From: Chuck Restivo (The Moderator) <PROLOG-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.ARPA> PROLOG Digest Tuesday, 7 May 1985 Volume 3 : Issue 22 Today's Topics: Implementation - CP, LP Library - Abstracts ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun 5 May 85 19:31:35-EDT From: Vijay <Vijay.Saraswat@CMU-CS-C.ARPA> Subject: The !-annotation revisited. #1] Some time ago in these channels I had defined a read-only annotation '!' which was meant to replace Concurrent Prolog's '?', which I felt had a messy and unjustifiable semantics. In the last issue, "" mentions a '+' annotation, but I fail tosee how it is different from '!'. To make matters clear, here is a more thorough discussion of '!'. (Note that this is a substantially revised version of my previous submission.) In the following, "term" is used to refer to either an atom or a functional term. First, assume that unification of a compound term T1 against a compound term T2 is carried out by checking if T1 and T2 have the same functor and arity and then unifying their corresponding arguments in PARALLEL. The '!' annotation can only decorate instances of terms in the head of a clause. If a Term (variable OR constant OR compound term) T! occurs in the head of a clause, then unification T!-V, where V is a variable will suspend and remain suspended until V has been instantiated (to a constant or a possibly non-ground compound term), after which the unification T-V will be attempted. Like the `?', the `!' is not inherited by embedded terms, that is, it applies only to the term instance textually indicated in the program. However, if '!' annotates a term t1 inside a term t, then it must also annotate all sub-terms of t which contain t1 (including t). In fact, we will define an embedded occurrence of a '!' to be shorthand for just such a series of '!' annotations in the term. (The atom at the head of a clause is always !-annotated.) Note: 1. This restriction is necessary to prevent occurrences of unify(X, f(a!)) which doesn't make sense because you cannot require a sub-term to be present unless you also require the superior term to be present. 2. wait/1 in CP seems to achieve the suspension part of '!' but cannot be used to simulate it in CP-without-? without a control primtive to sequence goals. 3. A simple lazy sequential O(N^2) algorithm can implement !-unification correctly. (See next message in this Digest) Note: 1. unify(Y!, X!) can never occur. 2. unify(Y, Y!) can, and suspends till Y is instantiated. 3. There is no 'inheritance' of '!' via X!-Y unifications like there is for X?-Y. 4. The !-annotation can never 'occur' in any goal call at run-time. With '!' each CLAUSE decides what is to be INPUT to it. With '?' each CALL decided what would be input to that call. If all the clauses have the same pattern of input specifications, then the '!' annotations could be removed in favor of a mode-specification for the predicate. Since nested '!' annotations are allowed within a term, in general it is not possible to remove '!' annotations in favour of mode declarations. (Of course, every program annotated with the Dec-10 Prolog '+' (input) or '?' (dont-know) annotations can be rewritten using '!' annotations; hence '!' is more 'general'.) Examples: 1. merge/3. Equivalent mode: merge(+,+,?). merge([A|X]!, Y, [A|Z]):- merge(X, Y, Z). merge(X, [A|Y]!, [A|Z]):- merge(X, Y, Z). 2. plus/3. (No single equivalent mode declaration.) plus(X!, Y!, Z):- Z is X+Y. plus(X!, Y, Z!):- Y is Z-X. plus(X, Y!, Z!):- X is Z-Y. '!' is less powerful than '?' because it cannot be used to simulate 'var' and hence write a b-merge like program, even assuming strict-AND fairnes of the scheduler. Hence I would propose using '!' in conjunction with var/1. For var/1 I would propose some syntactic sugar: another annotation (^, say). Again, the ^-annotation can occur only in the clause-head, and annotates just the occurrence of the Term it is textually adjacent to. The unification Term^-X succeeds only if X is a variable and results in X being unified with Term. If X is not a variable, then Term^-X FAILS, though this must be regarded as a control failure. Term^-X NEVER suspends. Note that nested occurrences of ^ do not make sense. Examples: 1. "foo(foo^)^" is meaningless. 2. "foo(foo^)" will match any of the following terms: X, foo(X). 3. "foo(foo^)!" will match any of the following terms: foo(X). I feel I must also sound this note of warning. With the assumption of weak AND-fairness (which, roughly paraphrased says that every enabled goal will be reduced in a finite amount of time), var/1 (or ^) is enough to write a program which exhibits unbounded non-determinism. That is, the program always terminates, but for every natural number 'k' can produces as output y > k. Here it is: p(X):- p(X,Stop), stop(Stop). p(s(X), Stop^):- p(X,Stop). p(X, stop). stop(stop). (Note: this is not a CP program: its a 'pure' (save for ^) Horn logic program.) Without going into details suffice to say that the semantics of constructs which allow unbounded non-determinism can cause severe headaches because the limit of arbitrary chains may not exist. My personal feeling is that '^', or its equivalent, should be allowed in any language which purports to be a CONCURRENT language; of course as soon as we introduce '!' or '^' we are not talking of LOGIC languages any more. '!' cannot be (because it was not DESIGNED to be) used to export 'protected' variables. But the whole thesis here is that clauses should be forced to specify what their input is and hence the 'embedded channel' problem in Hellerstein and Shapiro, ISLP, 1984 can be taken care of by !-protecting at the consume site instead of ?-protecting at the produce site. '!' seems to cover the vast majority of uncontroversial uses of the `?' and is far simpler semantically. For example, it can be shown that once a goal previously blocked on '!' becomes unblocked, it remains unblocked through commit time. No proposal for '?' which does things like unify X with Y? to make X Y? in all its occurrences can do that. Finally, for a more formal treatment of the !-annotation, see next message. -- Vijay Saraswat. ------------------------------ Date: Sun 5 May 85 15:39:36-EDT From: Vijay <Vijay.Saraswat@CMU-CS-C.ARPA> Subject: Semantic of the !-annotation. #2 Here is a more formal discussion of the '!' annotation. Please see previous post for an informal motivation. It is taken from my forthcoming tech rep 'Problems with Concurrent Prolog'. There are a number of other alternate formal definitions. This semantics of '!' has been used to give two formal semantics to Concurrent Prolog programs. Please see succeeding messages. -- Vijay A. Saraswat The !-annotation. In this section, we will think of terms as trees, that is, as partial functions from the set of all possible paths (i.e. finite and infinite sequences of natural numbers) to a co-domain C +{\bot}, where C is the set of node-labels. If the function is not defined for a given argument, we will take its value to be \bot. Then terms are trees over the co-domain of function symbols and variables. We can now define ANNOTATIONS to be simply trees over the domain {tt}+ {\bot}, with the interpretation that the (node specified by the) path l is annotated by p iff p(l)=tt. However, we would also like to insist that if a term is annotated then all its super-terms are also annotated. Therefore, we require that if p(l)=tt, then so is p(l'), for all prefixes l' of l. [Ancestor condition] An annotation p is APPLICABLE to a term t iff for all l, t(l) is defined when p(l) is. We would now like to give the semantics of an annotated term. The annotations serve to restrict the set of terms with which the annotated term can unify. Consider a term s annotated by p and a term t. First we would like to express the notion of a most general unifier for s and t which ignores all the annotated nodes in s and the corresponding nodes in t, if they exist. The p-RESTRICTED MGU of two terms s and t, denoted by mgu_r(p,s,t), where p is an annotation applicable to s, is the most general substitution q such that p(l)# tt => (q(s))(l) = (q(t))(l). According to the intuitive meaning of !, we must ensure that all annotated terms unify against non-variable terms. This means that when unifying a term s against t, if there is a path l such that p(l)=tt and s(l)=s' and t(l)=t', we cannot proceed until and unless t' is instantiated. But if t' is instantiated, we can remove the annotation on s'. So we can find mgu-!(p,s,t) by unifying the terms in s which are not !-protected by p against the corresponding sub-terms of t, i.e. by computing mgu_r(p,s,t). If this leads to instantiating a variable in t which has a corresponding sub-term in s that is !-protected, then we can remove this annotation and start again. If mgu(s,t) exists, then the process terminates in success iff there are no more !-annotations left, and then mgu-!(p,s,t)= mgu(s,t) and in failure iff all nodes !-annotated by the current p in t are variables. Hence: An !-MGU of two terms s, t where p is an annotation applicable to s, is a substitution q_n such that there exists a sequence p=p_0, ... p_n=\bot such that for all l. p_{i+1}(l)=tt <-> p_i=tt & (q_i(s))(l) is a variable, where q_i=mgu_r(p_i, s, t) (p_n=\bot means that there are no nodes in p_n which have the value tt.) Note that mgu_r(\bot,s,t)=mgu(s,t). ------------------------------ Date: Sun 5 May 85 15:40:22-EDT From: Vijay <Vijay.Saraswat@CMU-CS-C.ARPA> Subject: A new commit: & #3 Now that we seem to have recovered from the discussions on the meaning of '?' in Concurrent Prolog, let me initiate a discussion on the role of '|'. In the following, by CP I mean CP with '!' and without '?'. The reason is that there doesn't exist (as yet) a consistent definition of '?' and I consider '!' to be a perfectly useful and simple substitute for '?'. The semantics of CP can be given by specifying which SLD-derivations are ADMISSIBLE, given a query and a CP-program. I contend that the reason CP is not a logic programming language is because it does not distinguish failed admissible SLD-derivations from admissible SLD-refutations. Because of its don't care non-determinism, committing can only be locally angelic, i.e it chooses values for its free variables such that its guard executes successfully, but its body may still fail for the chosen values. This means: 1. Validity of unannotated axioms is not sufficient for partial correctness: a given query wil assuredly succeed (or loop) ONLY if all finite admissible SLD-derivations are refutations, which is a very strong condition. 2. There can be no notion of negation-as-failure even with respect to admissible derivations. (i.e. at best we can hope that negation means that no admissible derivation for the query is a refutation... even that is not compatible with '|'.) 3. Many Horn logic axiom definitions cannot be used in CP. As an illustration, no version of the axioms: p(X,Y):- t(X,Y). p(X,Y):- t(X,Z), p(Z,Y). annotated with CP's annotations can be guaranteed to work correctly (i.e. compute the transitive closure of p/2) for an arbitrary (Horn) definition of p/2. (For example, consider the program: p(0,1). p(0,2). p(1,3). I. t(X!, Y!):- p(X,Y)| true. II. t(X!, Y!):- p(X,Z), t(Z,Y)|true. The query '?-t(0,3).' may fail because in II, p(X,Z) may commit to: p(0,2). ) There are two simple alternate interpretations for 'commit' which distinguish between successful and unsuccesful admissible derivations. 1. CP-amb or the '&' annotation: don't-know operator. (This corresponds to McCarthy's famous "amb" operator in the context of HLP.) Interpretes "commit" as "make global". It does not snip off other OR-siblings, but instead continues to follow them, allowing MULTIPLE commits of OR-siblings. Each commit is to a different copy of the rest of the environment. In effect whereas 'a:-g | b.' extends some admissible refutation of 'g' by an admissible refutation for 'b' to return ONE (selected from possibly many) refutation for 'a' (all this talk is modulo multiple environments), 'a:-g & b.' extends EVERY admissible refutation of 'g' by an admissible refutation for 'b' and returns ALL of them as refutations for 'a', thereby avoiding a local commitment to one refutation of 'a'. Therefore, an SLD-derivation ends in failure only if all admissible derivations are finite and failing, just as for Prolog. A completely formal description of & is given in my forthcoming tech rep 'An operational semantics for Concurrent Prolog'. 2.CP-backtrack or the '\' annotation. Interpretes "commit" as "make global and freeze other OR-brothers". Here ONE admissible SLD-derivation is followed until it terminates. If it terminates in success, nothing is done. Failure induces backtracking. For partial correctness, the exact backtracking scheme used is not important (chronological, dependency-directed), though of course pragmatically it is quite important, as long as it can be guaranteed that the system will not terminate in failure as long as even one admissible SLD-derivation path has not been pursued. That is, no FINITE SLD-derivation is admissible unless it is a refutation or else all admissible derivations are finite and failing. Lemma: Given a CP program and a query, the set of possible answers to a query is the same if the '|' is interpreted as 'commit', '&' or '\' uniformly in the program. That is, | and & are equivalent as far as the success semantics is concerned. The relationship between interpreting '|' as commit, '&' and '\' uniformly in a program is as follows: [CP] 1.i Execution of a query ALWAYS terminates IFF all admissible SLD-derivations are finite. 1.ii Execution may terminate in failure even if there is an admissible refutation. [CP-backtrack] 2.i As in 1.i. 2.ii Execution terminates in failure ONLY IF no admissible SLD-derivation is a refutation. If a query terminates in failure under CP-backtrack, it will always terminate in failure under CP. [CP-amb] 3.i Execution of a query always terminates IFF either there is an admissible SLD-refutation or all admissible SLD-derivations are finite. 3.ii As in 2.ii. Caveat: As in Prolog, allowing implicit search allows the user to write very inefficient programs. On the other hand, for whatever it is worth, much of Guy Steele's thesis work on constraints can be recast in such a logic framework. I would like to retain '|' much for the same reason that the '!' is used in Prolog: sometimes it helps to signal determinate situations and avoid redundant solutions. When mixing '&' and '|', executing a '|' does not affect any previous '&' that may have been executed: it just kills off any remaining OR-siblings. I leave you with the following example: (& represents the "amb-commit"). prod(X!,Y!,Z):- Z is X*Y | true. prod(X!, Y, Z!):- X =/= 0 | Y is Z/X. prod(X, Y!, Z!):- Y =/= 0 | X is Z/Y. prod(X, Y, Z!):- less(X,Z), less(Y, Z), Z := X*Y | true. Z := X!*Y! :- Z is X*Y. This can "solve" prod(X,X,16) to give X=4 provided that less/2 is assumed defined as if by the collection of clauses less(i#,j#):- true & true. for each value of i# and j# such that i# < j#, so that it serves as a generator. -- Vijay Saraswat ------------------------------ Date: Sun 5 May 85 15:41:48-EDT From: Vijay <Vijay.Saraswat@CMU-CS-C.ARPA> Subject: A meta-interpreter for CP[!,|,&] #4. Here is a simple meta-interpreter for CP[!,|,&] in CP[!,|,&]. Note that it is not possible to give as simple an interpreter for CP[!,|] in CP[!,|]. This interpreter can be extended to give an interpreter for CP[!,^,|,&] in CP[!,^,|,&]. We define a predicate cp/1 which takes as input a goal and solves it. The user-program is added in as clauses of the form: clause(Head:-Guard | Body):- true & true. or clause(Head:- Guard & Body):- true & true. where: 1. All instances of '!' in Head are replaced by '$', which will be regarded as a unary post-fix function symbol, 2. Guard and Body are sequences of goals of the form '{g_1, ..., g_n}'. In addition we also have the following axioms (which can be added automatically): For every functor f/n, (n>= 0) in the user-program, the axioms: f(X1,...Xn)! = f(Y1,...Yn)$:- X1 = Y1,...Y1=Yn | true. f(X1,...Xn)$ = f(Y1,...Yn)!:- X1 = Y1,...Y1=Yn | true. Then the interpreter is the following: X=X:- X =\= G$. unify(X!, Y):- X =Y | true. execute(G!):- clause((Goal :- Guard | Body)), unify(Goal, G), execute_all(Guard) | execute_all(Body). execute(G!):- clause((Goal :- Guard & Body)), unify(Goal, G), execute_all(Guard) & execute_all(Body). execute_all({One|Rest}!):- true | execute(One), execute_all(Rest). execute_all( true!):- true | true. There are two cheats involved in this simple interpreter: 1. The term {g_1, ... g_n} (analogous to Dec-10 Prolog's [g_1, ... g_n]) is actually shorthand for the term g_1@(g_2@... g_n)))..), where the @/2 operator is ASSOCIATIVE and COMMUTATIVE. Hence {g_1,... g_n} represents a SET (actually multi-set) of goals, rather than a list of goals, and when unified against {X_1,... X_m|X} succeeds if 1 <=m <=n, and unifies SOME m goals (not necessarily the FIRST m) from g_1 ... g_n with X_1 ... X_m and the set of the rest of them with X. We use sets instead of lists in order to avoid giving priority to goals that might textually occur first in the body of a clause; the same effect could be achieved by using some random selection function. So the first cheat is assuming that CP has a notion of associative-commutative unification built in. 2. Second, we cheat in using the binary predicate =/=, which has a weak form of var/1 built into it. Of course, given =/=, we can simulate =/=, so we still have a complete meta-interpreter. I do not know how to avoid using some such device and still get an elegant program. Possibly by representing user-program terms in a special fashion, one may define a var/1 for user-program terms, but it is sure to be messy. The reason one cannot write as simple an interpreter for CP[!,|] is that in CP[!,|] one cannot add the user-program as a list of clauses to the interpreter as we have done because then a call to clause(Head:-Guard|Body) would succeed at most once, selecting some clause/1 clause at random whereas we would like to select all clauses in parallel and execute their guards concurrently,i.e. we DON'T KNOW which clause we want. Hence we are forced to represent the program explicitly as an argument to the interpreter, as a list of clauses and that makes any meta-interpreter very messy. But of course using the & in the body of clause/1 clauses achieves just the desired effect. -- Vijay A. Saraswat ------------------------------ Date: Sun 5 May 85 15:42:29-EDT From: Vijay <Vijay.Saraswat@CMU-CS-C.ARPA> Subject: An operational semantics for CP. #5 Here is the abstract from a forthcoming tech rep "An operational semantics for Concurrent Prolog". -- Vijay A. Saraswat Abstract. In this paper we present a simple operational semantics for CP[!,|,&] using the notion of Plotkin-style labelled transition system, which we believe offers a simple, general framework for issues of concurrency in Horn logic programming. The space of configurations we work with naturally reflects the AND-OR process structure of an executing concurrent logic program. The problems solved in giving this semantics were the representation and manipulation of a distributed environment and the effect of two different kinds of commits: the don't care commit originally proposed in \ref{Cp} and the don't-know commit proposed in \ref{problems-cp}, together with their interactions. From the transition system, we extract various `meaning-functions' for a program. We show that with respect to one of these (the `success-semantics') a CP[!,&] is the same as the corresponding CP[!, |] program. Essentially the transition system is a formalisation of a derivability predicate in pure Horn logic, i.e. the semantics can be looked upon as the specification in pure Horn logic of a high-level interpreter for CP which represents precisely the sequence of computations possible for a given query and a given CP program. ------------------------------ Date: Sun 5 May 85 15:46:13-EDT From: Vijay <Vijay.Saraswat@CMU-CS-C.ARPA> Subject: A scenario semantics for CP. #6 Here is the abstract from my forthcoming CMU Tech report: "A scenario semantics for Concurrent Prolog". -- Vijay A. Saraswat Abstract: In this paper we present a simple bottom-up semantics for CP which captures the set of all possible answer-substitutions for a query, given a CP[!,|,&] program. The basic idea is to define a transformation analogous to T_p:I rightarrow I (which defines the semantics of a pure Horn logic program as lfp(T_p)). Because of CP's annotations, however, we cannot interprete processes as predicates over the underlying Herbrand base; we need more operational information. We define the notion of {it scenarios}, adapted from the semantics given in cite{brock} for non-deterministic data-flow languages, and give the success-semantics of a CP[!,|,&] program as lfp(S_p) of a transformation S_p:I_s rightarow I_s from sets of scenarios to sets of scenarios. ------------------------------ End of PROLOG Digest ********************