   (e.g.    ?-foo(X?,Y?),    producer(X),
producer(Y).), and  the clauses  head 'equivalences'  them
by, for  example, unifying  them both  against Z  (Clause:
foo(Z,Z).).  In such  cases, it certainly  makes sense  to
succeed with X and Y unified (that is, identified).   This
is becaue if in the future X and Y do not both produce the
same value, they  will anyway  be doomed  to failure.   In
case foo(Z,Z)  was only  one  of many  clauses and  it  is
possible that some other clause might succeed if X? and Y?
produce different  values, then  it certainly  makes  more
sense to have a clause foo(A.Z, A.Z) instead of foo(Z,Z).

The same holds if the  goal was ?-foo(Z,Z) and the  clause
head was foo(X?,Y?):- producer(X), producer(Y).

Therefore, a  certainly useful  alternative semantics  for
the X?-Y? case  would be  to treat it  like X-Y.   Succeed
immediately and unify  X with  Y.  Essentially  the two  ?
cancel themselves out.

Such a change  would also cause  suspension to happen  iff
there was a read-only violation of the form X?-Term.  This
allows the use of X? in the head of a clause to check  for
whether the  corresponding argument  in the  goal call  is
instantiated or not, something that has been done till now
with the another extra-logical primitive var/1.  This  was
the philosophy  on  which  my  original  solution  to  the
bounded merge problem (see previous issue) was based.

Another possible use of channels also becomes evident.  If
a goal contains an occurrence of X? and is unified against
a clause  head  which  contains  a  Y?  in  that  argument
position, then the result is  as if the process becomes  a
producer for  the  channel,  even though  it  was  earlier
passed just a read-only reference at run-time.  Thus if  a
process always wants write-access to a channel, it can  do
that by  placing a  X?  at the  argument position  in  the
clause-head where it expects  the channel to be  supplied.
In this fashion,a  process has to  make fewer  assumptions
about the behaviour of its environment at run-time.

Note that  the treatment  of  X? in  clause heads  as  the
export of a stream called  X is still troublesome  because
the clause may be invoked with the corresponding  argument
in the  call  instantiated.   Clearly  suspension  is  not
needed here.  What has happened is that some process which
was to have  read-only rights to  the channel has  already
read something  off which  has yet  to be  written.   This
should probably  be  signalled  as a  run-time  error  and
computation aborted.  It indicates that the process  which
wrote something on  the channel  should not  have had  the
right to  do that;  it should  have been  called with  the
channel protected.

To  sum  up,  then,  I  would  argue  that  the  intuitive
interpretation of '?' makes sense in only some of the many
possible ways in which it can be used.  Maybe the language
should then provide syntactic restrictions which encourage
such use.  Conditions  1-3 are a  step in that  direction.
On the other  hand, a suitable  choice of definitions  can
expand the  generality  of the  '?'  primitive,  providing
concurrent programming facilities which Cp doesn't at this
time provide, but can lead to complicated  implementations
and semantics.


End of PROLOG Digest