[net.lang.prolog] PROLOG Digest V3 #18


From: Chuck Restivo (The Moderator) <PROLOG-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.ARPA>

PROLOG Digest            Friday, 12 Apr 1985       Volume 3 : Issue 18

Today's Topics:
                           Puzzles - Maps,
         Implementations - Searching & Denotational Semantics,
               & Cuts & Snips & Control & C-Prolog Ports,
                      LP-Library - Proceedings

Date: Tue, 9 Apr 85 21:44:49 pst
From: Allen VanGelder <AVG@Diablo>
Subject: Shapiro's coloring program

Shapiro's coloring program can be vastly improved in
efficiency by the not-not trick in "subset".  The
modified rules are shown below, but first I am showing
how to fix "map" to correct a typo in his original

The not-not in "subset" avoids blindly instantiating the
colors of adjacent countries.  Someone who can profile
might be interested in reporting performance (after the
typo is fixed) of both methods.  Two run-types should be
compared: (1) time to first solution; (2) time of all 120
solutions.  A space report would also be interesting.
The number of solutions can be reduced to 30 by adding
":- B=blue" to the clause for "map".

It is disturbing that one such "non-logical" trick can
deliver huge performance gains over correct "pure Prolog"

        |   a    |
        |b |c |d |
        |e  |f   |

is represented by the term:

map(    [country(a,A,[B,C,D]),
         country(d,D,[A,C,F]),          /* <---- fix  */

subset([C|Cs],Colours) :-
        \+ \+ remove(C,Colours,_),  /* <------- changed */


Date: Tue, 9 Apr 85 10:18:34 bst
From: William Clocksin <wfc%cl.cam@ucl-cs.arpa>
Subject: Map coloring

Ehud Shapiro's map colouring program reminds me of a
program I wrote a few months ago.  It performs greedy
gate assignment of digital circuits.  The representation
of circuits is similar to the representation of countries,
except that I use Prolog clause syntax instead of lists.
So, the simple half-subtractor looks like:

      half_sub(In1,In2,Diff,Borr) :-

The only difference between this and the countries is that
this can be nested to arbitrary depth.  For example, the
logic functions (actually relations) shown can be defined
in terms of CMOS transistors, if you like.  Anyway, the
main part of greedy gate assignment is about three lines
long, and looks similar to Shapiro's map colourer.

Another program, only slightly more complicated, finds
subcircuits isomorphic to some given ones, and rewrites
them into other subcircuits.  The experience, shared
with Shapiro's map colourer, is that variables are very
convenient for expressing adjacencies.


Date: Wed, 10 Apr 85 07:09:38 EST
From: cugini@NBS-VMS
Subject: Finding Best Solution

In any situation where no more is known about p(X),
other than that it generates all appropriate X's,
in particular, where the order of generation is
unrelated to the cost, then clearly (?) the best
algorithm is proportional to the size of the set {p(X)}.
A simple linear procedural solution is:

low-cost := infinity
set-of-best := null
for all X s.t. P(X)
    if cost(X) < low-cost then
       set-of-best := {X}
       low-cost := cost(X)
       if cost(X) = low-cost then
          set-of-best := set-of-best + {X}
end for

Is there any motivation for doing this in Prolog other
than fun?

A related issue is the usefulness of such a generic
solution.  As mentioned, I don't see how it could be
better than linear relative to the size of the candidate
set, {p(X)}, in the absence of other information about
the way the solutions are ordered or constructed. Notice
that in the case of the shortest-path problem for graphs,
this approach quickly becomes unrealistic - it means
generating *all* paths between the two specified vertices,
and choosing the shortest of these.  The number of paths
is (I think) something like: avg-degree-of-graph
** number-of-vertices.  The realistic algorithm involves
building a kind of balanced tree outward from one of the
nodes (balanced in the sense that all the reached nodes
are at least as close to the origin node as any of the
unreached, i.e. all partial paths built are optimal) until
the other is reached.  This ensures that the first path
found is an optimal one - the other sub-optimal paths are
never explicitly generated and examined. This algorithm
runs, I think in O(number-of-vertices ** 2).

The point here is that for "large" search spaces, one
would almost surely need/want to take advantage of
domain-specific knowledge in order to prune the search.

-- John Cugini


Date: Tue, 9 Apr 85 13:12:11 pst
From: Allen VanGelder <AVG@Diablo>
Subject: Searching

One straightforward solution to Hilfinger's problem is:

best(X) :- p(X), cost(X, N), \+ (p(Y), cost(Y, M), M < N).

This satisfies his criteria, I guess, but is certainly not
very efficient compared to:

best(X) :-
        bagof(c(Y, M), (p(Y), cost(Y, M), Cs),
        mincost(Cs, N),
        member(c(X, N), Cs).

where mincost has an obvious definition and succeeds
exactly once, and member has the usual definition.

The stigma attached to bagof and findall is misguided in my
opinion.  There are many common operations that are known
not to be expressible AT ALL by first-order operations.
Counting is the canonical example. (*) Others, like this
example are an order of magnitude more efficient with
setof, bagof, or findall.  Why use a grossly inefficient
method like the first rule given?

* Actually it is possible to count how many times p(X)
succeeds by a tortuous first-order program by using the
fact that Prolog supplies a built-in predicate that orders
all terms.  Don't ask me for details; look in the
literature.  Immerman in STOC 82 is a starting place.


Date: Tue 9 Apr 85 17:23:32-MST
From: Uday Reddy <U-REDDY@UTAH-20.ARPA>
Subject: Semantics - Initial models

Oops!  I should have qualified my statement about
combinatorial complexity of equality in initial
model-based languages.  That is necessary only if the
implementation wants to deal with nontermination.  Most
implementations of initial model-based languages get
around the problem by assuming that the programs are
strongly terminating (all reduction sequences are
finite).  The implementations then disagree with the
initial model for the nonterminating case.  Note that
if-then-else has to be a lazy function and so violates
the assumption of strong termination.  Special treatment
is required to deal with conditional equations.  The
domain-theoretic least model corresponds to an efficient
implementation even for the nonterminating case.

We are really comparing theories with different
strengths here.  Initial models explain well general
equational programs of first order.  Domain theory is
used for fixed point equations of the form
        f = t(f).
These can be added syntactic sugar to get constructor-
based equational languages.  But, more general equations
(e.g. associativity that Goguen pointed earlier) cannot
be dealt with.  On the positive side, domain theory can
easily deal with lazy and higher order functions.
Evidently, there are good research problems here in
bringing the two theories together.

Let me also add that this has no relevance to Horn
clause languages without equality (e.g. Prolog) for
which initial models and least models are the same.

-- Uday Reddy


Date: 3 Apr 85 01:19:37 GMT
From: (David Powers) decvax!mulga!elecvax.oz!DavidP@Berkeley
Subject: "soft" cuts

Coming in on a response to a query I missed concerning
"soft" cuts:

I added such a construct to UNSW PROLOG in 1982 - it is a
very simple change, related closely to traditional cut.  I
used the symbol "#", hash, and the term "half cut".  An
example of its use compared with alternative ways of
achieving the same end is given in Chapter 5, pp19-28 of

UNSW DCS Technical Report 8313, D.M.W.Powers and G.B.McMahon,
"A Compendium of Interesting PROLOG programs" (December 1983).

The advantage of half cut is that it allows obtaining all
solutions, if any exist, and execution of an alternative
strategy or error routine otherwise.  I have not found any
markedly different application. My original application was
natural language parsing/learning.

This half cut cannot be simulated with Horn + cut
(without assert/bagof/...), but the other half -
commit to current track within clause but not to
current clause - can be simulated with cut alone.

I am happy to look out the specific mods to UNSW
PROLOG for those who request them.

-- David M. W. Powers


Date: 10 Apr 1985 11:57-EST
From: Saumya Debray <debray%suny-sb.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>
Subject: snips; cut on the WPE; static control of backtracking

Keith Hughes reported a construct, "snip", which
permits more flexible cutting.  We've used something
similar in our implementation of D H D Warren's
Abstract Prolog Machine last summer.  Our idea
(originating with David S. Warren here at Stony
Brook) is to introduce system built-in predicates,
savecp(X), cutto(X) and cutout(X).  These are
low-level primitives unavailable to the user (we don't
trust him, as you can see :-)), and are introduced by
our compiler.  They work as follows: savecp(X) stores
the address of the current choice point in X; cutto(X)
makes the current choice point to be the same as that
stored in X; and cutout(X) zaps the choice point in X
to nil.

With this, Hughes' snipped clause

   p :- q1, q2, [!, q3, q4, !], q5.

is equivalent to the clause

   p :- q1, q2, savecp(X), q3, q4, cutto(X), q5.

where X is a variable that doesn't occur anywhere
except in the savecp/cutto pair.  An ordinary cut is
translated as follows:

   p(X_1, ..., X_n) :- q1, !, q2.

is transformed to

   p(X_1, ..., X_n) :-
        savecp(X_n+1), p1(X_1, ..., X_n, X_n+1).

   p1(X_1, ..., X_n, X_n+1) :- q1, cutto(X_n+1), q2.

where p1 is a new predicate, and X_n+1 a new variable.
Our register allocation algorithms eliminate
practically all the overhead that might be expected
with the extra call.

Things get a little more interesting when these
primitives are used for static pruning of Prolog's
search tree (runtime intelligent backtracking incurs
such tremendous overhead that it often isn't worth
it).  The idea is to isolate independent goals via
compile-time analysis and use our primitives to
control backtracking: e.g.  with

        p(X,Y,Z) :- q(X), r(Y), s(X,Z).

if it can be shown that the goals r and s will never
share a variable at runtime, then this can be
transformed by the compiler to

   p(X,Y,Z) :- q(X), savecp(V1), r(Y),
               ((savecp(V2), s(X,Z), cutout(V2)) ;
                (cutto(V1), fail)

Here, the goal "savecp(V2)" stores the choice point
for the disjunction (';').  If execution succeeds past
"s(X,Z)", then the "cutout(V2)" zaps the choice point
for the disjunction; then, if execution ever
backtracks to this point, the other disjunctive branch
("cutto(V1),fail") is not executed, and execution can
backtrack to the goal "r(Y)".  On the other hand, if
the goal "s(X,Z)" fails, then the other branch of the
disjunction is executed, the current choice point reset
to V1 (which is before the call to r), and the "fail"
then causes execution to backtrack to "q(X)", rather
than to "r(Y)".  This is similar to D.H.D.  Warren's
independent-subgoal-processing in Chat-80, except that
the analysis is a lot more complicated because of the
possibility of partially instantiated structures.

There are logically correct programs which do not
terminate with Prolog's naive backtracking strategy,
as the following example (due to Jieh Hsiang) shows:

   between(X,Y,Z) :-
        int(X), int(Y), int(Z), gt(X,Y), gt(Z,X).

   int(X+1) :- int(X).

   gt(X,Y) :- X1 is X, Y1 is Y, X1 > Y1.

   :- between(0,0+1,Z).

However, the goals "int(Z)" and "gt(X,Y)" in the
definition of between/3 are independent, and, when
transformed as above, behaves correctly.

In general, our strategy does not detect all possible
intelligent backtrack points.  However, the fact that
the analysis is all done statically means that the
runtime overhead is practically nonexistent.

- Saumya Debray
  SUNY at Stony Brook


Date: 11 Apr 85 23:37:18 +1000 (Thu)
From: decvax!mulga!mungunni.oz!lee@Berkeley
Subject: Control

I think this is rather unfair.  If you change a goto
in a FORTRAN program, the chances are, you will get
a different answer out of it.  In (pure) PROLOG, if
you change the computation rule, the answer(s) remain
the same, since SLD resolution is complete(*).  There
really should be more distinction between forms of
"control" which can affect answers (like cut) and those
which cant (like wait declarations and freeze).  Uday's
points are only valid for the former category.

(*) Of course, many people have pointed out that PROLOG
is *not* complete, since it uses a depth first search
strategy.  However, it does have a weaker form of

if the query evaluation terminates then all solutions
are guaranteed to have been found.

This is all that is needed in most applications.  Its
important that your logic programming system can tell
you when it has found all solutions (if any) to your
query, rather than looping indefinitely.  No system
can prevent all infinite loops, so we must rely on people
to write programs which terminate and so the weaker form
of completeness is OK.

-- Lee Naish


Date: Mon, 8 Apr 85 15:14 EST
From: Mark Beutnagel <Beutnagel%upenn.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>
Subject: C-Prolog Port Notes

C-Prolog port notes

University of Pennsylvania
HP 9000 Series 200 workstation
HP-UX 2.1 operating system
Mark Beutnagel, Spring 1985

1. Version 1.5 copied from Vax (unix) to HP via Kermit;
   the C-Prolog source directory and the pl subdirectory
   are needed.

2. Include file sys/types.h contained a typedef Unsigned
   which conflicted with the macro Unsigned used by
   C-Prolog. A clean copy of types.h was placed in the
   C-Prolog directory and sysbits.c (~line 35) was changed
   to use the local types.h.

3. Changes to the makefile:
   a. -Dunix added compile flags
   b. float type = IEEE
   c. EOF = null entry (not AsDEC10)

4. Check location and name of the startup file; change
   in the makefile (or in parms.c) if not suitable.

5. The error message "Not a typewriter" appears when
   states are 'saved', but restored states >>seem<< to work
   anyway.  This could be a bug in HP-UX.  It probably
   results from some piece of ioctl wanting a screen but
   sent to the state file.


Date: 11 Apr 85 10:03:32 +1000 (Thu)
From: Isaac Balbin <munnari!mungunni.oz!isaac@seismo.ARPA>
Subject: C-Prolog Ports

In case anyone is interested I have done ports of 1.4d
(plus extra fixes from Richard O'Keefe) - I am unsure how
this differs with 1.5 - to

(1) a Perkin Elmer 3240 running (almost) Unix 4.2BSD,
(2) an ELXSI System 6400 (64 bit super-computer)
    this is a SysV port of Unix to a multi processor, which
    during the Beta Test period ran only ~ 2.3 times the speed
    of a Vax 11/780 (4.2BSD).
(3) A Pyramid 90x which ran at ~ 1.3 times the Vax 11/780.

Note my timings were done using the standard (but
controversial) nrev.  The fixes usually had to do with bit
twiddling and masking. Some nice tricks involving double
casts were used. I expect they will at least also be
necessary for 1.5. If anyone wants details please mail me.
As for trouble with the 68000 Port regarding the 'not a
typewriter' message, I vaguely remember the same problem
with 1.4d running on 4.2 and solving it in sysbits.c by
changing the 'fancy' IsaTty assignment back to

                IsaTty = isatty(fileno(stdin));

because isaTty *does* work (at least now, with pipes etc).

PS: If anyone at Edcaad is listening could you send us a
    tape of 1.5?

-- Isaac


Date: 11 Apr 85  1225 PST
From: Yoni Malachi <YM@SU-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Lisp conferences proceedings

[from SIGACT News]

ACM SIGPLAN has republished the conference proceeding of
previous Lisp conferences.

                  Order No.   Members  Others

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1982 Lisp Conf.    552820       $18     $26
1984 Lisp Conf.    552840       $20     $27

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        ACM Order Dept.
        P.O.Box 64145
        Baltimore, MD 21264


End of PROLOG Digest