[net.lang.prolog] PROLOG Digest V3 #24


From: Chuck Restivo (The Moderator) <PROLOG-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.ARPA>

PROLOG Digest           Thursday, 23 May 1985      Volume 3 : Issue 24

Today's Topics:
            Query - Common Lisp Prologs & External calls,
                        Implementation - CP,
        Announcement - 1985 LP Symposium & Wiezmann Workshop

Date: Mon 20 May 85 13:07:48-EDT
From: Vijay <Vijay.Saraswat@CMU-CS-C.ARPA>
Subject: Common Lisp Prologs.

I am interested in finding out if there are any
commercially available Prolog programming
environments (compiler/interpreter/debugger/editor)
written in CommonLisp.

Also, I am interested in comments from anyone who has
worked with Symbolics Prolog (I am not referring to Ken
Kahn's implementation) with regard to speed.


-- Vijay.


Date: Mon, 20 May 85 14:06:59 pdt
From: Allen VanGelder <AVG@Diablo>
Subject: External calls

We are in a similar situation at Stanford, and
would appreciate copies of any code that does
external calls.

Thank you.


Date: Sun, 19 May 85 03:22:37 cdt
From: (Raghunath Ramakrishnan) Raghu@UT-sally.ARPA
Subject: The Annotation '%'

This is a continuation of the discussion of the read-only annotation
in CP. While the current definition (disallowing '?' in guards)
eliminates some of the ambiguities in the definition  of
'?', it is still difficult to undertand in programs because
it can be passed on at runtime, and further, the unification
is order-dependent.

The '%' annotation is an attempt to provide the same power (i.e. any
programming techniques in CP should be available) but with a semantic
that is static and independent of the order of unification.
The following is a definition and brief description of '%'.
A more complete description can be found in a forthcoming UT
Austin Tech Report. If anyone is interested in a copy,
please send me your address (Mail it to Raghu@UT-Sally.
Responses may be delayed since I'll be absent for about a month).

The clauses in a program are viewed as templates which can be used
to create processes. A call is a specification for a
required process and we attempt to create such a process by
matching the call with some clause head and satisfying the
corresponding guard.

The annotation '%' has the same semantics whether it
annotates a variable in a call or in a clause head. It is
a guarantee that the process in which it appears (it
may appear either in the call which specifies the required
process or a clause head being matched in an attempt to
spawn such a process) will not instantiate it to a
non-variable. In other words, such an instantiation
must be due to some other process (a sibling of the
call or a sibling of an ancestor), and this fact can be
used to make the process wait for input (which may in fact
decide the nature of this process since attempts to match
the call against a clause head may be  delayed until the
input is available). These semantics are guaranteed
regardless of the order of unification.

The unification rules are defined by this table:

  |                                  HEAD
  |         TERM            VAR            TERM%          VAR%
G |TERM Unify(GL,HD)    HD = Ref(GL)       Fail           Fail
O |
A |VAR  GL = Ref(HD)    HD = Ref(GL)       Fail           Fail
L |
  |TERM%    Fail            Fail       Unify(GL,HD)   HD = Ref(GL)
  |VAR%     Fail            Fail          Suspend     HD = Ref(GL)

Note that the '%' annotation is never passed on due to unification.
Also, like CP's read-only annotation, it is not inherited.
'%' annotations in the call are used when the corresponding
arguments in the target clause head are annotated, and thus
ensure that a clause is being used correctly (with respect
to its annotations).

The intended semantics for '%' can be achieved with these
rules only if some syntactic restrictions are met.  The
idea behind these restrictions is to prevent this process
from instantiating a %-annotated variable during the process
of matching the call against the head.  Compile time
checking can be used to enforce all these restrictions. We
summarise them below:

     1. Each variable occurrence in a clause head is unique.

     2. A %-annotated variable in a clause head is only used
         as a %-annotated variable throughout that clause.

     3. All superior terms of a %-annotated term or variable in
         a clause head are %-annotated. (Given the rule that only
         annotated variables or terms unify, this in
         effect requires superior terms of all annotated
         terms or variables - in both calls and clause
         heads - to be annotated.)

     4. Each %-annotated variable on the right hand side of a
         clause that does not appear in the clause head is:

        a. Used consistently in each call (ie. it is always
            %-annotated or always unannotated).
        b. Appears in at least one call without being annotated.

If a given program passes these checks, the unification algorithm
described above ensures the intended semantics. If a process
suspends, it is waiting for some other process to instantiate a
%-variable. Incidentally, 4.b above detects one obvious instance
where such a wait could be futile. The problems involved in detecting
such failures are the familiar starvation and deadlock problems of
traditional process models since we have eliminated the side effects
of unification which enable a process to unexpectedly 'feed' itself!

The only other way in which the annotations intrude (in the
sense that they sometimes lead to unexpected situations) is
that a call may fail because no clause head matching the
annotations is found. We view this as being in the same
class of errors as there not being a clause head with the
same functor as the call or the same number of arguments
since the annotations are as much a part of the static
description of a clause as the functor name or number of

The Programming Techniques Supported by '%'

The %-annotation supports all the programming techniques
that the read-only annotation in Concurrent Prolog does. It
does not allow us to create protected channel variables
(ie. specify that a process always expects to find  a
given argument to be a variable), and it is not intended
to do so. We note that the current definition of the
read-only annotion in CP, as opposed to  the original
definition, does not permit this either.

The unification algorithm described here will be
implemented shortly in Prolog, along with a compile-time
checking routine.

Several examples are included in a separate posting. These
discuss the decisions made in the definition of '%', the
syntactic restrictions required to guarantee its semantics,
and the programming techniques it supports.

-- Raghu


Date: Mon, 20 May 85 18:38:04 -0200
From: Ehud Shapiro  <Udi%Wisdom@WISCVM.ARPA>
Subject: Announcement

                The Second Weizmann Institute Workshop


              Logic Programming and Parallel Processing

                  The Weizmann Institute of Science

                            June 4-5, 1985

                        (preliminary program)

Tuesday, June 4:

Morning  Welcome

         The Flat Concurrnt Prolog compiler and system:
         A Status Report.
         Ehud Shapiro,  Weizmann Institute of Science

         ICOT's project: a trip report and critical evaluation.
         Marc Snir,  Hebrew University

         Adapting Warren's abstarct machine to Flat Concurrent
         Prolog. Avshalom Houri, Weizmann Institute of Science

         High Level Characteristics and Specification
         of a Logic Computer System.
         Toni Kusalik,  University of British Columbia


         MOS:  Unix on a multiprocessor.
         Amnon Barak, Hebrew University

         Quadtrees in Concurrent Prolog.
         Shimon Edelman, Weizmann Institute of Science

         Mats Carlson, Uppsala University

         Solution-stream based semantics for Prolog.
         Nissim Francez,  Technion, and
         Amir Pnueli, Weizmann Institute of Science

         Concurrent Prolog for VLSI design simulation
         David Veinbaum,  Tel Aviv University

Wednesday, June 4:

         Meta-interpreters for real, or the magic of
         partial evaluation.
         Ehud Shapiro,  Weizmann Institute of Science

         An FCP partial evaluator.
         Shmuel Safra,  Weizmann Institute of Science

         Ran Ginosar, Technion

         DARPA's strategic computing project.
         Robert Kahn, DARPA


         A Concurrent Prolog based region finding algorithm.
         Lisa Hellerstein,  UC Berkeley

         Compiling Or-parallelism into And-parallelism.
         Michael Codish, Weizmann Institute of Science

         Oded Shmueli,  Technion

         An abstract machine for Ueda's language of
         Guarded Horn Clauses.
         Jacob Levi, Weizmann Institute of Science


Date: 17 May 1985 11:54:34-PDT
From: Conery%UOregon@csnet-relay.arpa
Subject: 1985 Symposium

                        -- Preliminary Schedule --

                  -- 1985 Symposium on Logic Program --

For more information, contact:
        John Conery   (JC@UOregon.csnet)    503-686-4408
        Jacques Cohen (JC@Brandeis.csnet)   617-647-3370

MONDAY, July 15

Tutorials  (Two parallel sessions, 9:00 - 4:30)
           (Two more tutorials on Friday)

Expert Systems Using Prolog, Bob Kowalski, Imperial College
Parallel Logic Programming,  Gary Lindstrom, Univerity of Utah

8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.  Early Registration and Reception

TUESDAY, July 16, 1985

  8:00 a.m. -  9:00 a.m.  Registration

  9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.  KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Robert Kowalski,
                          Imperial College London, England

 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.  PARALLELISM
                          Semi-intelligent Backtracking of Prolog
                          Based on a Static Data Dependency
                          Analysis, Jung-Herng Chang and
                          Alvin M. Despain, University of California,

                          User-defined Parallel Control Strategies,
                          J. I. Glasgow, M. A. Jenkins, and C. D.
                          McCrosky,Queen's University, Canada

                          AND-parallelism with Intelligent
                          Backtracking for Annotated Logic
                          Programs, J. Maluszynski, Linkoping
                          University and P. Dembinski, Chalmbers
                          University of Technology, Sweden

12:30 p.m. -   2:00 p.m.  Lunch

 2:00 p.m. -   3:30 p.m.  EXTENSIONS

               An experiment in Programming with Full
               First-Order Logic, Zerkis D.
               Umigar and Vijay Pitchumani,
               Syracuse University

               A Meta-Level Extension of Prolog,
               Kenneth A. Bowen, Syracuse
               University, and Tobias Weinberg, Digital
               Equipment Corporation

               Logic Programming Cum Applicative
               Programming, Nachum Swjodershowitz and
               David Plaisted, University of
               Illinois at Urbana Champaign

  3:30 p.m. -  4:00 p.m.  Coffee Break

  4:00 p.m. -  5:30 p.m.  LANGUAGE ISSUES

               On the Treatment of Cuts in Prolog Source-Level
               Tools, R. A. O'Keefe, University of Edinburgh,
               United Kingdom

               All Solutions Predicates in Prolog, Lee Naish,
               University of Melbourne, Australia

               Unification-free Execution of Logic Programs,
               Jan Komorowski, Aiken Computation Laboratory,
               Harvard University and Jan Maluszynski,
               Linkoping University, Sweden

Wednesday, July 17, 1985

 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.  INVITED SPEAKER

               Dr. Herve Gallaire, European Computer Research
               Center, Munich, West Germany

10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.  Coffee break

11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.  CONCURRENT PROLOG

              Concurrent Prolog in a Multi-process Environment,
              Rosanna Lee and Randy Goebel, University of
              Waterloo, Canada

              A sequential Implementation of Concurrent Prolog
              Based on the Shallow Binding Scheme, Toshihiko
              Miyazaki, Akikazu Takeuchi and Takashi Chikayama,
              ICOT, Japan

12:30 p.m. -  2:00 p.m.  Lunch

 2:00 p.m. -  3:30 p.m.  SEMANTICS

              The Declarative Semantics of Logical Read-only
              Variables, G. Levi and C. Palamidessi,
              Universita'di Pisa, Italy

              Narrowing as the Operational Semantics of Functional
              Languages, Uday Reddy, University of Utah

              Towards an Algebra for Constructing Logic Programs,
              R.A. O'Keefe, University of Edinburgh, United

 3:30 p.m. -  4:00 p.m.  Coffee Break

 4:00 p.m. -  5:30 p.m.  IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES
              A Microcoded Unifier for Lisp Machine Prolog, Mats
              Carlssn, Uppsala University, Sweden

              SLOG: A Logic Programming Language Interpreter Based
              on Clausal Superposition and Rewriting, Laurent
              Fribourg, Laboratoires de Marcoussis, France

              A Real Time Garbage Collector for Prolog, Edwin
              Pittombils and Maurice Bruynooghe, K.U. Leuven,

Evening Banquet Speaker

              Dr. Maurice Wilkes, Digital Equipment Corporation

Thursday, July 19, 1985

 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.  THEORY

              recursive Unsolvability of Determinacy, Solvable
              Cases of Determinacy, and Their Applications to
              Prolog Optimization, Jajime Sawamura and Taku
              Takeshima, International Institute for Advanced
              Study of Social Information Science, Japan

              Graph-based Logic Programming Interpreters, Jean
              Gallier and Stan Raatz, University of Pennsylvania

              Surface Deduction: A Uniform Mechanism for Logic
              Programming, P. T. Cox and T. Pietrzykowski,
              Technical University of Nova Scotia, Canada

10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.  Coffee Break

11:00 a.m. -  1:00 p.m.  SPECIAL TOPICS

              Towards a Programming Environment for Large
              Prolog Programs, Jan Chomicki and Naftaly H.
              Minsky, Rutgers University

              Modular Logic Programming of Compilers, Harald
              Ganzinger and Michael Hanus, University Dortmund,
              West Germany

              An(other) Integration of Logic and Functional
              Programming, Amitabh Srivastava, Don Oxley and
              Aditya Srivastava, Central Research Laboratories,
              Texas Instruments, Inc.

              A Technique for Doing Lazy Evaluation in Logic,
              Sanjai Narain, Rand Corp.

FRIDAY July 19

Tutorials:  (Two concurrent sessions, 9:00 - 4:30)

"Concurrent Logic Programming Techniques",
Ehud Shapiro, Weizmann Institute

"Prolog and Software Engineering",
Susan Gerhart, Wang Institute.


End of PROLOG Digest