bts@unc.UUCP (Bruce Smith) (07/29/84)
This list of PROLOGs was collected by Randy Harr of CWRU and myself, from the USENET and ARPANET computer networks. The emphasis is on systems that are available to academic sites. Please let me know of any additions or corrections to this list. Some of the entries are over a year old and are likely to be out of date. ____________________________ Bruce Smith, UNC-Chapel Hill Department of Computer Science decvax!duke!unc!bts (USENET) New West Hall (035A) bts.unc@CSnet-Relay (others) Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: (?) Unix Prolog VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: Vax assembly/VMS (sent in backup format) FEATURES: Interpreter AVAILABILITY: ? COST: $50. STATUS: ? CONTACT: Peter Roosen-Runge Department of Computer Science York University 4700 Keele Street Downsview, Ontario M3J 1P3 Canada DATED: Summer 1982 NOTES: Hand translation from Unix Prolog --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: ? Prolog VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: C/Unix V? FEATURES: Interpreter AVAILABILITY: ? COST: ? STATUS: ? CONTACT: Maurice Brynooghe Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Department Computerwetenschappen Celestijnenlaan 200A B-3030 Leuven-Heverlee Belgium DATED: 6 March 1982 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: BTL Prolog VERSION: 0 SOURCE/OS: C/Unix V7 FEATURES: Interpreter, enhanced Unix environment, real libraries, dynamic procedural attachment AVAILABILITY: maybe next year COST: ? STATUS: Under Development CONTACT: Alan Feuer (USENET: eagle!arf) Bell Telephone Laboratories Murray Hill, N.J. DATED: 16 December 1982 NOTES: Novel features of this implementation are that the database is partitioned into modules and each module has its own view of the database. Also, arbitrary C functions can be dynamically attached to predicates (using the same trick as the lisp dynamic loader). --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Basser Prolog VERSION: 2 SOURCE/OS: C/Unix (V7, 4.1BSD) FEATURES: Fast Interpreter, Full interface to Unix, Dynamic loading/interface to C (and f77) routines, DEC-10 Debugging facilities, Interface to commercial database system, Real Arithmetic, Backtrackable I/O. AVAILABILITY: Single machine license COST: Base Price A$3000 C & database interfaces extra STATUS: Running, New version under development. CONTACT: Andrew Taylor (USENET: mulga!basservax!andrewt) Department of Computer Science Sydney University Sydney, N.S.W. 2006 Australia DATED: 30/11/83 NOTES: Basser Prolog provides similar features to DEC-10 Prolog but has a different syntax. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: CProlog VERSION: 1.5 (?) SOURCE/OS: C/UNIX 4.1 BSD, C/Eunice (C/VMS -talk to Pereira) FEATURES: interpreter, no compiler AVAILABILITY: Restricted License, research and teaching purposes only. COST: 100 pounds (updates 50 pounds) STATUS: Active (@ Edinburgh and SRI by Pereira) CONTACT: EdCAAD Studies Department of Architecture University of Edinburgh 20 Chambers Street Edinburgh EH1 1GZ Scotland U.K. (or decvax!mcvax!edcaad!caad24!margrt) DATED: 16 December 1982 NOTES: Nothing to do with Unix Prolog from DAI. CProlog is internally rather similar to DEC-10/20 Prolog (less the compiler), and uses the data representation scheme known as structure sharing. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: DEC-10/20 Prolog VERSION: 3.3X SOURCE/OS: Prolog+Macro-10; TOPS-10 & TOPS-20 FEATURES: Interpreter, Compiler AVAILABILITY: For research and teaching only COST: $70 handling charge STATUS: Semi-active CONTACT: David Warren (ARPANET: WARREN@SRI-AI) AI Center SRI International 333 Ravenswood Ave. Menlo Park CA 94025 DATED: 16 December 1982 NOTES: this version is vastly improved in comparison with the original Edinburgh system: an incremental compiler intergrated with the interpreter producing tail-recursion optimized code, an interactive debugger and execution stepper for interpreted code, many other goodies. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Horne VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: Franz Lisp FEATURES: Lacks integers and control features of other Prologs AVAILABILITY: Anyone COST: Send a tape STATUS: ? CONTACT: James Allen (USENET: rochester!james) University of Rochester DATED: 13 December 1982 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: IC-PROLOG VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: Pascal FEATURES: Interpreter with psuedo-parallel execution of goals AVAILABILITY: ? COST: ? STATUS: Frozen, not fully working CONTACT: Frank McCabe Imperial College of Science and Technology Department of Computing Control 180 Queen's Gate London SW7 2BZ England U.K. DATED: 14 FEB 1983 NOTES: IC-PROLOG is NOT patterned after DEC-10 Prolog: its syntax is different, it has very different execution mechanisms and system predicates. It is a system to experiment with more flexible execution mechanisms, not a system to run large programs fast. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: MPROLOG VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: IBM VM/CMS, VAX-VMS, UNIX, M68000, IBM-PC FEATURES: Interpreter using program modules, interactive program editor, user-defined error handling, windowing, efficient garbage collection, interface to procedural languages and data-base managers, program development system AVAILABILITY: educational discount to colleges using MPROLOG in undergraduate programs COST: ? (write for info) STATUS: Active CONTACT: Ian McLachlan (phone: (617) 547-2393) Logicware Inc. 581 Boylston Street Suite 300 Boston, MA 02116 DATED: May 1984 NOTES: This is an enhanced version of the MPROLOG developed in Hungary from 1979-1983. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: MU-Prolog VERSION: 3.1 SOURCE/OS: C/UNIX on VAX-11/780, Perkin Elmer 3240, MC68000 FEATURES: Compatible with UNIX and DEC-10 Prologs. AVAILABILITY: Now. Write for details. COST: $100 (Australian) STATUS: In development CONTACT: Lee Naish (USENET: decvax!mulga!lee) Department of Computer Science University of Melbourne Parkville, Victoria 3052 Australia DATED: December 1983 NOTES: Extra control facilities enable coroutining. Three forms of negation, which are delayed if the predicates are insufficiently instantiated, etc. "Next year we will probably release the data base version, which allows large collections of ground unit clauses to be stored in hash addressed files." -- Lee Naish --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: POPLOG VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: POP-2 and Vax Assembly/VMS FEATURES: Interpreter AVAILABILITY: ? COST: ? STATUS: ? CONTACT: University of Sussex DATED: ? NOTES: Reported to be running on a Z8000 system also. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Pascal Prolog VERSION: ? SOURCE: Pascal FEATURES: Marseilles syntax, very limited set of evaluable predicates (arithmetic, output, bagof). Tail recursion + some intelligent backtracking. AVAILABILITY: For research purposes only COST: $70 handling charge STATUS: Probably frozen. Very portable. CONTACT: Maurice Bruynooghe. Katolicke Universite de Leuven, Adfelung Toegepaste Wiskunde en Programmatic, B-3030 Heverlee, Belgium. Tel: (32) 16 200656 DATE: 14 FEB 1983 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: UNH Prolog VERSION: 1 SOURCE/OS: C/UNIX, (DEC C/VMS ?) FEATURES: Compatible with DEC-10/20 Prolog AVAILABILITY: Per machine license COST: $300 handling charge STATUS: Active CONTACT: James L. Weiner Department of Computer Science University of New Hampshire Durham, New Hampshire 03824 DATED: 3 December 1983 NOTES: Fully-compatible to EDINBURGH Prolog, with exception that some of the more obscure features are not implemented. Debugging features of EDINBURGH Prolog also implemented. Hooks into UNIX supported. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: UNSW Prolog VERSION: 4 SOURCE/OS: C/Unix V7,32V,5.0,4.1BSD FEATURES: Interpreter, enhanced UNIX interface Based on DEC-10 Prolog (not completely compatible) AVAILABILITY: Educational and research purposes only COST: $20 (send tape) STATUS: version 3 running for two years at UNSW version 4 recently completed CONTACT: Claude Sammut (USENET: ihnp4!uiucdcs!sammut) Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1304 West Springfield Avenue Urbana, Illinois, 61801 DATED: 4 February 1983 NOTES: Originally developed @ University of New South Wales (hence, the name) --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Unix Prolog VERSION: NU7 SOURCE/OS: PDP-11 Assembly/V6 or V7 Unix FEATURES: Interpreter, similar to DEC-10 version AVAILABILITY: Restricted License per machine COST: 20 pounds sterling (24 AUG 1981) STATUS: development stopped CONTACT: Robert Rae Department of Artificial Intelligence University of Edinburgh Forrest Hill Edinburgh EH1 2QL Scotland, U.K. DATED: 1 December 1982 NOTES: Uses copy-on-use data representation. Has been run in compatability mode on VAX's under 4.1 BSD, but is restricted by PDP-11 address space. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Waterloo Prolog VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: IBM 370 Assembler/? FEATURES: Fast Interpreter (structure sharing, enhanced memory mngt.) AVAILABILITY: single machine license for the system and documentation. COST: $500 US/year - academic, $1000 US/year - commercial ($500CDN/$1000CDN for Canadian customers). STATUS: ? CONTACT: Sandra Ward Department of Computing Services University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 CANADA DATED: 14 December 1982 NOTES: Very fast interpreter --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: York Prolog VERSION: ? SOURCE: Pascal FEATURES: Modelled after Edinburgh PDP-11 version. AVAILABILITY: To educational, research etc. COST: 100 pounds sterling. STATUS: Available now CONTACT: Ian Wand, Dept of Chemistry, University of York, York, England. DATE: 14 FEB 1983 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: VPI Prolog VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: Pascal, VAX with VMS. FEATURES: Uses list allocation (9 byte cons) and syntax, double precision reals. AVAILABILITY: Unrestricted. COST: $1000 STATUS: ? CONTACT: Prof. John Roach, Dept. of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va. (703) 961 5368 DATE: 14 FEB 1983 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
bts@mcnc.UUCP (Bruce Thomas Smith) (01/07/85)
This list of PROLOGs was collected by Randy Harr of CWRU and myself, from the USENET and ARPANET computer networks. The emphasis is on systems that are available to academic users. Please let me know of any additions or corrections to this list. Some of the entries are over a year old and are likely to be out of date. _____________________________ Bruce T. Smith, MCNC Microelectronics Center of North Carolina decvax!mcnc!bts (USENET) P.O. Box 12889, 3021 Cornwallis Road. bts.mcnc@CSnet-Relay (others) Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: ? Prolog VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: C/Unix V? FEATURES: Interpreter AVAILABILITY: ? COST: ? STATUS: ? CONTACT: Maurice Brynooghe Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Department Computerwetenschappen Celestijnenlaan 200A B-3030 Leuven-Heverlee Belgium DATED: March 1982 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Basser Prolog VERSION: 3 SOURCE/OS: C/Unix (V7, 4.?BSD & others) also VMS FEATURES: Fast Interpreter, Full interface to Unix, Dec-10 Debugging facilities, Real Arithmetic, Backtrackable I/O, Good Documentation (User Manual & Tutorial). AVAILABILITY: Educational license COST: A$300 (VMS version extra) STATUS: Running, some development & support CONTACT: Andrew Taylor (USENET: mulga!basser!andrewt) Department of Computer Science Sydney University Sydney, N.S.W. 2006 Australia DATED: May 1984 NOTES: Yet another prolog syntax. Most of the code is clean and readable. Generally similar to DEC-10 prolog. Basser Prolog has sufficient "features" to make it a reasonable programming environment and a useful tool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: C-Prolog VERSION: 1.5 SOURCE/OS: C/UNIX 4.1/2 BSD, C/VMS FEATURES: Interpreter, Prolog-10 compatibility, four port debugger AVAILABILITY: Academic and commercial licenses COST: 100 pounds, academic updates (if you have earlier version) 50 pounds STATUS: Frozen CONTACT: EdCAAD Department of Architecture University of Edinburgh 20 Chambers Street Edinburgh EH1 1GZ Scotland U.K. (or decvax!vax135!ukc!edcaad!margaret) DATED: July 1984 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Horne VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: Franz Lisp FEATURES: Lacks integers and control features of other Prologs AVAILABILITY: Anyone COST: Send a tape STATUS: ? CONTACT: James Allen (USENET: rochester!james) University of Rochester DATED: December 1982 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: LM-Prolog SOURCE/OS: ZetaLisp (LMI and Symbolics) FEATURES: Interpreter, Compiler which can unfold predicates, Microcode support, Worlds, Indexing, Lazy and eager collections, Constraints, Concurrent Prolog interpreter, Backtracking Turtle graphics, Interface to Lisp, Optional occur check, Optional cyclic structures, Mutable arrays, Full Lisp machine environment, DEC-10 Prolog compatibility package. AVAILABILITY: Commercial and non-commercial licenses. COST: $1500 non-commercial. STATUS: Supported. CONTACT: Elaine S. Donley, LMI 6033 West Century Blvd., suite 900 Los Angeles, CA 90045 USA DATED: December 1983 NOTES: The implementation has little in common with the system described in "Implementations of PROLOG" (ed. J.A. Campbell). --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: MProlog VERSION: 1.5 SOURCE/OS: CDL2 & Prolog; DEC VAX: VMS and UNIX (4.2 BSD); IBM: VM/CMS, MVS/TSO; IBM-PC: PC DOS; 68000 based UNIX Variations FEATURES: Interpreter; Program Development Environment - interactive editor, concurrent proof editing, trace facilities; User- defined error handling; Garbage collection; Over 250 built-in predicates; External routine interfaces; Modularity; Portability; Documentation and Education AVAILABILITY: Wide range: Commercial, Educational, per CPU, OEM distribution and run-time licences. COST: 200/month and up; Educational and OEM discounts. CONTACT: Logicware Inc. 5000 Birch Street, Suite 333 Newport Beach, CA 92660 714-476-3634 Or Logicware Inc. 1000 Finch W., Suite 600 Toronto, Canada M3J 2V5 416-665-0022 DATED: December 1984 NOTES: Compiler & Optimizer; Floating point available soon --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: MU-Prolog VERSION: 3.1 SOURCE/OS: C/UNIX on VAX-11/780, Perkin Elmer 3240, MC68000 FEATURES: Compatible with UNIX and DEC-10 Prologs. AVAILABILITY: Now. Write for details. COST: $100 (Australian) STATUS: In development CONTACT: Lee Naish (USENET: decvax!mulga!lee) Department of Computer Science University of Melbourne Parkville, Victoria 3052 Australia DATED: December 1983 NOTES: Extra control facilities enable coroutining. Three forms of negation, which are delayed if the predicates are insufficiently instantiated, etc. "Next year we will probably release the data base version, which allows large collections of ground unit clauses to be stored in hash addressed files." -- Lee Naish --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Pascal Prolog VERSION: ? SOURCE: Pascal FEATURES: Marseilles syntax, very limited set of evaluable predicates (arithmetic, output, bagof). Tail recursion + some intelligent backtracking. AVAILABILITY: For research purposes only COST: $70 handling charge STATUS: Probably frozen. Very portable. CONTACT: Maurice Bruynooghe. Katolicke Universite de Leuven, Adfelung Toegepaste Wiskunde en Programmatic, B-3030 Heverlee, Belgium. Tel: (32) 16 200656 DATED: February 1983 ------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: POPLOG VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: POP-2 and Vax Assembly/VMS FEATURES: Interpreter AVAILABILITY: ? COST: ? STATUS: ? CONTACT: University of Sussex DATED: ? NOTES: Reported to be running on a Z8000 system also. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Prolog-10 and Prolog-20 VERSION: 3.52 (Prolog-10), 1.5 (Prolog-20) SOURCE/OS: Prolog+Macro-10; TOPS-10 and TOPS-20 FEATURES: Compiler and interpreter AVAILABILITY: Academic and commercial licenses COST: ? STATUS: Stable, maintenance only CONTACT: Quintus Computer Systems 2345 Yale Street, Palo Alto, CA 94304 (415)494-3612 DATED: July 1984 NOTES: This version is vastly improved in comparison with the original Edinburgh system: an incremental compiler intergrated with the interpreter producing tail-recursion optimized code, an interactive debugger and execution stepper for interpreted code, many other goodies. The TOPS-20 version runs in native mode and has a number of improvements over the TOPS-10 one. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Quintus Prolog VERSION: 1.0 SOURCE/OS: 4.2 Unix on VAX and SUN, System V on CT Megaframe and VAX/VMS. FEATURES: incremental optimizing compiler with TRO and indexing; interpreter with full Prolog-10/20-type debugger; fancy Emacs interface with reconsulting/recompilation from editor buffers (Unipress Emacs license included); C interface. Speed: 23000 LIPS on a VAX-780, 20000 LIPS on a SUN-2. AVAILABILITY: Supported commercial license, academic and multiple CPU discounts. Delivery January 85, orders now. COST: varies with configuration STATUS: continuing development, fully supported CONTACT: Jonathan Newmann Quintus Computer Systems, Inc. 2345 Yale Street Palo Alto, CA 94304 (415)494-3612 DATED: November 1984 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: UNH Prolog VERSION: 1 SOURCE/OS: C/UNIX, (DEC C/VMS ?) FEATURES: Compatible with DEC-10/20 Prolog AVAILABILITY: Per machine license COST: $300 handling charge STATUS: Active CONTACT: James L. Weiner Department of Computer Science University of New Hampshire Durham, New Hampshire 03824 DATED: December 1983 NOTES: Fully-compatible to EDINBURGH Prolog, with exception that some of the more obscure features are not implemented. Debugging features of EDINBURGH Prolog also implemented. Hooks into UNIX supported. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: UNSW Prolog VERSION: 4 SOURCE/OS: C/Unix V7,32V,5.0,4.1BSD FEATURES: Interpreter, enhanced UNIX interface Based on DEC-10 Prolog (not completely compatible) AVAILABILITY: Educational and research purposes only COST: A$100 in Australia, US$150 elsewhere STATUS: version 3 running for two years at UNSW version 4 recently completed CONTACT: Claude Sammut (USENET: decvax!mulga!munnari!basser!elecvax!claude ) Department of Computer Science University of New South Wales P.O. Box 1 Kensington, N.S.W. 2033 Australia DATED: August 1984 NOTES: Developed at University of New South Wales. Do *not* write to the University of Illinois concerning UNSW Prolog! Do not send a tape when ordering UNSW Prolog. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Unix Prolog VERSION: NU7 SOURCE/OS: PDP-11 Assembly/V6 or V7 Unix FEATURES: Interpreter, similar to DEC-10 version AVAILABILITY: Restricted License per machine COST: 20 pounds sterling (24 AUG 1981) STATUS: development stopped CONTACT: Robert Rae Department of Artificial Intelligence University of Edinburgh Forrest Hill Edinburgh EH1 2QL Scotland, U.K. DATED: December 1982 NOTES: Uses copy-on-use data representation. Has been run in compatability mode on VAX's under 4.1 BSD, but is restricted by PDP-11 address space. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Waterloo Prolog VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: IBM 370 Assembler/? FEATURES: Fast Interpreter (structure sharing, enhanced memory mngt.) AVAILABILITY: single machine license for the system and documentation. COST: $500 US/year - academic, $1000 US/year - commercial ($500CDN/$1000CDN for Canadian customers). STATUS: ? CONTACT: Sandra Ward Department of Computing Services University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 CANADA DATED: December 1982 NOTES: Very fast interpreter --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: York Prolog VERSION: 2 SOURCE: Pascal FEATURES: Modelled after Edinburgh PDP-11 version. AVAILABILITY: To educational, research etc. COST: 200 pounds sterling. STATUS: Available now CONTACT: Ian Wand, Dept of Chemistry, University of York, York, England. DATED: December 1984 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: VPI Prolog VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: Pascal, VAX with VMS. FEATURES: Uses list allocation (9 byte cons) and syntax, double precision reals. AVAILABILITY: Unrestricted. COST: $1000 STATUS: ? CONTACT: Prof. John Roach, Dept. of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va. (703) 961 5368 DATED: February 1983 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
bts@mcnc.UUCP (Bruce T. Smith) (04/10/85)
This list of PROLOGs was collected by Randy Harr of CWRU and myself, mostly from the USENET and ARPANET computer networks. The emphasis is on systems that are available to academic users. Please let me know of any additions or corrections to this list. Some of the entries are over a year old and are likely to be out of date. _____________________________ Bruce T. Smith, MCNC Microelectronics Center of N.C. decvax!mcnc!bts (USENET) P.O. Box 12889, 3021 Cornwallis Rd. bts.mcnc@CSnet-Relay (others) Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: ? Prolog VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: C/Unix V? FEATURES: Interpreter AVAILABILITY: ? COST: ? CONTACT: Maurice Brynooghe Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Department Computerwetenschappen Celestijnenlaan 200A B-3030 Leuven-Heverlee Belgium DATED: March 1982 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Basser Prolog VERSION: 3 SOURCE/OS: C/Unix (V7, 4.?BSD & others) also VMS FEATURES: Fast Interpreter, Full interface to Unix, Dec-10 Debugging facilities, Real Arithmetic, Backtrackable I/O, Good Documentation (User Manual & Tutorial). AVAILABILITY: Educational license COST: A$300 (VMS version extra) STATUS: Running, some development & support CONTACT: Andrew Taylor (USENET: mulga!basser!andrewt) Department of Computer Science Sydney University Sydney, N.S.W. 2006 Australia DATED: May 1984 NOTES: Yet another prolog syntax. Most of the code is clean and readable. Generally similar to DEC-10 prolog. Basser Prolog has sufficient "features" to make it a reasonable programming environment and a useful tool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: C-Prolog VERSION: 1.5 SOURCE/OS: C/UNIX 4.1/2 BSD, C/VMS FEATURES: Interpreter, Prolog-10 compatibility, four port debugger AVAILABILITY: Academic and commercial licenses COST: 100 pounds, academic updates (if you have earlier version) 50 pounds STATUS: Frozen CONTACT: EdCAAD Department of Architecture University of Edinburgh 20 Chambers Street Edinburgh EH1 1GZ Scotland U.K. (or decvax!mcvax!ukc!edcaad!margaret) DATED: July 1984 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Horne VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: Franz Lisp FEATURES: Lacks integers and control features of other Prologs AVAILABILITY: Anyone COST: Send a tape CONTACT: James Allen (USENET: rochester!james) University of Rochester DATED: December 1982 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: LM-Prolog SOURCE/OS: ZetaLisp (LMI and Symbolics) FEATURES: Interpreter, Compiler which can unfold predicates, Microcode support, Worlds, Indexing, Lazy and eager collections, Constraints, Concurrent Prolog interpreter, Backtracking Turtle graphics, Interface to Lisp, Optional occur check, Optional cyclic structures, Mutable arrays, Full Lisp machine environment, DEC-10 Prolog compatibility package. AVAILABILITY: Commercial and non-commercial licenses. COST: $1500 non-commercial. STATUS: Supported. CONTACT: Elaine S. Donley, LMI 6033 West Century Blvd., suite 900 Los Angeles, CA 90045 USA DATED: December 1983 NOTES: The implementation has little in common with the system described in "Implementations of PROLOG" (ed. J.A. Campbell). --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: LPA Prolog, LPA Sigma-Prolog VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: MS-DOS, PC-DOS, CP/M, UNIX (VAX and 68000) FEATURES: ? AVAILABILITY: Commercial and educational COST: See March 1985 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal for price list. CONTACT: Programming Logic Systems 31 Crescent Drive Milford, CT 06460 (203) 877-7988 DATED: March 1985 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: MProlog VERSION: 1.5 SOURCE/OS: CDL2 & Prolog; DEC VAX: VMS and UNIX (4.2 BSD); IBM: VM/CMS, MVS/TSO; IBM-PC: PC DOS; 68000 based UNIX Variations FEATURES: Interpreter; Program Development Environment - interactive editor, concurrent proof editing, trace facilities; User- defined error handling; Garbage collection; Over 250 built-in predicates; External routine interfaces; Modularity; Portability; Documentation and Education AVAILABILITY: Wide range: Commercial, Educational, per CPU, OEM distribution and run-time licences. COST: Educational and OEM discounts available. CONTACT: Logicware Inc. 5000 Birch Street West Tower, Suite 3000 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 476-3634 Or Logicware Inc. 1000 Finch W., Suite 600 Toronto, Canada M3J 2V5 (416) 665-0022 DATED: March 1985 NOTES: Compiler & Optimizer; Floating point available soon. See ad in March 1985 Dr. Dobb's Journal for more information. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: MU-Prolog VERSION: 3.1db SOURCE/OS: C/UNIX on VAX-11/780, Perkin Elmer 3240, MC68000 FEATURES: Compatible with UNIX and DEC-10 Prologs. AVAILABILITY: Now. Write for details. COST: $200 (Australian) STATUS: In development CONTACT: Lee Naish (USENET: decvax!mulga!lee) Department of Computer Science University of Melbourne Parkville, Victoria 3052 Australia DATED: December 1983 NOTES: Extra control facilities enable coroutining. Three forms of negation, which are delayed if the predicates are insufficiently instantiated, etc. Version 3.1db includes database system. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Pascal Prolog VERSION: ? SOURCE: Pascal FEATURES: Marseilles syntax, very limited set of evaluable predicates (arithmetic, output, bagof). Tail recursion + some intelligent backtracking. AVAILABILITY: For research purposes only COST: $70 handling charge STATUS: Probably frozen. Very portable. CONTACT: Maurice Bruynooghe. Katolicke Universite de Leuven, Adfelung Toegepaste Wiskunde en Programmatic, B-3030 Heverlee, Belgium. Tel: (32) 16 200656 DATED: February 1983 ------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: POPLOG VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: VAX (VMS and UNIX), Sun II and HP9000/200 FEATURES: Combination of POP-11, Lisp and Prolog; Incremental compiler; routines written in C, fortran and Ada may be linked into POPLOG environment AVAILABILITY: Academic and commercial licenses COST: Educational discounts available. CONTACT: Systems Designers Software, Inc 5203 Leesbury Pike, Suite 1201 Falls Church, Virginia 22041 (703) 820-2700 DATED: March 1985 NOTES: June release will include Common Lisp. POPLOG is marketed under license from the university of Sussex. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Prolog-1 VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: assembly language on MS-DOS, CP/M, VAX, Macintosh FEATURES: ? AVAILABILITY: ? COST: ? CONTACT: Expert Systems International 1150 First Avenue King of Prussia, PA 19406 DATED: March 1985 NOTES: See March 1985 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Prolog-10 and Prolog-20 VERSION: 3.52 (Prolog-10), 1.5 (Prolog-20) SOURCE/OS: Prolog+Macro-10; TOPS-10 and TOPS-20 FEATURES: Compiler and interpreter AVAILABILITY: Academic and commercial licenses COST: ? STATUS: Stable, maintenance only CONTACT: Quintus Computer Systems 2345 Yale Street, Palo Alto, CA 94304 (415)494-3612 DATED: July 1984 NOTES: this version is vastly improved in comparison with the original Edinburgh system: an incremental compiler intergrated with the interpreter producing tail-recursion optimized code, an interactive debugger and execution stepper for interpreted code, many other goodies. The TOPS-20 version runs in native mode and has a number of improvements over the TOPS-10 one. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Prolog-86 VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: MS-DOS, PC-DOS, CPM-86 FEATURES: ? AVAILABILITY: ? COST: $125 CONTACT: Solution Systems 335-D Washington Street Norwell, MA 02061 (617) 659-1571 DATED: March 1985 NOTES: See March 1985 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Prolog-V VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: IBM PC & compatibles FEATURES: ? AVAILABILITY: ? COST: $69.95 CONTACT: Chalcedony Software 5580 La Jolla Blvd. Suite 126A La Jolla, CA 92037 (619) 483-8513 DATED: March 1985 NOTES: See March 1985 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Quintus Prolog VERSION: 1.0 SOURCE/OS: 4.2 Unix on VAX and SUN, System V on CT Megaframe and VAX/VMS. FEATURES: incremental optimizing compiler with TRO and indexing; interpreter with full Prolog-10/20-type debugger; fancy Emacs interface with reconsulting/recompilation from editor buffers (Unipress Emacs license included); C interface. Speed: 23000 LIPS on a VAX-780, 20000 LIPS on a SUN-2. AVAILABILITY: Supported commercial license, academic and multiple CPU discounts. Delivery January 85, orders now. COST: varies with configuration STATUS: continuing development, fully supported CONTACT: Jonathan Newmann Quintus Computer Systems, Inc. 2345 Yale Street Palo Alto, CA 94304 (415)494-3612 DATED: November 1984 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: UNH Prolog VERSION: 1 SOURCE/OS: C/UNIX, (DEC C/VMS ?) FEATURES: Compatible with DEC-10/20 Prolog AVAILABILITY: Per machine license COST: $300 handling charge STATUS: Active CONTACT: James L. Weiner Department of Computer Science University of New Hampshire Durham, New Hampshire 03824 DATED: December 1983 NOTES: Fully-compatible to EDINBURGH Prolog, with exception that some of the more obscure features are not implemented. Debugging features of EDINBURGH Prolog also implemented. Hooks into UNIX supported. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: UNSW Prolog VERSION: 4 SOURCE/OS: C/Unix V7,32V,5.0,4.1BSD FEATURES: Interpreter, enhanced UNIX interface Based on DEC-10 Prolog (not completely compatible) AVAILABILITY: Educational and research purposes only COST: A$100 in Australia, US$150 elsewhere STATUS: version 3 running for two years at UNSW version 4 recently completed CONTACT: Claude Sammut (USENET: decvax!mulga!munnari!basser!elecvax!claude ) Department of Computer Science University of New South Wales P.O. Box 1 Kensington, N.S.W. 2033 Australia DATED: August 1984 NOTES: Developed at University of New South Wales. Do *not* write to the University of Illinois concerning UNSW Prolog! Do not send a tape when ordering UNSW Prolog. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Unix Prolog VERSION: NU7 SOURCE/OS: PDP-11 Assembly/V6 or V7 Unix FEATURES: Interpreter, similar to DEC-10 version AVAILABILITY: Restricted License per machine COST: 20 pounds sterling (24 AUG 1981) STATUS: development stopped CONTACT: Robert Rae Department of Artificial Intelligence University of Edinburgh Forrest Hill Edinburgh EH1 2QL Scotland, U.K. DATED: December 1982 NOTES: Uses copy-on-use data representation. Has been run in compatability mode on VAX's under 4.1 BSD, but is restricted by PDP-11 address space. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Waterloo Prolog VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: IBM 370 Assembler/? FEATURES: Fast Interpreter (structure sharing, enhanced memory mngt.) AVAILABILITY: single machine license for the system and documentation. COST: $500 US/year - academic, $1000 US/year - commercial ($500CDN/$1000CDN for Canadian customers). CONTACT: Sandra Ward Department of Computing Services University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 CANADA DATED: December 1982 NOTES: Very fast interpreter --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: York Prolog VERSION: 2 SOURCE: Pascal FEATURES: Modelled after Edinburgh PDP-11 version. AVAILABILITY: To educational, research etc. COST: 200 pounds sterling. STATUS: Available now CONTACT: Ian Wand, Dept of Chemistry, University of York, York, England. DATED: December 1984 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: VPI Prolog VERSION: ? SOURCE/OS: Pascal, VAX with VMS. FEATURES: Uses list allocation (9 byte cons) and syntax, double precision reals. AVAILABILITY: Unrestricted. COST: $1000 CONTACT: Prof. John Roach, Dept. of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va. (703) 961 5368 DATED: February 1983 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------